Places to vacation in july

July is the perfect time to take some time off.

The world is at your fingertips, and there are so many places to go! Here are some of our favorites:

-The beach: It’s hot, but it’s worth it. Pack your sunscreen and get ready for fun in the sun!

-A ski resort: If you want to get away from the heat but still want to be active, a ski resort might be your best bet. The snow is cool and refreshing on a hot day.

-The mountains: If you love hiking or climbing, then this might just be where you want to go! Just make sure you bring plenty of water with you if you’re going during a hot summer day!

Places to vacation in july


Mexico - History in Jungles, Party in Clubs

July is one of the warmest times of the year for Mexico, and the temperature goes as high as 28 degrees which is reasonably tolerable for us Indians. From Mayan ruins and jungles filled with exotic wildlife to loud and lively nightclubs of Cancun and the seediness of Tijuana and pretty much everything in between, Mexico has a lot to offer travellers.

One of the largest cities in the world, Mexico City has world-class museums, bustling markets, and parks and lots of sights to see. Go mountain biking and hiking to awaken the adventurer inside you. With 30 active volcanoes ready for you to explore, the adventure is indeed unforgettable


Germany - The land of festivals

Two things pop up in my mind when I think of Germany. Beer and lots of beer. If you want to create unforgettable memories of long walks in forests and castles, then head over to Germany. The artistic city of Berlin is where the roadside paintings speak louder than the road signs, and the international music festivals and clubs define how high spirited and friendly people are over there despite being called serious.

Visiting Neuschwanstein Castle is a must to see a Disney like a castle in real life. Get lost hiking amongst the dark green pine trees in the Black Forest. Germany is an ancient region with more to do than one can imagine


Iceland - The Home To Nature

The temperature in Iceland throughout July is warm! The majestic northern lights, herds of sheep, a vast land with spellbinding sceneries (the ones which make up your desktop background), and volcanoes with unpronounceable names (Eyjafjallajökull and Öræfajökull for instance), you will fall in love with Iceland the moment you step into the country.

It’s hard not to. With breathtaking natural baths, waterfalls and glacier lagoons, Iceland is nature’s own home. But as they say, all good things come at a price and price here is the sacks of euros you will have to shell out to have a pleasant stay here. Iceland is not for you if you have a tight budget


Colombia - Cartels of Architecture

July is a substantial (if not ideal) time to visit the country’s cultural highlights, beautiful countryside, jungles, and beaches. Like you would have seen in the Netflix series Narcos, Colombia is infamous for drugs and all things illegal, but it’s getting over it and is a perfectly safe place for an Indian tourist to visit.


Canada - Dive in the Beauty of Niagra

Calling Canada chilly in winters would be an understatement as winters here could freeze you to death, literally. Canada’s summers are a sunny delight with an unembellished canvas of natural beauty. Canada is filled with lively cities and even more lively people. Towering mountain peaks, dazzling blue lakes, and forests as far as the eye can see, Canada has everything for the voyager in you.

If you go on and Google “the best places to visit in Canada,” Niagra Falls would always be leading the list, and that’s what we are suggesting too. These spellbinding waterfalls will surely bestow an experience of a lifetime.

The best time to visit Niagra is June, July & August, and that’s where you get lucky. With skyscrapers poking clouds and glitzy shopping malls, Toronto is a more clean and civilised form of New York which you should visit.


Indonesia - Where Scenes of Nature Unwind

With the temperature just perfect and no rainfalls in July, Indonesia, a country so vast, vibrant and dynamic, even spending a year here exploring would not make up for it. Indonesia houses more than 17,000 islands, so you’ve been spoilt for choices. If you want to wander to someplace where the wifi is weak with not many people around and breathe cool air, Indonesia is the place for you.

With unmatched scenic beauty and pristine beaches, and low prices, Bali is indeed a phenomenal place to unwind. The annual Bali Arts Festival and Kite Festival are held in June and July and it’s a must-see.

But when you think of Indonesia, don’t just think of Bali. Swimming with the jellyfishes at Kakaban Island, meeting dragon-like lizards in Komodo National Park, Visiting the world’s largest Buddhist temple, and discovering ‘colour changing’ lakes are few amongst million things to do in Indonesia.


France - You'll Fall In Love

France is a great place to visit in July as most of the country stays dry. You might want to plan this trip in ahead before the airfares and hotel prices skyrocket. Wine, cheese, valleys, stunning coastlines, lots and lots of castle highlighting the rich history, and how can we forget the Effiel Tower, you can’t “not” fall in love with France.

The country celebrates its independence day ‘Bastille Day’ on 14th July. Be amongst the fireworks, parades and joyous French people; you are in for a celebratory treat! From exploring spectacular Mediterranian islands such as Corsica and Sardina to looking at beautiful sights (with your mouth wide open in awe) in metropolitan cities like Paris and Marseille or even filling your wicker baskets up and spending a day in the countryside.


July in Greece begins with lots of suns, but no threat of rain. While most of Europe is expensive, things cost half of what they do in Greece compared to other parts of Europe. This along with its breathtaking ocean landscapes, out of the world architecture, and delectable cuisine makes Greece the perfect summer destination. Explore the magnificent city of Athens, visit the historic island of Crete, Learn about Greek mythology while trekking on Mount Olympus, and ease up on the golden sands on its immaculate beaches.

Fans of history and archaeology will enjoy Bogota’s unique architecture: skyscrapers tower, intricate churches, and museums. You will be truly impressed by the Tierradentro, Lost City, and San Agustín sites


Spain - An explorer's paradise

The land of siestas is mesmerising and easy on your wallet too (compared to other European countries). Temperature ranges from warm to hot in July, and that’s the best time to hit the beach and explore Canaries and Ibiza. Barcelona tops the “best place to travel to” lists for a long time and is famous for its history, partying, and late-night eating.

Madrid has a bit of everything you will find across Spain, and that makes it the best vibrant and energetic travel destination in the country. No trip to Spain is complete without walking Granada’s ancient streets


USA - The Hub of Diversity and Opportunities

The United States is so large; you cannot travel all the cities in one go. The cold thaws down in July and the sunny days are a delight. The east coast has Washington, Chicago, Boston and most importantly, New York, the city that never sleeps. It is one of the best cities in the world. There’s nothing you can’t do or see here. Take your time and explore all parts of the enormous and well-connected city.

Head over to the Grand Canyon to witness the spectacular beauty, an experience indescribable in words. You can’t go back before taking a trip on the west coast. Try your luck in casinos in Las Vegas, meet Hollywood celebrities in Los Angeles and stare down in awe at the Golden Gate bridge in San Fransisco.


Turkey - A Land of Culture with Modern Twist

With a daily temperature of 28-degree Celcius, Turkey in July may be the perfect time to visit this time also because it is the offseason and the ticket and hotel fares might be relatively lower. Settled on the border of Asia and Europe, Turkey is an archive of Islamic Middle East impact and the influence of Christian European West.

Turkey at present represents a modern and westernised culture that exists along with its more exotic and esoteric side hidden from the outside world. Explore the dual sides of the country with the natural panoramic landscape, historic places, fertile valleys, huge mountain ranges, rugged coastline and quaint villages.

The capital city of Istanbul is the heartbeat of the country buzzing with cafes, bustling bazaars, the aroma of spices, enchanting belly dancers, nightclubs and hammams.


Switzerland - Land of Stereotypes

Switzerland can be called as a stylish tourist destination and since it is summer in July, the temperatures make it more tolerable for people coming from all kinds of climates. It offers countless cultural experiences and adventures. The awe-inspiring landscapes are a hot spot for skiing, hiking and mountain biking and call out to the adventurers.

This is a country which provides endless opportunities for sightseeing, shopping, traditional folk entertainment, art, design and nightlife. Switzerland also holds the mysterious world of opera and world-class theatre and reigns supreme in contemporary art.

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