Newborn Visa For Baby

An important fact to note is that you can do the newborn visa for baby at the same time as your normal spouse visa application. This means that you don’t have to go through the entire spouse visa process twice if something goes wrong with the first one.

Newborn Visa can be done within 5 working days if the child or children are less than 2 years of age. Infants enter Australia as Australian Residents, entitled to most benefits and entitlements and do not need a visa. They will be issued with a Biometric Residence Permit.

Newborn Visa For Baby

If you are the parent of a newborn who was not born in the United States, then you’ve likely got one thing on your mind: how to get your baby a U.S. birth certificate, and how to get that birth certificate to obtain a US passport in time! eVisaLanding has already secured all needed document required for your baby’s U.S. visa application and is happy to share this information with you.

Consult us for Infant Visa to Nigeria

Our most favorite clients for Nigerian visa are our Infants and nothing brightens our days work when adorable infants are involved !!!! well sweet talks aside traveling with infants needs a lot of planning and tons of paper work . When planning a trip to Nigeria with Infants and kids, one thing has to be made clear, yes even a new born baby of a day or a child both require a Nigerian visa before accompanying the mom or dad to Nigeria.

Now this is not something for you to panic when you find out that your baby needs a visa , we at Nigerian Visa Services are experts in this field as we have helped our client’s infants and children travel with visa hassle free without undue stress to te parents. Yes one thing we want to honestly share with our trusted clients is that it takes some time to get it due to the paper work involved but that can be made easy for you by just calling our office any time during our working hours or contact us 24/7 via FacebookLinkedin or email , Instagram ,which every social media you feel comfortable with and we can help with an infant visa to Nigeria.

Why We are Best Child Visa Provider to Nigeria?

We agree that it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so talk to the experts. Often we get calls from the airport from people finding out at the last minute that they cannot travel with Infants who do not have the Nigerian visa stamped on their passport. It’s good to ask your family and friends when you are asking about the beautiful weather in Nigeria and what to pack but when it comes to International travel and visa Issues you talk to professionals experts in this field at Nigerian Visa Services who can help you and give you the most up to date information.

Contrary to the notion that infants can travel without any visa if they are with the parents, the reality is even a one day old baby requires to obtain an Nigerian Visa and no it cannot be done at the airport. We can get infant visa for you according to the timing of your travel it can be expedited or if you have enough time to plan can be done in weeks time we suggest before you buy your ticket to Nigeria call us and talk to our visa department for full information .

Contact us the minute you plan to travel with your infant or child and we will help you from filling up an application till handing you your travel Visa.

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