Questions to ask about summer vacation

Summer is such a beloved season and one that is easy to feel nostalgic about, especially when reflecting on childhood. Asking parents or grandparents about summers when they were growing up can make for a great, memorable conversation. Use the question prompts below to find out something you maybe never knew about your loved one! Additionally, this list is a great resource for anyone writing a memoir or trying to come up with questions to ask in a life story interview.

  1. What was the best summer vacation you ever took as a kid? Why? 
  2. What was the best summer vacation you ever took as an adult? Why? 
  3. What kinds of things did you do during the summer growing up? 
  4. What were your favorite outdoor activities to enjoy in the summer?
  5. What were your favorite indoor activities to enjoy in the summer?
  6. What places did you frequent during summers as a kid? 
  7. What places did you frequent during summers as a teenager?
  8. Did you have any summer traditions amongst your family growing up? 
  9. Did you have any summer traditions with friends or family as an adult? 
  10. How did you celebrate Independence Day or other summer holidays growing up? 
  11. How do you think summers were different for you as a kid versus your own kids?
  12. What was a part of your childhood summers that you now recognize was a privilege to have or experience?
  13. What was the best part of summer growing up?
  14. What was the worst part of summer growing up?
  15. What do you enjoy the most about summers now?
  16. What was the public swimming pool or beach like? What memories do you have there?
  17. What was your go-to summer treat growing up?
  18. Did you ever attend summer camps? What were those like?
  19. Name a song that makes you think of a summer past. What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does that song conjure for you? 
  20. Describe what your summer wardrobe would’ve looked like when you were 14 years old. 
  21. What sounds do you associate with summer?
  22. What smells do you associate with summer?
  23. What tastes do you associate with summer?
  24. Before you had air conditioning, how did you cool off on hot days?
  25. What was the first summer job you held? What was it like? 
  26. What was the best summer job you had? Why was it your favorite?
  27. Before you had a job, did you earn an allowance? What sorts of responsibilities did you have?
  28. Did you ever have a summer fling? What is that story? 
  29. Did you experience any romantic moments that took place in summertime? 
  30. If you could relive one summer of your life without changing a thing, which one would you pick and why?

Recording Your Loved One’s Life Story

If you want to capture and preserve your loved one’s answers to questions like these, check out Storii. Storii is an online platform that helps individuals and families create and store their memories and stories to be seen and treasured for generations to come. There’s a huge list of questions like this to choose from, but users can create custom questions as well. Questions can be responded to with text, audio, video, and photos, turning their life story into an immersive experience. Storii makes a wonderful gift!

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