Retiree Visa In Thailand

It might seem strange to be looking into a Retiree’s Visa in Thailand, especially having never visited the country before. But once you get there and see the broad range of opportunities available, you’ll wonder why you had put it off for so long. Most newcomers feel like a fish out of water initially, but once you leave your comfort zone and feel the sand beneath your feet, there are many exciting things to do and places to explore.

A Retiree visa in Thailand is a visa issued to foreigners for retirement or employment reasons. It’s a popular alternative for retirees who wish to relocate to Thailand and benefit from the country’s pleasant and affordable lifestyle.

If you’re retired, perhaps you can qualify for Thailand’s Retiree Visa. If so, you’d be able to retire in Thailand and live anywhere in the country of your choice. The Retiree Visa is a great way for someone to start exploring their options for retirement abroad.

Thai Retirement Visa

A Thai retirement visa is available for foreign nationals over 50 years of age who wish to retire in Thailand. This visa can be applied for in Thailand or while overseas, at a Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate. When applied for within Thailand it is officially known as a Non-Immigrant O-Long Stay Visa. When applied for outside of Thailand it is known as a Non-Immigrant OA-Long Stay Visa.

Retiree Visa In Thailand

A Thai retirement visa will allow you to stay in Thailand for a period of 1 year (12 months), and it can be renewed annually. There are no limitations on the amount of times you can renew a Thai retirement visa as long as you continue to meet all the visa requirements.

This visa can be applied for as a single or multiple entry visa.


To apply for this visa you must be 50 years of age or older.

You must meet at least one of the following:

  • Have at least 800,000 Thai baht in a Thai Bank account which is in your name. This money must have been cleared in the account at least 2 months prior to making your application.
  • Or, have a monthly income or pension of at least 65,000 Thai baht.
  • Or, have an annual income, pension, and money in a Thai bank, which come to a combined total of at least 800,000 Thai Baht.

Important: A Thai retirement visa does not allow you to work in Thailand.

Proof needed

To prove that you have sufficient funds in a Thai bank account you must provide the following documentation:

  • Incase of Security deposit, an updated passbook/bank book which is in your name and from a recognized Thai bank. A letter from the bank clearly stating that at least 800,000 baht was deposited in your account from an overseas source, and has been cleared at least 2 months prior to the date of your retirement visa application.
  • Incase of Income, provide a 12-month bank statement showing a regular monthly deposit of 65,000 Thai Baht into a Thai bank account and a certified bankletter by your Embassy in Thailand

While it is not common procedure, in some cases you may be required to provide the following:

  • Police clearance
  • Medical certificate

How to apply

You can apply for a Thai retirement visa within Thailand or in a country you are a resident in. It is extremely important that you supply all the above mentioned required documents in full when making your application, as well as the relevant visa application form.

When applying for a Thai retirement visa within Thailand (Non-Immigrant O-Long Stay Visa):

  • You must start the application process by applying for a 90-day non-immigrant visa from a Thai embassy or consulate outside of Thailand, after which you can make an application for a retirement visa in Thailand (you cannot apply for a Thai retirement visa while in Thailand on a 30 day entry stamp or Tourist Visa).
  • You must then be in Thailand for at least 60 days (or within the last 30 days of your current visa stamp expiry) before submitting your retirement visa application at an immigration office.
  • You will also be required to provide proof of address in Thailand which can be done by providing a rental agreement or utility bill displaying your name.

When applying for a Thai retirement visa outside of Thailand (Non-Immigrant OA-Long Stay Visa):

  • You must submit all the required documents, supporting material, and a completed application form to a Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate within which you are currently resident.

It is important to note that not all Thai Embassies and Consulates are able to supply Thai retirement visas, so it is important to check before making your application.

Important information

Visa Renewal

It is important to note that renewal of a Thai retirement visa is subject to the same requirements as when applying for the visa for the first time. In addition to this any proof of funds in your Thai bank account must have been deposited and cleared at least 3 months prior to your visa renewal application date.

As well as providing proof of your current income and bank balance you will also be required to supply the following additional documents:

  • A completed TM7 form. (You can download this TM.7 Form from our website)
  • Your passport.
  • Two passport sized photos (4 x 6 cm).
  • Copies of your passport and the relevant pages.
  • A copy of your bank book or passbook.
  • A letter from your Thai bank confirming the status of your account.

The current fee for Thai retirement visa renewal is 1,900 Baht (non-refundable)

90-day Reporting

Holders of a Thai retirement visa must report their current address to a Thai immigration office every 90 days. This can be done three ways:

  • In person at a Thai immigration office
  • By mail
  • Through an agent who has the Power of Attorney to report your status

If you are not in Thailand on the date your 90-day reporting is due, you do not need to report your status, your 90-day reporting will begin again from day one on the day you re-enter Thailand.

Re-entry Permit

You may leave Thailand at any time, but you must first obtain a re-entry permit. A re-entry permit can be requested at any Thai immigration office or at an international airport in Thailand. If you leave Thailand without first obtaining a re-entry permit, you risk losing your visa when you re-enter the country.

Importing Household Effects

It’s important to note that when importing personal effects to Thailand, retirees remain subject to duty and customs fees, as according to the Thai Customs Bureau.

Immigration Bangkok Tips

If there is the possibility that you will need to leave Thailand several times during your retirement visa period it is advised to apply for a multiple entry visa.

90-day reporting can actually be done up to 14 days prior or 7 days after your reporting date. But be careful, the fine for being late is up to 2000 baht, and if you are arrested you will face a fine of up to 4000 baht and possible jail time.

Renewing you retirement visa does not change your 90-day reporting date.

The safest way to complete your 90-day reporting is to do so in person at least 2 or 3 days before your due date.

Click here for our Visa Companies section – these companies can help you with any Thailand Retirement Visa issues you may have.

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