Post Study Work Permit In Norway

Are you after more information about Post Study Work Permit? Do you wish to know if you can obtain a Post Study Work Visa in Norway? If so, then this article can provide the answers.

The Post-study work permit is a national scheme established by the Norwegian government to attract good students and motivated, skilled professionals. The scheme provides graduates from education institutions or research establishments in Norway with the opportunity to receive a post-study work permit for a maximum period of 24 months.

Figuring out if you need a study permit in Norway and then figuring out how to get one are two different things. It’s not hard to do, but it is daunting. It feels like you have a lot of choices (visa type, length of time), variables (do I need an agent?), and facts that can change depending on your situation (tax return, credit check, medical exam). But there is some good news. Norway has a streamlined process for obtaining a study permit. With these five steps you will have all the information you need to make an informed decision on whether or not you need a study permit and exactly what steps to take if you do.

Post Study Work Permit In Norway

Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world.It is known for its stunning landscape,peace and unity.It is also known for providing students excellent education and allowing them to work internationally.The question arises that what should I study?

We live in a changing world and the world is also changing fast. Technology is very fast in this time, so most of the people have been using the internet, so today’s generation needs more information about job opportunities and career related stuff through internet. To fulfill this need various job portals are available on the internet. Most of them are providing different kinds of information and opportunities you may miss if you don’t have time and don’t read enough news paper or magazine. There are different kinds of job resources too, such as resume builders, resume templates etc that make your job simple by giving you a complete package with which you can apply for any job from that portal.

For students from countries outside the EU/EEA/EFTA
A student may work part-time for up to 20 hours per week when a work permit is granted. An application for a work permit should be accompanied by a statement from the institution confirming that the work will not affect the study progress. A letter from the employer stating that the student has a job offer must also be submitted.

Students are normally allowed to work full time during semester breaks.

Please note that the majority of institutions do not have on-campus work study schemes, and foreign students will have to compete on the regular job market.

Applications for a work permit may be submitted to the local police station.

Please see the website of the Norwegian police to locate the nearest police station.

For students from countries in the EU/EEA/EFTA
A student may work part-time up to 20 hours per week for up to three months without a work permit. The student is automatically given a work permit for part-time work when granted a student residence permit.

Students from countries in the EU/EEA/EFTA do not need to show statement from the institution that the work will not affect the study progress, nor does the student need to show a job offer confirmation from employer.

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