No vacation for me meme

It’s time to get back to school!

We’re excited for you, but we know that it’s hard to leave the summer behind. Summer is a time when we can relax and unwind, and it’s so hard to get back into the swing of things. Nobody likes waking up at 5:00 AM to go to class!

But we’re here for you. We want to help you transition from sunbathing and swimming in the pool to studying for exams and writing papers. Here are some tips on how you can make your last days of summer count:

1) Get organized.

2) Set a goal for yourself (make sure it’s achievable!).

3) Make a list of what needs to be done this week, and start checking off items as they’re completed!

No vacation for me meme

Only One More Day!

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Tick tock. Tick tock. How many seconds are there in a day again?

The Excitement, The Ecstasy

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

I love this meme because it’s the way I always feel when I’m about to embark on a trip, or even sometimes when I’ve just booked the flights or made a decision to actually go!

Like running around shouting “I’m going on an adventure!”.

It comes from the The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey movie which is also filmed in my home country of New Zealand, and I visited the exact location of this shot recently so now I love it even more!

My Vacation Starts NOW

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Don’t call. Don’t email. The fun starts now.

Me Leaving For Work The Day Before Vacation

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

When You Leave Work to Start Your Vacation

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We So Excited!

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

And we just can’t hide it.

That Smug Holiday Feeling

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Rather me than you. #sorrynotsorry

Freedom, Sweet Freedom

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

The reward for hard work and perseverance is vacation.

Strollin’ Straight Outta Work Like

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

I’m gone.

Sayonara B*tches, It’s Vacay Time

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

*tries to look sad but just can’t*

When People Hassle You For Travelling too Much (As if That’s a Thing)

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

My lovely family often blames me for travelling too much.

They always keep telling me why do I need to travel so much.

And when will I do all the normal things that ‘normal’ girls of my age do (Earlier it was marriage, now that I am already married, it has come down to having kids!).

Now both mine and my husband’s side of the family thinks I am obsessed with travelling. And whenever they tell me this, I roll my eyes and reply that I could have been a serial killer or drug addict.

And the irony is that I had started travelling as a kid with my parents and extended family of uncles and aunts!

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