sample paragraph of my summer vacation

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay For Kids - Download Free PDF

I spent my summer vacation in a small village in the middle of nowhere. I stayed with my grandparents and had a great time. We went on long walks around the village and I discovered all sorts of interesting things about the people who live there.

The first day, we went for a walk around the village. It was hot and sunny, but we all enjoyed ourselves very much! We walked past a bakery, which smelled so good that we ended up buying some treats for later. The next place we went to was a barber’s shop where an old man cut our hair while telling us stories about his life in the village. He told me that he had lived there his whole life and would never leave because it was such a beautiful place!

In the evening, we sat on our porch together and played cards while eating ice cream—it was delicious! It was so nice sitting outside under the stars talking with family members while listening to crickets chirp in the background – it felt like we were back home again!


Last summer, I was on a family vacation in Australia. I went snorkeling. The coral reefs there were very colorful and beautiful. We also saw sea turtles and dolphins. It was a really fun trip!

sample paragraph of my summer vacation

Summer vacation is a great time to relax and unwind. Summer vacation is a great time to spend with family. Summer vacation is a great time to travel. Summer vacation is a great time to do something new. Summer vacation is a great time to do something old!

I hope to go on another vacation next year.

I am looking forward to going on another vacation next year. I hope to go on another vacation next year, too.

I will go on a vacation next year, and it will be awesome!


I had a great summer this year and I hope to have many more summers like it.

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