Permanent Resident Visa In Uk

Are you looking for permanent resident visa in Uk? If yes, then you are a right place. We at UK immigration Lawyer can help you. If we can’t help, then nobody can. You can contact us with your query and we will reply back to you as soon as possible.

If you are reading this, then you are probably looking to apply for a Permanent Resident Visa in UK. For a lot of people, it can be challenging to get their application approved the first time. This is definitely not due to the fact that they are not eligible. It all has to do with how you choose your immigration lawyer.

A Permanent Resident Visa is a document issued by the United Kingdom Government to those who have lived and worked for an extended period in the U.K., after which they are granted permission to live and work in the U.K. permanently. Permanent residents are required to renew their permanent resident visa at least two years after it was first issued, although re-entry as per family reunion or developmental purposes is possible without renewal.

: To live and work in Great Britain, you need to acquire a visa that allows you to do so. In order for your visa application to be accepted, certain conditions have to be met. Only then will the visa officer be able to make a decision about whether you can proceed with your application or not. The first thing that has to be done usually is to find out if you qualify at all. This is done using set criteria from the British Home Office.

Permanent Resident Visa In Uk

The United Kingdom’s residence permits are immigration authorizations showing foreigners’ entitlement to live, be active, use public funds and services, and/or to settle, or become British citizens in the UK. Applications for residence permits should be done from the UK.

UK Temporary Residence Permits

Short-term residence permits for foreigners in the UK, whose circumstances empower them for a longer residence, for as long as it isn’t permanent. Usually, years spent in the UK with a temporary residence permit are counted towards continuous period for settlement permit.

Registration Certificate EEA QP

Through this temporary residence document non-EEA or non-Swiss extended family members of the EEA qualified persons in the UK, can confirm their right to be in the UK. Also, it is for EEA and Swiss citizens expecting to naturalize as British citizens, or to sponsor a visa national partner in the application for a UK visa. Additionally, it serves for the EU people (except for Croatians) to confirm their eligibility to work.

Registration Certificate after 5 Years

Registration certificate after 5-year of continuous residence is for the EU and Swiss citizens, to confirm their right to permanent residence, if they have been qualified persons in the UK. It’s required to apply for naturalization as a British citizen, or to sponsor your foreign partner on their UK visa application.

Registration Certificate in Less than 5 Years

Registration certificate in less than 5 years can be taken by the EU and Swiss citizens in the UK to show their rights for permanent residence, after having lived in the UK less than 5 continuous years as qualified persons.

It can be taken after a 2-year continuous residence in the UK, if having been employed or a self-employed person who have stopped such activity due to a ‘permanent incapacity’ caused from a work-related disease or accident.

Or, after having lived in the UK for 3 consecutive years, if having reached state-pension age, early retirement, if having started working or self-employment in another EEA state or Switzerland (but UK remains your main country of residence).

EEA Residence Permit

EEA Residence Permits are temporary residence permits confirming rights to live in the UK of the non-EEA relatives of the EEA citizens living in the UK as qualified persons or as a permanent residents.

UK Retained Rights of Residence

This UK temporary residence permit is for non-EEA citizens to confirm their rights to remain in the UK, after having lost their sponsorship from an EEA relative. This applies if the EEA relative has died or left the UK or the marriage/civil partnership with them has ended officially.

The lost EEA relative sponsor should have been a qualified person or a permanent resident in the UK right before they stopped being your sponsor.

UK Surinder Singh Route

This UK temporary residence permit is for non-EEA citizens to confirm their eligibility to stay in the UK after entering from another EEA state, where they lived with their British relative.

You must be living the entire time with the British relative before and since your arrival. Your British relative must have held British citizenship even before returning to the UK. In addition, they must have been a qualified person or a permanent resident in the foreign EEA state. As well, must have been a qualified person since their return to the UK.

UK Derivative Residence Card

This UK temporary permit is for non-EEA citizens to confirm their right to remain in the UK after having legally residing with an EEA Family Permit, with a right deriving from the EEA law.

You can get this permit to serve as the main carer for a UK resident. It can also be issued if you want to study and you’re a child of such caregiver, or of an EEA worker (or such child’s caregiver) in the UK. Or otherwise, to get supported by your parent who’s the aforesaid caregiver or EEA worker and you strongly depend on them.

This card is to remain in the UK for as long as you’ll serve as the main caregiver, or until completing your studies.

You cannot count the time spent in the UK with a UK Derivative Residence Card towards continuous period for settlement permit.

UK Returning Resident Visa

The UK Returning Resident Visa allows people who previously held the status of a UK permanent resident to return to the UK from a foreign state. This is relevant if you have lost the documentation which confirms your permanent residence in the UK. Or, you have been away from UK for more than 2 years.

To get this entry permit, you have to show that you continued having strong ties with. And, that you have spent most of your life and there’s a noble reason you’re returning and for having left the UK.

UK Residence Permits for Commonwealth Citizens

The UK residence permits for Commonwealth citizens are the following:

  • Residence permits under Windrush Scheme
  • UK Ancestry Visa
  • Certificate of Entitlement for the Right to Adobe

UK Settlement Permits

The UK permanent residence permit is for foreigners who having lived in the UK consecutively for certain years without breaking visa or other rules or UK laws. Also known as “Indefinite Leave to Remain” such residence title empowers foreigners to stay and be active in the UK without any limitation.

After certain consecutive years spent in the UK on a settlement permit there’s a possibility to naturalize as a British citizen.

Settlement and Pre-Settlement Permit for EU citizens

Settled and pre-settled permits are for the EU citizens (except for Irish citizens) to confirm their eligibility to permanently live and be active in the UK after the Brexit.

There is an unclear situation about the immigration status of the citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland after such occasion.

Settlement Permit for Refugees and Persons under Humanitarian Protection

These permanent residences are for refugees and persons under humanitarian protection in the UK, after having lived for 5 continuous years with a UK residence card that relates with their status.

Settlement permit for former members of Her Majesty Forces

This residence permit is for foreigners having served for HM Forces (or their child or parent) at least 4 years, to permanently live and be active in the UK without restrictions.

Settlement permit based on a Long Residence in the UK

This residence permit is for foreigners having legally lived in UK for 10 continuous years, allowing them to permanently live and be active in the UK without restriction.

The period of stay counted for settlement permit is the day of arrival to the UK or the day having been issued a UK entry visa (if you’re a visa national).

Settlement Permits for Long-Term Workers

These residence permits are for long-term foreign workers, having lived for the required settlement qualifying period in the UK, working in the appropriate job for their visa in hold. They must have earned at least the appropriate rate for the job position or the annual gross salary of minimum earning threshold, whichever of these is more.

Settlement permit for a Widowed Partner

This residence permit is for foreigners in the UK through a marriage/civil partnership/durable relationship with a British citizen, or a holder of settlement permit, if such partner has deceased by now.

You must have been living with your deceased partner in the same house, with a residence permit as their family member (limited into spouse, civil partner, or partner in a long-lasting relationship).

Settlement permit for victims of domestic violence

This settlement permit is for victims of domestic violence after having entered the UK as a spouse, civil partner, and unmarried same sex-partner of a settled person living in the UK. Or, of a discharged member of HM forces, who is either British or has served for minimum 4 years.

The application for settlement can be done right after the official separation from the partner.

Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)

The Biometric Residence Permit is a residence permit that contains fingerprints, photographs, signature, and the status of immigration of the holder in the UK and their access level in public funds and services.

It is given to all the persons expecting to visit the UK for longer than 6 months, those extending their current UK visa period, those making an application for settlement permit or transferring the visa into a new passport as well as those applying for Home Office travel documents. As a part of your application you have to give fingerprints, photographs and signature for the BRP.

This document is received automatically with the aforementioned permits or documents, if you’re a successful applicant, without having to make a separate application.

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