Romania Visa For Filipino In Dubai

If you are really looking for a Schengen visa, then you should get in touch with us immediately. We are the perfect solution to fulfill your dreams of traveling worldwide. In case you want to visit Romania, our Romania Visa For Filipino In Dubai is all what you need. On this basis, we have collected various exclusive features that will bring only the best results within no time limit.

A Romania visa allows you to travel to the country for business, tourism and other purposes. The Romanian consulate in Dubai issues special short term visas and residence permits for foreign nationals who are relocating to the country.

Starting February 2017, Filipinos who live and work in the UAE (either as an expat or as a student) will be able to enjoy visa-free entry to Romania for 90 days. For more details on how to make the most out of your 3-month stay in Romania, keep on reading!

Romania Visa For Filipino In Dubai

With a population of over 19 million inhabitants, Romania is a beautiful country located in southeastern Europe. The official name of the country is The Romanian People’s Republic. There are around 0 Filipinos found in Romania. Studies have shown that there are Filipinos working in Canada, Australia, South Korea, United Kingdom, and USA. But finding them in Romania is unlikely. Why should you travel to Romania? Aside from the beautiful weather, the magic is still alive here! Hunedoara Castle is one of the most amazing castles I’ve ever seen with its marvellous intarsia wood panels. Romanians are passionate people and they will show you their hospitality and kindness as you travel around the country discovering different cultures and traditions.

The Romanian Visa


IMPORTANT : Starting with 1st March 2021 the on-line visa application will be available .

The holders of Multiples entries SCHENGEN Visa, valid,  can  travel to Romania .

Poliomyelitis (POLIO) vaccination certificate is mandatory for the Nationalities as mention : Pakistan, Afganistan, Yemen, Malaysia. The vaccine / drops can be taken any Ministry of Health Clinics. The certificate is required, even you din’t travel to those countries recently or in a long period. 

Note: Regarding to Covid -19 travel conditions to Romania, the Consulate General of Romania in Dubai does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any consequences in conjunction with the information provided.

It is the sole responsibility of the Traveler to check with the airlines and ensure that entry requirements to Romania are met prior purchasing the ticket, and avoid potential consequences such as non-permission to check-in or denied boarding / offloading.  Requirements are subject to change without prior notice therefore Travelers are kindly requested to check the latest updates regularly.                                                                                   


Very important: the appointment for the consular services is free of charge, inclusive for visa.  You can get the appointment for the interview on-line by The third parties can not guarantee the appointments or the approval of the visa.

WE KINDLY ADVISE YOU,TO TAKE IN CONSIDERATION MINIMUM 1 MONTH AND HALF / maximum 3 MONTHS ,  FOR SHORT STAY VISA RELEASING AND 2 MONTH , MAXIMUM 3 MONTHS  for LONG STAY VISA RELEASING , ( validation for on-line application  , interview, processing in consulate, approval from Romanian Authorities.) Thank you !

After ON-LINE aplication , in 48 hours till 7days , you will receive an e-mail with the date of interview .

DURING summer and winter holidays, the appointment for interview, received by e-mail , by evisa  on-line aplication,  can be extended (up to 3/4- weeks), DEPENDING ON THE NUMBER OF APPLICANTS. The appointment  is generated by the on-line system ,  based on the number of previous applicants.  


The processing time of visa are considered from the day of the tax payment, interview and submission of original documents, by appointment through the online system

Annex 1 – List of countries whose nationals, holders of simple travel documents, must be in possession of a visa upon entry in the Romanian territory;

Annex 2 – List of countries whose nationals, owners of simple passports, are exempt from the requirement of a Romanian visa;

Annex 3 – List of countries whose nationals, holders of diplomatic passports, service passports, official passports and seamen’s books, are exempt from the requirement of a Romanian visa.


The processing time of visa are considered from the day of the tax payment, interview and submission of original documents, by appointment through the online system

I. The Romanian short-stay visa / 350 AED FEE ( CASH , FIX AMOUNT) 

1. The airport transit visa (marked A) – is compulsory for the nationals of states listed in Annex 1 (i.e. the states marked with **). The airport transit allows its owner to transit the international areas of one or more Member States’ airports.

Conditions: According to the provisions or article 14 (2) from the Community Code on Visas, when lodging an application for an airport transit visa, an applicant must provide the following supporting documents:

  • Proof regarding the continuation of the journey to the final destination, after the envisioned airport transit;
  • Information allowing the evaluation of the applicant’s intention not to enter the territory of the Member States.

2. The transit visa (marked B) – allows third-country nationals to transit the territory of Romania. This type of visa can be issued for one, two or multiple transits, provided that each transit period does not exceed 5 days.

Conditions:Proof of an existing visa for the state of destination and a travel ticket, valid to destination;  the driving license, the registration documents of the vehicle, as well as the green card bearing the personal details of the owner, the state of destination and the states to be transited, in the case of vehicle drivers.

3. The short-stay visa (marked C)

  • for tourism purposes (marked C/TU) – this type of short-stay visa is issued to third-country nationals who wish to travel to Romania for tourism.
  • for visiting purposes (marked C/VV) – this type of short-stay visa is issued to third-country nationals who wish to travel to Romania for private visits, upon invitation on behalf of Romanian citizens, or of third-country nationals, holders of a valid Romanian residence permit.
  • for business purposes (marked C/A) – this type of short-stay visa is issued to third-country nationals who wish to travel to Romania for economic or commercial purposes, for contracts or negotiations, for training local employees or checking the use and operation of goods acquired or sold under commercial and industrial co-operation contracts, as well as to third-country nationals who are or will become associates or shareholders of companies in Romania.
  • for cultural, scientific and humanitarian activities, as well as short-term medical treatment or any other activities that do not breach Romanian laws (marked C/ZA) – this type of short-stay visa is issued to third-country nationals who wish to travel to Romania, provided that their presence on the territory of Romania is justified.
  • for sports (marked C/SP) – this type of short-stay visa is issued to third-country nationals who wish to travel to Romania, for a limited period of time, in order to participate in sports competitions.
  • for mission (marked C/M) – this type of short-stay visa is issued to third-country nationals (and to their family members) who, for reasons related to their political, administrative or public positions, have to travel to Romania. This type of visa is issued to third-country nationals holding official positions in governments, public administrations or international organizations.
  • for transport (marked C/TR) – this type of short-stay visa isissued to third-country nationals who wish to travel to Romania, for short periods of time, in order to carry out professional activities related to freight and passenger transportation.


If you are a citizen of the following countries, a special procedure must be observed in order to secure a pre-approved invitation.

II. The Romanian long-stay visa / 520 AED FEE 

Exception : tax free for D/VF visa for reunification of family , foreigner married to a Romanian citizen

The Romanian long-stay visa is identified through one of the following symbols, depending on the activity that the third-country national will carry out on the territory of Romania:

  • for employment (marked D/AM), in accordance with art. 44 from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted to third-country nationals on the grounds of the work permit issued by the Romanian Immigration Office, in accordance with the legislation in force.
  • for other purposes (marked D/AS), in accordance with art. 49 from GEO 194/2002 modified – the sponsor holding a temporary residence permit valid for one year, an EU Blue Card, a permanent residence permit, or the sponsor who benefits from the refugee status or from subsidiary protection, may request family reunification in accordance with art. 46 from GEO 194/2002 modified. This visa is also granted to third country family members of a Romanian citizen.
  • for secondment (marked D/DT), in accordance with art. 44¹ from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted to third-country nationals on the grounds of the work permit for seconded workers,issued by the Romanian Immigration Office, according to the provisions of national legislation.The long-stay visa for secondment is also granted to third-country nationals employed by legal persons with headquarters in one of the member states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or Switzerland, seconded to Romania, who are in possession of a residence permit issued by that state, who can be assigned to or perform work-related activities for Romanian legal or natural persons without a work permit.
  • for family reunification (marked D/VF), in accordance with art. 46 from GEO 194/2002 modified.
  • for economic activities (marked D/AE), in accordance with art. 41 from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted to third-state nationals who will carry out economic activities independently or within family associations, in accordance with the provisions of the national legislation regarding the organization and development of economic activities by natural persons.
  • for studies (marked D/SD), in accordance with art. 45 from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted, upon request, to third-country nationals who wish to enter the territory of Romania as students, or to third-country nationals who partake in pupil-exchange programs.
  • for professional activities (marked D/AP), in accordance with art. 42 from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted to third-country nationals who are bound to carry out such activities in accordance with the special legislation regarding the conditions of exercise of the respective professions.
  • for commercial activities (marked D/AC), in accordance with art. 43 from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted, on the grounds of the prior endorsement of the Romanian Center for the Promotion of Foreign Investments,  to third-country nationals who are or will become shareholders or associates, in management and administration positions, within companies which have legal personality in Romania, which will begin an investment, according to the provisions of article 43 from GEO 194/2002, republished and amended by Law no. 157 from 11th July 2011 for the amendment and completion of national legislation on the regime of third-country nationals in Romania.
  • for religious activities (marked D/AR), in accordance with art. 47 from GEO 194/2002 modified.
  • for scientific research (marked D/CS), in accordance with art. 48 from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted to third-country nationals, on the grounds of a prior endorsement from the National Scientific Research Authority, as well as from the Romanian Immigration Office, upon request from research and development units and institutions.
  • for diplomatic service (marked DS), in accordance with art. 25 from GEO 194/2002 modified – is granted to holders of diplomatic and official passports members of a diplomatic or consular mission that stay in Romania for a longer period of time so as to perform an official duty. Dependants that accompany the officials during the entire mission are also eleigible for this type of visa.
  • Specific Rules Relating to Visa Applicants/Third-State Nationals who are Family Members of EU, EEA or Swiss Citizens
    In line with the provisions of Article 5(3) of Government Emergency Ordinance nº102/2005 republished, subsequently modified and completed, Romanian entry visas for third-state nationals who are family members of a citizen of the European Union (EU), of the European Economic Area (EEA) or of the Swiss Confederation (CH) are processed, upon demand, free of charge, as soon as possible and based on an accelerated procedure.
    It is not imperative for applicants who are the family members of an EU/EEA/CH citizen to settle an appointment in order to lodge a visa application. Applications may be lodged at the Diplomatic Missions/Consular Posts of Romania abroad, as soon as possible, during working hours.
    A visa application lodged by the family member of an EU/EEA/CH citizen should be accompanied only by the following supporting documents:
     application form (link to the online visa application form:…);
     valid passport;
     passport, or ID of the EU/EEA/CH citizen, in the original and copy, as well as, when the EU/EEA/CH citizen is already on the territory of Romania, the copy of the passport or their ID, as well as the copy of the document that attests to the residence of the EU/EEA/CH citizen on the territory of Romania, certified in accordance with the original by the General Inspectorate for Immigration of the Romanian Ministry of Interior;
     proof of family ties. (*) Please note that the term “Family members” refers to either of the qualities below:  the spouse;  direct descendants, irrespective of their nationality, who are under the age of 21 or are supported by the EU/EEA/CH citizen, as well as those of the spouse;  direct ascendants, irrespective of their nationality, who are dependants of the EU/EEA/CH citizen, as well as those of the spouse.
    Visa applicants who are family members of an EU/EEA/CH citizen are not required to fill-in the fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the visa application form.
    As an exception from the provisions of Article 5(3) of Government Emergency Ordinance no.102/2005 republished, subsequently modified and completed, third-state nationals who are family members of an EU/EEA/CH citizen are exempt from the visa requirement for Romania, should they cumulatively fulfil the following conditions:
     They accompany or join in Romania, the EU/EEA/CH citizen who exercises their right of residence on the territory of Romania;  They hold a valid document that attests their residence on the territory of another member state of the EU, as a family member of the citizen of the EU/EEA/CH that they accompany or join on the territory of Romania.

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