Post Study Work Permit In Romania

Your professional and personal goals are on the right track to success. Take the first step by checking out our on-campus, or off-campus, services for your Post Study Work Permit in Romania.

Study Post Higher Education in Romania or choose to work there after graduation? Here are 4 reasons why you should think about applying for post study work permit in Romania!

The Post-Study Work Permit Program of Romania is a great program brought in 2005, which offers foreign graduates the right to work in Romania. This way, Romanian companies can be competitive in the European market, while still offering some benefits to educated foreign specialists.

After the two-year study period is completed, foreign students are required to leave Romania within 30 days or else face a fine. In order to keep studying in Romania, you can apply for a post-study work permit and extend your visa for up to 18 months. Students and graduates may also be granted a residence permit for family reunification purposes. The conditions of the post-study work permit depend on the field of study insofar as some courses allow students to work full time while others do not.

Romania is located in Southeastern-Central Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Ukraine. It is home to seven UNESCO world heritage sites including Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania where Dracula’s legend was born.

Romania has an economy predominantly based on services, and is a producer and net exporter of machines and electric energy. The country is one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies, a fact that has attracted foreign professionals over the years. Slowly, Romania became a popular tech destination that is constantly growing overseas investments.

Romania is a member state of the European Union (EU), so the laws regarding work visas and permits are similar to those of other countries in the EU. Citizens of other EU member states do not need a permit to work in Romania, nor do citizens of Switzerland and other countries in the European Economic Area (EEA).  EEA countries include Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.

International graduates of Romania’s universities from EU/EEA and Switzerland can continue to live and work in the country with the same rights and obligations as Romanian nationals. You have to ensure that you are registered at the General Inspectorate for Immigration as an employee or someone conducting a business and get your residence certificate. After five years of continuous stay, you can choose to apply for a permanent residence in the country.

Non-EU/EEA and Swiss students can extend their right of temporary residence for studies for 9 months after graduation to start their job search and employment or business opening formalities, with the submission of the documents attesting completion of the studies. You can submit your application online at the General Inspectorate for Immigration portal

Extension of residence permit must be done at least 30 days before the expiry of your current permit. After the additional 9 months extension, you should be able to switch to another residence permit.

British citizens and their family members who are beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement, shall receive recognition of that right if they apply for a permanent stay document until 31 of December 2021. 

British citizens deciding to reside and work in Romania after 31 December 2020 will be considered as non-EU/EEA and Swiss nationals and should follow the immigration rules and regulations for third-country nationals.

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