Resident Visa For New Zealand

To be able to live in another country, and even marry their residents, a foreigner has to meet certain requirements and have a New Zealand resident visa. A significant number of New Zealand visas are issued each year. That is why to live here one should start his or her resident visa application process early. The visa process can take several months, so there’s no time to lose. Applying for a resident visa for New Zealand isn’t an easy task: a lot of documents and paperwork are required as well as patience and a couple of visits to an immigration office both in your country of residence and in New Zealand itself.

New Zealand is deemed as one of the most beautiful nations in the world. It is inhabited by people from multiple races and nationalities. To make New Zealand a visit worthy destination, you will require a Resident Visa New Zealand. The booming real estate industry in New Zealand has led to an increased demand for property owners in the country. And, with the increase in number of people buying properties, the requirement of a resident visa New Zealand is also on the rise in order to make sure that one does not leave their country after enjoying time spent within it’s boundaries.

Eligibility:- Having a current visa of any type (work/business) OR having NZ work rights- Arrange a suitable place for living in New Zealand- Have found a suitable job in New Zealand

Resident Visa For New Zealand

None of the Immigration New Zealand’s requirements is unique to New Zealand. However, they must be completed in a special way and within a specific time-frame. The process will seem overwhelming because of the volume and complexity of information. When you get through it, though, you’ll see that it was not that difficult to do (and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise).

Requirements of New Zealand residence by investment

The Investor 1 and Investor 2 resident visa programs allow applicants to live, work, and study in New Zealand. Applicants can include their spouse and dependent children aged 24 years and younger in their applications.

Investor 1 resident visa

  • An applicant must invest NZD 10 million in New Zealand over a three-year period in order to apply for New Zealand residence under this program.
  • There is no maximum age limit, no language requirement, and no business experience requirement.

Investor 2 resident visa

  • This visa is applicable to experienced businesspeople aged 65 years or younger, who have a minimum of NZD 3 million in available funds or assets. A points-based system is used to assess eligibility.
  • Applicants must invest at least NZD 3 million in an acceptable investment in New Zealand, to be held for four years.
  • Applicants are required to have an English-speaking background or an International English Language Testing System test report with an overall band score of three or more, or they should be competent users of English.

Acceptable investments

An acceptable investment is:

  • Investments that are capable of a commercial return
  • Not for the personal use of the applicant(s)
  • Invested in New Zealand in a NZD amount
  • Invested in lawful enterprises or managed funds
  • One that has the potential to contribute to the economy

Acceptable investments include:

  • Bonds issued by the New Zealand government or local authorities
  • Firms traded on the New Zealand debt securities market
  • Firms with at least a BBB or equivalent rating
  • Registered banks
  • Finance companies

Investments can also be made in equity in New Zealand firms (public or private, including managed funds), registered banks, and residential property development(s). Applicants can nominate a mix of funds and/or assets in which they would like to invest.

Procedures and time frame of the New Zealand Residence by Investment Program

The procedures and time frames for the Investor 1 and Investor 2 resident visa programs are reasonably straightforward with specialist assistance.

Investor 1 resident visa

  • Applicants lodge an application directly to Immigration New Zealand for the resident visa, without the need for an expression of interest (EOI).
  • An approval in principle is usually given within five to six months depending on the quality of information provided as well as security and health checks.
  • Immigration New Zealand will only approve in principle and will not issue the visa until the funds have been transferred and invested and evidence of this is submitted to the agency. The resident visa may then be issued within two to four weeks.
  • Successful applicants must spend at least 44 days in each of the last two years of the three-year investment period in New Zealand or 88 days over the entire three-year period if they invest at least NZD 2.5 million in growth investments.
  • If all conditions that apply to the first two years of the first two-year investment period are met, the applicant can apply for a variation of conditions to allow travel in and out of New Zealand for another two years.
  • If conditions at the end of the three-year investment period are met, the applicant and family members can apply for permanent residence, that is, a resident visa valid for life.

Investor 2 resident visa

  • EOI must be sent to Immigration New Zealand outlining the applicant’s personal details, business experience, and investment funds.
  • If the EOI is successful, the applicant and their spouse and/or dependents are invited to apply for New Zealand residence. Invites are generally issued within two weeks of selection of an EOI.
  • Once invited to apply, the applicant will have four months to submit the application.
  • An approval in principle is usually given within approximately 18 months but is reliant on the quality of information provided as well as security and health checks.
  • Immigration New Zealand will only approve in principle — they will not issue the visa until the funds have been transferred and invested and evidence of this is submitted to the agency, after which the visa may then be issued within two to four weeks.
  • Evidence that the invested funds have been maintained will be required at the end of the second and fourth years of the applicant’s residence in New Zealand.
  • The main applicant needs to accumulate 146 days in each of years two, three, and four of the investment period, or 438 days over the entire four-year investment period if they invest at least NZD 750,000 in growth investments.

Citizenship in New Zealand

Applicants who have previously obtained residence under either of the resident visa programs are eligible for New Zealand citizenship when they have spent at least 1,350 days in New Zealand during the preceding five years, with at least 240 days of physical presence in each year.

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