Newsletter on summer vacation

Summer vacations are the most awaited time of the year for every student in their life. Summer vacations bring a lot of chances to get involved in many things that we have been hoping to do. It reminds me that holidays are more useful if you utilize them properly by doing something useful.

Moreover, summer vacations offer every student a chance to take a break from their daily routine, enjoy their present time with their family and friends. Students eagerly wait for their summer vacations every year. They always hope of doing something worthy that liberates them from the regular routine of studies and habits.

Summer vacation is a time for relaxation and fun, but it can also be a time for reflection.

We all know how important it is to spend time with loved ones, get outside, and enjoy the sun. But sometimes we forget to take a look at ourselves and think about what we want our summer vacations to look like.

Ideas for Summer Sale Emails

Create a special edition of summer bestsellers from your product inventory. Start promoting the sale early to build anticipation. Send your subscribers an exclusive discount code and run a series of flash sales to encourage impulse purchases and pre-orders. 

Here’s a template to show you how to plan and design an attention-grabbing summer sales campaign:

  1. Newsletter 1 – Three weeks to go: Announce the dates of your sale
  2. Newsletter 2 – Two weeks to go: Tease some products
  3. Newsletter 3 – One week to go: Exclusive subscriber code or link
  4. Newsletter 4 – 24 hours to go: Reminder email
  5. Newsletter 5 – Launch: Links to best selling products, specify a time limit

Save time by designing and scheduling your promotional emails beforehand with a free email marketing tool like Sendinblue.

As summer fades, your thoughts turn to fall stock. A summer clearance sale is a great way to thank your customers and make a fresh start. 

Your end-of-summer sale campaign should give feel-good summer vibes, like this Everlane newsletter design. It builds a natural sense of urgency.

Your customer will want to take advantage of summer deals to enjoy the last days of the season.

Summer Newsletter Themes

Holiday marketing isn’t the only way to develop your email strategy. Newsletter content based on classic summer themes are a perfect fit too. 

Keep your newsletters and your summer product selection relevant to your customers’ lives with seasonal offers. 

Timely and relevant marketing is much more likely to make a sale. 


The excitement around summer vacations peaks as the weather turns warm and sunny. 

Tap into positive, fun imagery with a light-hearted tone of voice (if it’s right for your brand) and vacation-themed offers.

When the weather’s good, people spend less time on their screens and more time outdoors. Stay top of mind by curating fun summer activities that tie-in with your brand.

Jeff Vogl of ClassicCarStereos recommends creating a playlist on Spotify and promoting it to your newsletter readers. Readers can connect to your playlist of summer anthems or road trip classics as they live their best lives this summer.

Rifle Co. highlighted a collection of summer tourist destinations in their vacation-themed newsletters.

The great outdoors

Associating your brand with adventures in nature is a great way to encourage sales. 

Summer can feel so short after a long winter. It’s easy to create a sense of urgency around the long days and warm weather.

A newsletter template like this one from Brooks will let the product and the call-to-action button do the talking. 

Family time

Summer is a time for family. With that in mind, offer discounts your customers can share with loved ones or special deals on family-size purchases.

It will show your brand’s appreciation of family values and win over new customers through referrals and reshares on social media.

Home improvements

As the weather improves and people get the chance to socialize more, thoughts naturally turn to getting the home in order. 

Help your customers out by running a summer home makeover promotion. Think of ornaments, paint, and wallpaper to cozy up a family home or summer cottage. 

Offer tips for creating the perfect outdoor dinner party.

If your brand is there to support customers, you’ll remain trusted and memorable long after the summer ends.

The halfway point

Christine Glossop, SEO manager at Looka, takes a novel approach to summer marketing.

“Summer is the midpoint of the year. If your business is selling anything productivity, self-improvement, or work-related, this is your chance to re-energize your subscribers.” 

Looka used the subject line ‘Get ready for the second half of 2020’ on one of its summer newsletters when Covid was at its peak.

The email campaign above had a 21 percent open rate —  better than four out of five of their most recent newsletters. And had a 4.5 percent click-through rate, with more conversions than any of their summer newsletters.

For even more inspiration as you plan for your summer marketing efforts, check out our best email newsletter examples. 

Summer Email Content Ideas

So you’ve got your summer email campaigns all set up.! You’ve designed marketing campaigns around summer cook-outs, home improvements, and road trips. Good work.

Next, find out how to fill your emails with valuable content your customers can’t help but click through.

Make it useful

Make your customer’s life easier and you will gain their trust and improve open rates long term. Cost saving is an obvious way to create value. Flash sales, coupons and promo codes are almost always effective in this regard. 

But there are so many more ways to help them out. 

Get creative by offering fun activities, advice, recipes, tips, or to-do lists — anything to give your customers their best summer yet. 

Like the ultimate recipe for barbecued corn, a ‘must bring’ list for a day out, or indoor craft ideas for that one rainy day while they’re on vacation. 

The easiest way to embed video in your email is to simply add a static image or video still with a link to the content.

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