Residence And Work Permit In Germany

Germany is a popular destination for expats and there are several ways to get a work permit when moving to Germany…

Germany is a country with a high quality of life, low crime rate and easy access to education and professional development. It boasts many opportunities for expats whether it comes to finding a job or renting an apartment and relocating is not difficult due to the formalized procedures. In this guide we’ll be discussing the steps you need to take in order to get a residence permit in Germany, such as obtaining a visa, getting fingerprints taken and registering your address at the authorities.

If you’re planning a move to Germany or even if you’ve just arrived in Germany, you’ll want to make sure you find out exactly what your options are when it comes to finding an accommodation and working legally in Germany.

After the UK, Germany is the most popular country for Britons to live and work. The reasons are diversified: from a convenient geographical position, to mandatory legality status and rich history. Germany has been named one of the best-run countries in the EU, so it is rather welcoming to foreigners. And people there have well-established manners, which makes living easy and convenient. Also, there are constantly a lot of job offers here. These aspects make Germany one of the most appropriate places for living abroad in Europe right now.

Residence And Work Permit In Germany

The German Employment Residence Permit is a German temporary residence permit that permits non-EU nationals to work in Germany. It is a temporary residence permit. It is granted to those who already have a job offer or a job contract with an employer in Germany.

Who Needs an Employment Residence Permit?

If you have a job offer or a work contract with an employer in Germany, you may need a residence permit to work here. However, the nationals of several countries are exempt from the requirement.

You will be exempt from this requirement only if you are a national of a country in the European Union  or the European Economic Area.

Application Process for a Germany Residence Permit

The application process for a German Employment Residence Permit consists of some fixed procedures. You should follow these procedures in the given order.  Note that some elements of the application process may depend on your nationality.

Listed below, find the steps required to complete the application process for a Germany Employment Residence Permit.

Get a German National Visa

The first thing that you need to do towards working in Germany is getting an employment visa to Germany or a German Job Seeker visa. The application process these visas consists of several steps, including gathering the required documents and attending a visa interview.

You will later have to use most of these documents to apply for your Germany employment residence permit.  Paying a fee of €75 is also compulsory.

If you successfully complete these procedures, you will get your visa affixed to your passport in the form of a sticker. Then you can freely travel to Germany.

Register your address in Germany

When you arrive in Germany with an employment visa, you have two weeks to register your address with the German authorities.

Find a registration office that is closest to the place your home in Germany. Show up there with your visa, and a document that proves where your address is, i.e. a bill or a rental contract.

Apply for a Germany Employment Residence Permit

To apply for a German Employment Residence Permit you should first make an appointment with the German Immigration Authorities. On the day of your appointment, show there with all the required documents with you. Pay the fee and attend a short meeting with an immigration officer.

Germany Employment Residence Permit Requirements

When applying for a German Work Residence Permit you should submit some documents at the immigration authorities. These are approximately the same documents you have been required to have for a German Work Visa application or the Germany Job Seeker visa application.

Thus, the required documents for a German Employment Residence title are as follows:

  • Standard required documents for a German Residence Permit.
  • Work Contract or Job Offer. That is valid for the whole period of the required residence authorization. It should also describe the work you will be doing and your salary, which must be at least 52,000 EUR as of 2018.
  • Authenticated certificates of earlier education. You should prove your qualifications through school diplomas/certificates, mark sheets, etc.
  • Registered address. Bring the confirmation that you have registered your address in Germany, on the day of your residence permit application.
  • Health Insurance. Health insurance in Germany is mandatory for everyone applying for a residence permit here. Make sure your insurance is acceptable in Germany, and that it covers accidents, illnesses and repatriation in case of death.

Germany Employment Residence Permit Fee

You will need to pay a fee of €56 to €100 when applying for a Work Residence Permit in Germany, according to your case.  If you are a Turkish national, you will have to pay a fee of only €28.8.

Germany Employment Residence Permit Application Processing

A German Employment residence permit processing, takes about two to three weeks. The Immigration Authorities will inform you about the approximate date when you can receive an answer on your application.

If you get a positive answer, you will be granted with a residence document in the form of a card.

Germany Employment Residence Permit Validity

The validity of your German work residence permit depends on the validity of your work contract. The permit is usually granted with one-year validity. However, you will have the chance to extend it later.

Can I Extend a German Work Residence Permit?

Yes, you can extend a German Employment Residence Permit. To do so, you should apply at the Immigration authorities before the expiration of your visa. After 33 months in Germany with a work visa, you can apply for a permanent settlement permit in Germany.

Can I Bring My Family to Germany With a Work Residence Permit?

Yes, you can bring your family members in Germany, if you get a Work Residence Permit. Note that only your spouse and children under 18 are eligible to join you.

In addition, you must meet some criteria, as follows:

  • You should have enough room in your home in Germany for your family members.
  • You should have sufficient and secured financial means to support the family members you plan to bring over.
  • Your family members must have at least basic German language knowledge.

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