Pikachu’s winter vacation vhs
Pikachu’s Winter Vacation is a series composed of several Pikachu shorts that are related to winter and Christmas. Each of these segments were available as home videos in Japan.
The first two segments were released as Pokémon Pikachu’s Winter Vacation on VHS in the United States in 1999. The third and fourth segments were released as Pokémon Pikachu’s Winter Vacation 2 on VHS in the United States in 2000. In the United Kingdom the first four segments were released as Pokémon Pikachu’s Winter Vacation on VHS in 2001.
The first four segments were released in the United States on DVD on November 23, 2004.

Pikachu’s Winter Vacation
Delibird’s Dilemma
On the day before Christmas, Pikachu and its Pokémon friends are playing in a snowy town. But their snowball bowling game goes awry, and Totodile’s snowball knocks a passing Delibird out of the sky! Delibird crashes down onto Meowth and Wobbuffet, who were out for an innocent stroll, but a wild Skarmory is annoyed at the racket and sends them all blasting off. Delibird has another bumpy landing, and now it’s in a panic because it’s lost all the presents that were in its sack. If they’re not found by midnight, they won’t be delivered for Christmas! Fortunately, Pikachu and its friends will help Delibird find all the presents.
Everyone splits up into two groups. Pikachu’s group finds one present on top of a boat, while Bulbasaur’s group spots another present in the forest. A third present is retrieved from the clutches of a wild Aipom. Just before midnight, the two groups meet up in town and discover the last missing present in a tree. When they try to grab it, it goes flying into the air and the wild Aipom comes to the rescue with a last-minute catch! Now the presents are in place and the holiday is saved, thanks to Pikachu and its friends.
Snorlax Snowman
Near a Pokémon Center on a snow-covered seashore, Pikachu and its friends make a Snorlax out of snow. That night, they wake up to see the snow Snorlax outside their window, come to life! All the Pokémon sneak out to play with the Snorlax, who leads them to a fruit tree growing on a cliff. Snorlax wants the fruit, but the cliff collapses under Snorlax’s weight. Fortunately, everyone lands on the Snorlax, which acts just like a sled—but it slides all the way out to the shore and right onto a drifting ice floe!
The drifting Pokémon are sucked into a whirlpool, but Snorlax freezes the whirlpool into an icy viewing platform where everyone can watch Water-type Pokémon swimming through the sea. The Pokémon try to sail away on a boat made of ice, but it falls apart and two Lapras come to the rescue. They bring them to a land of Snorlax snowmen, where the snow Snorlax can join its friends, then take Pikachu and the gang back home. Pikachu and its friends fall asleep and wake up the next morning, back in the Pokémon Center. Their snow Snorlax is still outside—as it all a dream, or just some wintertime magic?
Christmas Night
Ash and the gang are spending the holidays in a house by the sea, and they leave their Pokémon to look after things while they run errands. As the Pokémon explore the house, they admire all the holiday trimmings, including party hats, delicious treats, and a Christmas tree. Bulbasaur and Squirtle get into a fight over the treats, while Vulpix gets stuck in a stocking. Pikachu tries to keep everyone from wrecking the house, but it’s too much for one Pokémon. Before long, the Christmas tree is toppled and the lights have been blown out!
Now Pikachu needs everybody’s help to put the house back together. The Pokémon help each other right the Christmas tree and clean up the mess they made; when Ash, Misty, and Brock return, the Christmas tree is lit—even if it’s being powered by Pikachu’s electricity! Trainers and Pokémon all wish each other happy holidays and enjoy their own party with friends.
Kanga Games
Ash and his friends are staying in a wintry mountain region, which means lots of snow for all their Pokémon to play with. Togepi wanders into the woods and encounters a friendly Kangaskhan and its baby, who’s feeling shy. But the baby Kangaskhan grows curious when it sees all the other Pokémon playing and throwing snowballs at each other. Soon it’s running around and throwing snowballs with the best of them! Then Togepi and the baby Kangaskhan find a toy sled and take it for a ride, which inspires all the other Pokémon to try sledding. One problem: there’s a giant lake directly in their path!
Mama Kangaskhan leaps in to stop everyone from falling into the water, and it turns out that Kangaskhan also makes a pretty good playground for small Pokémon. Everyone has lots of fun playing, but after a fun day in the snow, it’s time for the two Kangaskhan say goodbye. Then Ash and his friends come looking for their Pokémon, who are especially happy to see them. There’s nothing like the caring bond between a mother and its baby, or a Trainer and their Pokémon!