Netherland Humanitarian Visa For Afghanistan

A lot of people from Afghanistan who need to visit the Netherland for the treatment of the permanent disease, so Dutch Embassy authorities allow them to get visa with the medical treatment.

The Netherlands is one of the first countries in the world to start handing out humanitarian visas outside its borders to Afghan nationals that are being threatened by the Taliban and other terrorist groups inside their home country. Under current law, a person who is under threat because they don’t subscribe to a certain religious view, or because they once cooperated with the Dutch army and police forces, can’t apply for asylum in the Netherlands, but now a new visa policy may allow them to apply for a visa from their country of origin.

Will a Netherlands resident visa help me carry out my plans to visit the country for a short time? How do I qualify for such a visa if I’m from Afghanistan? Are there any restrictions in connection with applying for such a visa? Will it be possible for me to stay in the Netherlands forever?

Right here on Touriangle you can rest easy to obtain all the relevant information you need on humanitarian program for Afghan nationals in need of resettlement, Germany visa requirements for Afghan citizens, Schengen visa for Afghan citizens, how to leave Afghanistan as a refugee, and so much more. You don’t want to miss this!

Netherland Humanitarian Visa For Afghanistan

The Netherlands is ranked as one of the most ideal destinations in the world. The Netherland is a member of the European Union and is normally known for holding the highest ranking on several fronts that have to do with foreign policy, being at the head of the list being a popular destination for work, education and for those who desire healthcare services unmatched by any other country. While there is no restriction as such with regards to tourists from Afghanistan going to the Netherlands, if you are planning to live here, it is important that you first look at your eligibility criteria before starting off. There are certain terms and conditions that are valid to all non-EU citizens with regards to their travel within the Netherlands and before you can travel legally here, you will have to meet those requirements.

Information for Afghans inside Afghanistan

UNHCR is not responsible for or involved in the evacuation of Afghan citizens from Afghanistan.

UNHCR has limited ability to assist Afghan nationals inside Afghanistan and cannot help people who want to leave the country with the costs or logistics of travel.

UNHCR can only register Afghan citizens as refugees or asylum seekers once they are outside of Afghanistan and looking for safety in another country. If you are still in Afghanistan and are a citizen of Afghanistan, UNHCR is not able to register you.   

Information for Afghans outside of Afghanistan

If you have left Afghanistan, you can contact the UNHCR office or the government refugee agency of the country you are in for information on assistance, services, and how to ask for asylum or protection. Some systems to respond to new arrivals are still being established and the processes can be very different depending on which country you are in. For more information, please visit the HELP page for the country you are currently in.

Some countries have recently announced opportunities for Afghan nationals who have worked or been affiliated with those countries to apply for permission to travel to those countries.

These programs are established by those countries and UNHCR does not refer people to the programs or process applications.

A taskforce has been set up by the Dutch government to coordinate the program and identify cases. This taskforce can be reached via +31 247 247 247 or on The team is available 24/7.

Netherlands Immigration For Afghanistan

What documents do I need to apply for a Schengen Visa?

To apply for a Schengen visa, you are required to present some documents. You should note that all the documents presented must be well signed and correctly filled. The requirements are:

  • International passport: should be valid for at least three months beyond the duration of your stay in the Netherlands.
  • Two recent passport photographs: the photographs should be in the plain background and should be 2 by 2 in dimension.
  • To fill the application form: with no dishonest information and properly signed.
  • Other Documents: a copy of hotel accommodation booking, insurance copies may be required,
  • A valid email address: this is to provide you with the tourist visa by email after the completion of the process.

What are the documents required?

Soon enough, we will make the Netherlands (Schengen) Visa for Citizens of Afghanistan process easier. Additionally, we will offer these incredible three processing times so that you can have your document ready as fast as possible:

  • Standard Processing Option: The most affordable means to attain your document easily.
  • Rush Processing Option: Compared to the above option, this is a slightly more expensive and faster way to get the document.
  • Super Rush Processing Option: This is the most expensive option because it is the fastest among the three options. It will provide you with a document ASAP.

How can I apply for my Schengen Visa online once it is launched?

The Netherlands Schengen Visa for citizens of Afghanistan is easy compared to other long applications. Besides, with our services, you will only require a maximum of 10 minutes to complete it. You’ll be ready with these simple steps:

  • First, fill in your form here. Then, choose your processing time according to your convenience.
  • Second, verify and double-check the information sent. Make payment through debit/credit cards.
  • Third, upload a scan of your passport and other documents, if required.

If you have any unresolved issues, then immediately contact our customer support team.

Humanitarian Program For Afghan Nationals In Need Of Resettlement

Afghans who were not transferred by the Dutch government

Are you an Afghan, but have you not been transferred by the Netherlands? And do you want to apply for asylum? In most cases, you will follow the normal  asylum application process. This depends on your personal situation. You will receive information about this when you apply for asylum. 

The asylum process for transferred Afghans

Pre-registration by the IND

This means that the IND registers the names and place of residence of every Afghan.


IND staff will do a short screening (investigation) on public order and national security. 

Identification and registration

The police (AVIM) takes care of identification and registration. This means that AVIM: 

  • takes photos and fingerprints;
  • ensures that transferees sign an official asylum application; 
  • checks documents that transferees brought with them.


Employees of the Dutch Council for Refugees (VWN) will provide information about the asylum process.

Legal aid

Lawyers are available to help Afghan transferees prepare for the interview with the IND. This happens before the application process starts.


The IND will interview the Afghan transferee with the help of an independent interpreter. The transferees can tell their story and the IND will ask questions about it. 


If no further investigation is necessary, then the IND will decide on the application. Are there any indications of 1F (war crimes) or a danger to national security? Then the IND will need more time to investigate.

Residence permit

Does the person receive a positive decision, then the transferee will get a temporary asylum residence permit (valid for 5 years).

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