Requirements For Extension Of Visa In Hong Kong For Domestic Helper

This is a guide to the requirements for extension of visa in Hong Kong. This page will tell you how much time you need to remain in Hong Kong as a domestic helper before applying for an extension, and what other conditions need to be fulfilled.

An employer may make an application for extending the period of stay of a domestic helper’s visa. However, the employer should note that there are certain requirements for extension of visa in Hong Kong for a domestic helper.

In order to extend the Hong Kong visa for domestic helpers, the employer must personally visit the Immigration Department of Hong Kong and submit Form MV1. This form is filled out by the applicant and then submitted. The employer can then bring along the employee and fix an appointment with the extension officer.

Immigration department of Hong Kong every year issues a limited number of visas to hired help coming to Hong Kong. The visa being issued to the maids or helpers in home is called domestic helper (private) visa. One year is the maximum visa validity that can be issued to anyone. If you want to apply for extension you will have to leave Hong Kong and request the extension outside Hong Kong before your validity expires on your current visa.

Requirements For Extension Of Visa In Hong Kong For Domestic Helper

The Hong Kong government has announced on Sep 30, 2020, it will give the flexibility to allow contracts ending on or before December 31, 2020, to be extended up till Jan 31, 2020, given that both the employer and the domestic helper agreed on it. See more here.

Applications for visa extension can be submitted in person or by post to the Foreign Domestic Helpers Section at Immigration Tower in Wan Chai.

Existing contract and visa extension

You will need these documents to apply:

  • ID 988A form completed and signed by the domestic helper;
  • a supporting letter signed by the employer stating the reason(s) for extending the period of employment;
  • the domestic helper’s passport (send a copy if applying by post);
  • the current employment contract; and
  • HK$230 visa processing fee.

If the domestic helper contract has or will be terminated

Domestic helpers whose existing contracts are due to expire or are terminated on or before December 31, 2020, may apply to the immigration for an extension of the limit of stay in Hong Kong for a maximum period of one month as visitors for the purpose of finding a new employer in Hong Kong if they are unable to return to their place of origin due to the pandemic in their place of origin and/or international travel restrictions arising from the pandemic.

Bring the following documents to the Foreign Domestic Helpers Section at Immigration Tower in Wan Chai and apply for a tourist visa:

  • a letter proof of your flight cancellation and flight information;
  • passport; and
  • HK$230 visa fee.

The duration of stay granted will be at the discretion of the officer, with a maximum 1 month of extension. The domestic helper will have to stay in a boarding house for her extended time in Hong Kong.

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) office offers help to domestic helpers who need assistance on find a boarding house. 

  • Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA)
  • Address: A16/F, YF Life Tower, 33 Lockhart Road Wanchai
  • Tel: 3483 0600
  • Emergency Hotline: 6345 9324
  • Website:
  • Facebook: OWWA Hong Kong

Deferring Home Leave

Domestic helpers who are still unable to return to their place of origin for home leave within their current limit of stay may continue to apply for an extension.

For those helpers who have already received a further extension of stay and wish to delay their home leave further, the immigration department may grant them another extension for not more than 3 months.

For helpers applying for a further extension and whose existing contracts will expire as well, they may submit the applications for deferral of home leave and contract renewal to the immigration in one go.

What if I got a terminated contract, can I still get hired?

For termination, you should clearly communicate with your employer and make sure to complete the termination process by informing the relevant authorities in Hong Kong and the foreign domestic helper’s country of termination of the contract. If you got time before termination, you can register on HelperChoice for free! HelperChoice have over 100,000 verified profiles, you can post your detailed profile on our platform and mention the reason for termination. The reason for terminating a contract does not only attribute to the poor performance of the domestic helper. Therefore, you should provide a brief description to let your potential employer know your situation.

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