Peru best places to visit

When you’re looking for a beach getaway, Peru is the place to be.

Peru has more than 1,000 miles of coastline, making it one of the longest coastlines in South America. You can find beaches with pristine white sand and warm waters, or those with rocky shores and cool waves. Some beaches are surrounded by cliffs and volcanoes while others have tropical vegetation. No matter what kind of beach vacation you’re looking for, Peru has it all!

If you’re interested in visiting Peru’s beaches, we recommend checking out some of these beautiful destinations:

10. Nazca Desert

Nazca Desert

The puzzling Nazca lines that crisscross the valleys of Palpa and Nazca have put this part of Peru’s otherwise uninteresting desert on the map. These enormous inscriptions of lines, animals, and other geometric patterns were carved into the sandy terrain by the Nazca people and are believed to have been part of a thousand-year-old holy road. The dry, windless, stable climate of the Nazca Desert has helped keep the lines uncovered to the present day.

The best way to appreciate the magnitude of these geometric lines and shapes is from the air with a flight over the Nazca lines. If you’re hesitant about flying (the costs aren’t cheap!) or you’d just prefer to see them up close, there’s an observation tower along the Panamerican highway where you can view three of the main figures.

Other Nazca sites worth viewing within the desert are the ancient aqueducts known as the Nazca channels. These underground channels are what allow the cotton, potatoes, and fruit plantations in the desert to thrive in this otherwise inhabitable location.

9. Iquitos

Iquitosmarkg6 / Flickr

Iquitos is the capital of the Loreto region, which encompasses most of the northern reaches of the Peruvian Amazon. Interestingly, a town that was formed initially by a tribe of hunter-gatherers, Iquitos is now the largest city on earth without road access.

While Iquitos is a little tricky to get to – you have to fly or boat in – the rewards are totally worth it. Despite its remote location, there’s a mix of traditional and modern architecture: wooden huts built on riverside stilts contrast with the historic architecture of the central plaza.

Offering an unforgettable escape in the Amazon jungle that feels authentic, visitors can browse the Belen floating market for everything from bananas to crocodile meat. If it’s souvenirs you’re after, the San Juan crafts market is a better bet.

The isolation of Iquitos is in its favor; the surrounding jungle offers some of the best wildlife watching opportunities in the country. It’s the main base for boat trips along the Amazon River to spot monkeys, alligators, and the notorious anacondas. Visiting the nearby Pacaya Samiria National Reserve near Lagunas is one of the best places for spotting some unusual Amazonian wildlife.

8. Puno

Puno is a picturesque hillside port city that forms the natural gateway to Lake Titicaca and the 85-plus Uros Floating Islands – boats depart from the dock every 40 minutes. Set at an elevation of 3,800 meters, high-altitude Puno has a glorious view over the lakes and the island chain.

Because of its easy access to and from neighboring Bolivia and Chile, Puno is a popular tourist trap, yet it provides a more laidback alternative to the upmarket lake islands it overlooks. For one, souvenirs at the lakeside market are far cheaper than you’ll find in Cusco or Lima!

Its biggest attraction is as a departure point for the famous floating Uros islands with boats leaving every 40 min from the dock. It is also a great place to get a feel for the Aymara and Quechua cultures. Some of the most popular things to do include a visit to a llama farm and an overnight stay with a local family. Most of the people who live in Puno are Andean, so there’s an interesting mix of modern and Andean traditions, and you’ll still find many women in colorful traditional dress.

7. Lima

As Peru’s capital and largest city, Lima is a sprawling metropolis of almost 9 million people. The city was founded in 1535 by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro and offers a rich history as well as exceptional food, a great sense of culture.

You’ll find modern buildings contrasting with traditional and colonial architecture and orderly slums alongside raving nightclubs and bars. Ruled by the Spanish for three centuries, Lima boasts intriguing Spanish-colonial churches, cloisters, and monasteries – a real treat for history buffs.

Because of its location close to the coast, Lima is a great foodie destination for seafood lovers. A Lima food tour is a great way to taste your way through the city’s authentic Peruvian delights like Ceviche, with a visit to some of the most authentic markets and restaurants in the city.

Whether you’re taking a stroll through the historic heart of Lima Centro and its craft markets or exploring the more tourist-friendly green suburb of Miraflores, which overflows with antique shops and bars, you’re in for something special in Lima.

6. Colca Canyon

Located in the mountainous Southern Sierra region, Colca Canyon is one of Peru’s most popular tourist destinations. Spanning over 70 kilometers, the world’s second-deepest canyon boasts some spectacular scenery with fascinating Andean culture and nature to discover.

While the sheer size and scale of the canyon are staggering, it is the diversity of the many landscapes that is Colca’s most impressive feature; it encompasses everything from barren steppe and stepped terraces to steep-sided cliffs and rearing mountain peaks. Wherever you go, the scenery is phenomenal, with breathtaking views of Andean condors swirling above the 3,140-metre deep canyon.

Archaeological sites and ruins are dotted about the canyon, while locals maintain their ancestral traditions in their small villages and towns. Many people who visit Colca Canyon start in Chivay before trekking along the scenic rim, past precipitous ravines and death-defying drops, basking in the astonishing scenery and landscapes as they go.

5. Sacred Valley

Once the heartland of the Inca Empire, The Sacred Valley of the Incas is a valley in the Andes, close to Cusco and the ancient city of Machu Picchu. The valley was appreciated by the Incas due to its special geographical and climatic qualities.

Located in Peru’s Southern Sierra, some of the most popular activities here are adventure-based – from trekking and rafting to rock climbing. In contrast, the towns of Yucay and Urubamba are fast becoming a hub for spiritual relaxation and meditation.

Whichever route you take, there’s plenty to discover along the way. There are gorgeous colonial towns, remote villages, colorful markets, and fascinating Incan sites such as the citadels of Pisac, Chinchero, and Ollantaytambo tucked along this mysterious route.

Take your time exploring the terraced hills above Pisac, making it down in time to browse the village’s famous artisanal market. Check out Choquequirao, some blissfully uncrowded ruins that are deemed to be giving Machu Picchu a run for its money.

4. Inca Trail

Winding through the mountains, over passes, and above valleys with stunning views all the way, Peru’s Inca Trail is one of the most famous treks in the world. The hike takes around four days to complete and starts just outside of Cusco, the former capital of the Inca Empire, with the end-goal being the mythical Machu Picchu – the Lost City of the Incas.

Using ancient stone paths and trails that the Incas themselves laid down all those centuries ago, the route meanders through diverse ecosystems and landscapes. While some parts run next to stepped terraces, others pass by alpine tundra and cloud forest, with plunging valleys and towering mountains lying in the distance. As the Inca civilization was centered around the highlands, you’ll also come across ancient ruins on the way.

Due to the Inca Trail’s incredible popularity, visitors now need to book with a tour operator and can choose between several different routes, which vary in distance and elevation. Hiking the historic trail in the footsteps of the Incas is an unforgettable experience and makes arriving at the majestic Machu Picchu all the more special.

3. Arequipa

Located 2,380 meters above sea level, Arequipa is Peru’s second-largest city. Surrounded by volcanoes, including the El Misti, it’s known as the ‘White City’ because its buildings were crafted out of white volcanic rock called sillar from the neighboring mountains.

Unlike many of Peru’s other cities, Arequipa doesn’t have any Incan claims to fame – at least, not in the form of ancient settlements. Its most famous Inca sight is the Mummy Juanita, also known as the Lady of Ampato – an astonishingly well-preserved frozen body of a young teenaged Incan girl who was sacrificed to the gods during the 1400s. She can now be found in the Catholic University of Santa María’s Museum of Andean Sanctuaries.

Examples of Spanish colonial architecture can be found throughout the center of the city. Among the most significant of these is the Santa Catalina Convent, which is often described as a city within a city because of its charming streets, colorful buildings and flowers. Beautiful bridges like the Puente Bolognesi also offer historic value as well as scenic views. The city’s main square, the Plaza de Armas, is a common starting point for many tourists with its shops, restaurants and old churches.

Arequipa is the natural jumping-off point for visiting the multicolored Colca Canyon, one of the top tourist attractions in Peru. Dropping to a depth of 3,270 meters, the canyon is one of the deepest of its kind in the world.

2. Cusco

Located in the Southern Sierras, colorful Cusco was once the capital of the Incan Empire. Today, it holds the title of the archaeological capital of the Americas. It’s one of Peru’s most-visited destinations, and for good reason: it offers easy access to Machu Picchu and the incredible Sacred Valley of the Incas.

Built by the Spanish on the ruins of age-old Incan temples and palaces, The heart of the city is the main square, the Plaza de Armas, which is surrounded by restaurants, cafes and churches. The colorful San Pedro Market is nearby with vendors selling Quechua handicrafts like alpaca textiles, painted pottery, ceramics and Peruvian dolls as well as fresh produce and drinks.

Just outside the city limits is an important Inca site known as Sacsayhuaman, an enormous walled complex constructed of large limestone boulders. The site is an ancient engineering marvel because of its accurate alignment with annual solstices and its ability to withstand earthquakes.

The city is brimming with culture – it’s the center of Quechua culture in the Andes – and its mountains are etched with trekking routes and hot springs. Strolling the city streets with its colonial architecture, craft markets, museums, and art galleries has a timeless feel to it.

Because of its high-altitude location 3,400 meters above sea level, altitude sickness is a risk in Cusco, so make sure you allow time to acclimatize before making your way here.

1. Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is anyone’s Peruvian highlight, no matter what you’re visiting this South American country for. Tucked 2,430 meters high in the Andes, this abandoned ancient Incan city seems to be eternally enshrouded in mist. In fact, it’s so well hidden that it remained undiscovered for centuries – earning it the nickname ‘the Lost City of the Incas.’

The site was eventually discovered by an explorer, but even then, only by accident. In the years since its discovery, it’s become one of the most yearned-after bucket list spots in the world. This means it doesn’t come without the crowds, so be sure to plan your trip well in advance. Some of the most popular ways to reach these crumbling Incan ruins are by trekking the Inca Trail or the Salkantay Trail. For those who prefer not to ascend on foot, there is an easier route by train.

However you reach the site, you’ve got plenty to do when you arrive. Explore well-preserved buildings that include houses, temples, fountains and baths in addition to agricultural terraces and evidence of an irrigation system. You can also admire the surrounding views from the Sun Gate, the gateway to Machu Picchu from the famous Inca Trail, and climb either Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu Mountain for a bird’s eye view over the enchanting valleys.

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