Packing list for vacation in florida

For many people, the other name for vacation is enjoyment and relaxing, well in a way it is even true. whenever we get summer vacation, we make several plans and think of doing things that are adventurous and fun. The excitement that we have at that time cannot be described in words.

It a phase where you don’t have any work pressure, no stress-related issues and you will be experiencing complete peace. But spending your vacation just by sleeping and relaxing is a complete waste of time, instead, you need to do some productive things which can help in the long run.

Saying this, it doesn’t mean that you need to start working in your vacation completely. Here are a few things to pack for vacation in florida.

Packing list for vacation in florida

Pajamas: Include anything that is comfortable for you to sleep in. Since there is AC in almost every part of Florida, you need to hardly worry about getting hot there. Pajamas would be comfortable enough for you to sleep in.

Jeans: If you are wondering what to pack for Florida in December, remember to include jeans. That is because it is only comfortable to wear jeans in Florida when it gets colder.

Sunglasses: Sunglasses are undoubtedly a must when it comes to listing up items for a packing list for Florida. Try carrying two pairs because otherwise, you will always have the fear of losing one.

Beach Bag: It is very wise to pack a beach bag while you are visiting Florida. That way you can have all your beach essentials in one place. Beach bags are undoubtedly a must when it comes to the Key West packing list. You can even use your beach bag for your hotel pool.

Facemasks: The present situation as a result of the global pandemic has actually rendered face masks to be obvious. Therefore, carrying a few masks matching various dress styles is undoubtedly a smart option.

Backpack: Carrying a small backpack is a wise option. If you are carrying cameras or other expensive gear, an anti-theft travel backpack is highly recommended. Also, they prove to be very useful if you are visiting a theme park. Small backpacks are much easier to carry and they can help you keep things organized.

Sweater: Bringing an option to cover up is always a smart option when you are in Florida. That is because the weather can suddenly change. Also, even if it’s summer, most of the fancy places always have their AC cranking, for which you might need to have a layer to cover yourself up.

Jacket: If you are not a big fan of sweaters, you can carry a light jacket. Also, if you are visiting during the cold months, carrying at least one jacket is a must. Denim jackets or cargo jackets would perfectly suit the purpose.

Light pants: Prefer packing a pair of light pants because that would form a great option for dressing up for night outs.

T-shirts and tank tops: You need to pack at least one pair of tops per day especially if your trip is during the summers and you tend to get very sweaty. You can even use these tops and pair them with a cardigan if you tend to get chilly. You can also prefer wearing button-up wovens.

Bathing suits: These are the most essential when it comes to a Florida packing list. Bring two sets so that you always have a dry one to wear. Bathing suits are the primary essentials, so never forget to tick them off your Florida beach packing list.

Dresses or skirts: In case you desire to dress fancy you can pack some skirts and dresses. These would make most of your minimalist packing for Florida. Florida is also very casual for you to allow dresses almost to most of the places.

Underwear and socks: Your Florida packing list will never be complete if you miss underwear and socks. Always prefer packing at least a pair for each day.

Shorts: Try packing one pair of shorts per day. However, you can pack less if you prefer pants and dresses more. Prefer packing a mix of denim shorts, linen shorts, or chino shorts to maintain the variety.

Hat: As discussed time and again, the sun is pretty intense in Florida which demands you to bring hats too. Hats help in protecting your face from getting sunburnt. You can pack a common baseball hat for normal days. Or try carrying a beach hat for spending a day at the beach if you have planned for a honeymoon in Florida. 

Neck pillow: Neck pillows would provide you with much comfort while traveling. It will help in enjoying a comfortable journey and these pillows are also very easy to transport.

Headphones: Headphones act as lifesavers when you are traveling alone or if you are an introvert. Also, if you are working out during your stay, headphones are the perfect partners in that scenario.

Umbrella: Although carrying a raincoat for the rainy days is much smarter, one should also prefer carrying a small travel umbrella as well. That will prove to be helpful in cases of quick outbursts of rain, and even protect you from the scorching sun.

Refillable water bottle: Staying hydrated in Florida heat is a must. Therefore, carrying a refillable water bottle is undoubtedly essential. Most hotels have places to fill your water bottle up and thus you can easily carry water while going to beaches and theme parks. I remember while I paid a visit to the springs near Tampa, I certainly regretted not bringing a water bottle because of the extreme heat. Therefore, you should always consider carrying a refillable water bottle to always stay hydrated. If you are planning to buy one, check out our sorted list of the best travel water filter bottle.

Book or any other kind of entertainment: You can always carry your favorite book, kindle, or your iPad if you desire to spend some time alone and quiet, by the pool, for instance.

Portable fan: Florida summers can be very harsh, so carrying a portable fan can turn out to be a lifesaver. Especially in cases if you are going to visit the theme parks because the airflow will keep you cool.

Chargers: You should never forget to include your chargers in your Florida packing list. This particular category includes chargers for your phone, watch, travel router, camera, headphones, laptop, or any other gadget that you are carrying on your trip.

Towel: One should always pack their towels and avoid using the ones given by the hotel. This would help them maintain their hygiene.

Shoes: Shoes are undoubtedly an essential packing item. Make sure you include sandals, shoes, sneakers, and other comfy wear for a normal day out. Also, prefer adding heels, flip flops, etc. for going out.

Jewelry: Although things in Florida are much more casual, you can prefer carrying a few earrings and necklaces as per your choice. Such cute minimalist accessories can help add a statement to your otherwise boring outfit.

Hair spray: The weather in Florida makes almost everyone sweaty. Thus, if you are worried about your hairstyle going down, prefer packing some hair spray.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera has multiple benefits when it comes to skincare. You can always use it if you are sunburnt or are allergic to some external factors.

Bug spray: If your trip is mostly concentrated around camping spots instead of fancy hotels, you might consider packing bug spray for keeping the mosquitoes away.

Anti-chafe stick: Chafing can turn out to be an issue during hot and humid weather. Thus, you should always prefer carrying an anti-chafe stick, especially if you are not used to that kind of weather.

Medication: In case you already are on specific medications, make sure to include them. Also, pack some first aid and instant medications to remain on the safer side.

Hand sanitizer: Hand sanitizer is undoubtedly a must during traveling nowadays. Also, with the added covid situations, one should never keep their sanitizers handy.

Contact lens solution: If you wear contacts, never forget to pack your contact lens solution to make sure that your lenses are clean and safe.

Soap: If you are picky about soap, you should always prefer carrying your own. Also, packing for the soap is essential if you are camping or are staying in an Airbnb.

Brush and/ or comb: You should never forget to pack the brush or comb or both that you use for styling your hair. This is also a travel essential in case you need to fix your hair while it goes astray during the trip.

Shampoo and conditioner: Hotels will usually provide you with these products but it is much better to pack your own in case you have some special preferences or are allergic to some scents or flavors.

Deodorant: The extreme heat in the sunshine state marks deodorant to be a must for your Florida packing list. Since most people tend to get sweaty here, you would never want your travel partner to notice you like that.

Paste/ Floss/ Mouthwash/ Toothpaste/ Toothbrush: Dental items are undoubtedly very necessary when it comes to traveling. Therefore, you should never forget to pack all those that you need for maintaining your dental health.

Tweezers: You might regret not packing a pair of tweezers while you are traveling. They are small enough to fit into your luggage right away.

Razor and shaving cream: This is also an essential toiletry if you plan on shaving during the course of your travel. Flaunt your shiny skin after a smooth shave on the beaches of Florida.

Hair gel: Hair essentials are a must in Florida’s weather. Nobody should mind a fancy hairstyle on a night out or a date night. For that, you would need your hair gel.

Feminine hygiene products: For those who expect their trip to be during that time of the month, you should never miss out on packing your hygiene products. You can pack your pads, tampons, or menstrual cups, as per your choice.

Hairstyling tools: Even though many hotels supply hair dryers, they can be weak or of low quality. Thus, if you have enough room in your luggage while packing, include hair styling tools such as dryers, curling iron, or straighteners to be on the safer side when it comes to hair safety and quality.

Sunscreen: The extreme heat in Florida makes sunscreen a necessary thing on your packing list. You should prefer packing lotions or sprays according to your choice but be sure to include varying SPFs so that you are always ready for various activities.

Lip balm: If you have chapped lips or your lips are sensitive to sunlight, lip balm is a must. It will prevent your lips from being sunburnt and also keep them moist in that weather.

Facewash: Hotels might provide you with soap bars, but you should always try carrying facewash on your own.

Makeup: In case you want to dress up well for your special days in Florida, don’t forget to pack your makeup essentials. These might include your foundation, eyeliner, lipstick, mascara, blush, makeup brushes, removers, and whatever else you need.

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