Nazareth academy summer vacation homework

We are so excited for you all to take a break from school and enjoy the summer! We hope you’re enjoying your time off and spending lots of quality time with your family, friends, and pets.

But we also want to make sure that you don’t forget about your schoolwork. In addition to our homework assignments and tests, we’ve made a list of things that will help you stay on top of your game while you’re out of school:

-Keep up with your reading log by reading at least 10 pages per day over the break.

-Write in your journal at least three times per week—you’ll get better at writing by doing it frequently!

-Practice multiplication facts by using flash cards or using them in class when they’re called on by your teacher.

-Practice spelling words by playing games like hangman or Scrabble (if you play online).

Nazareth academy summer vacation homework

Summer Assignment 2022
English 1/Honors English 1
Mrs. R. Severino
Unlike a biography, which tends to be more factual and chronological, memoir tends to be more creative and focused on
a shorter period of time. More importantly, memoir distinguishes itself as a genre because the author is usually reflective
in their writing, providing insights and lessons that they’ve learned through the events in their life, and sometimes asking
the reader to evaluate their own life and experiences.

  • After reading Trevor Noah’s It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood (Adapted for Young
    Readers), answer each of the questions below thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  • For each response, make sure to include specific segments from the book, using MLA in-text citation format.
  • Type your answers in MLA style.
    Here is a link to purchase the book, either in print form or for Kindle:
    Use this site to help you with MLA:
    Part One: Personal Reflection
  1. What was the most challenging part of reading Noah’s story? What made this part particularly challenging?
    (FYI – challenging in content, not in difficulty of reading)
  2. What is your favorite chapter of Noah’s story? Why? Give some specific lines or segments that were
    especially meaningful or interesting to you, and explain why/how Noah’s words moved or impressed you.
    Part Two: Text Study
  3. DICTION, or WORD CHOICE, is simply the words an author intentionally uses and the effect(s) these choices have on
    the text and the reader; diction is directly tied to tone, or the author’s attitude toward their subject in the piece of writing.
    While reading, choose ONE short passage that you believe is an example of effective word choice. Copy the passage
    (citing in MLA style) and explain how and why the word choice is effective, directly referencing the passage you chose.
  4. The STRUCTURE, or the way an author sets up and sequences his story, is important and tends to impact our
    reading and understanding of the message. Write a short reflection that discusses the structure that you see Trevor Noah
    using in his memoir: Did you like/dislike his structure? Why does it work? Why does it make it challenging? Be specific in
    your references to the text and provide MLA in-text citation when you directly quote his work.
  5. One of the elements of memoir that makes it different from the genre of biography is the AUTHOR’S REFLECTION.
    Identify one place in the text where Trevor Noah reflects on his experiences. Cite this passage. What does he tell you, the
    reader, in this passage? Is this section written differently than other parts of the story? What do you believe he wants you
    to take away from that section/his story?
    *Pay attention to spelling, capitalization, verb tenses, word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. Take the
    time to proofread and edit your work before printing it.
    **Due on the first day of classes in August for ALL Freshmen, both Fall and Spring students

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