My summer vacation essay for kids

Summer vacations are the most awaited time of the year for every student in their life. Summer vacations bring a lot of chances to get involved in many things that we have been hoping to do. It reminds me that holidays are more useful if you utilize them properly by doing something useful.

Moreover, summer vacations offer every student a chance to take a break from their daily routine, enjoy their present time with their family and friends. Students eagerly wait for their summer vacations every year. They always hope of doing something worthy that liberates them from the regular routine of studies and habits.

Summer vacation is a time for relaxation and fun, but it can also be a time for reflection.

We all know how important it is to spend time with loved ones, get outside, and enjoy the sun. But sometimes we forget to take a look at ourselves and think about what we want our summer vacations to look like.

Tips to Plan Summer Vacations

Here are some simple yet useful tips to plan summer vacations:

  • Plan your summer vacations wisely by using it for various activities, camps, and trips.
  • Make sure you don’t waste your time and don’t delay your plans.
  • Make a list of your plans and schedule them properly.
  • Mark in the calendar for the days you want to go for a trip or camp.
  • Plan a schedule for activities such as swimming and hiking.
  • Join hobby classes immediately to learn something new by the end of your vacations.
  • Think about the activities you want to engage in and try to indulge in them during summer vacations.

Summer Vacation Ideas

Planning a Trip: Plan a short trip to your favorite location to relax and rejuvenate yourself after the yearlong labor. Choose any new or your favorite location to travel and have fun with the family.

Summer Camp: Summer vacation is the best time to stay active and enjoy yourself with friends. Do a bit of research in the local newspapers and magazines to find out about various summer camps and choose the one that best suits your interests.

Go Swimming: It feels great to go swimming in the cool pool water for relaxing and rejuvenating during hot summer days. I enjoy going for swimming with friends and playing pool games.

Hobby Classes: Try learning something new and fun. Join hobby classes like singing, dancing, painting, photography or whatever activity interests you. This will be the most fun way to spend your vacation doing what you actually love.

Enjoy Nature: During school days we don’t get enough time to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. Summer vacation is the best time to take a long walk in nature and smell some roses or plan a camp in the local park with siblings and friends.

Classic Film and Shows: If you are spending the vacations at home the best way is to rediscover classic films and TV shows. Organize a pajama party and enjoy your favorite movies and shows.

Explore the Options in the City: Get out and get going, explore your city clubs, art and science museums and parks etc. If you love shopping visit malls and your favorite shopping stores with your friends and check out for the new collections.

Go Biking: It is super fun to go biking in nature to enjoy the weather. It is also the best exercise for your body. You can also visit your friends riding a bike.

My plan for summer vacation essay

Essay 1 (100 Words)

Each child excitedly waits for summer vacation. My summer vacation will begin one week from now. The delight of not going to class for the following couple of days is happiness inside me. I have arranged a beneficial summer vacation for me this year. I have wanted to get up late in the morning. The bliss of finding each day like Sunday is the best part of this long excursion.

I have intended to join the Music class on summer vacation. I have also wanted to make a daily schedule of regular cycling during the whole summer break. One of my favourite cousins’ elder sibling guaranteed me to visit me. I am truly so pumped up for my summer vacation.

Essay 2 (150 Words)

Summer Vacation is the longest vacation in an academic year. For me, Summer Vacation resembles happiness. It is the best opportunity for meeting companions and having a good time with them. In my building, there is a sum of fifteen children like me. Our parents cheerfully allow us to take part in outdoor exercises.

This mid-year, I have wanted to play regularly with my companions. I love Football, there is a ground close to my building, and we joyfully play over there. It will sound childish, yet I, despite everything, love games like Hide and Seek. It is a basic game, which includes no such equipment.

This summer, most likely, I won’t go for an excursion because of my parent’s busy timetable; however, they have guaranteed me to take me to my grandparents’ place. There is a lot greener in my grandparent’s place, and it is like I am in nature’s lap. I will go there and carry my schoolwork and a few books and comics with me.

Essay 3 (200 Words)

Summer Vacation is quite a refreshing time for me. This summer get-away will be unique for me, as my parents have arranged an outing to Manali. It will be seven days trip. I am truly eager to watch the scenic beauty of the mountains.

We have booked our tickets to Manali. The arrangement is separated into three little journeys of Chandigarh and Delhi. We will go through one day in Chandigarh and Delhi, there we will go for touring, and after the side tour of Chandigarh, we will take a vehicle for Manali. For the following six days, we will be in Manali, and we have wanted to visit Rohtang Pass, Manikaran, Hidimba Devi Temple, and Manali markets.

A year ago, we went to visit Mumbai and Lonavala. So for a change, my dad arranged an outing to the mountains. I have planned to capture lots of pictures. I love photography; catching the snowcapped mountains is my ultimate wish.

For the remaining summer vacation, I will join the skateboarding classes. My mom has recruited a Maths teacher for me, as I have a little fear of arithmetic. I will spend a lazy afternoon in the summer with my comics. Before my next academic session, I need to gather all the great memories with my loved ones.

Essay 4 (300 Words)

The best part of the holidays isn’t rising early in the morning. Summer Vacation is a happy time for each child. I am Rishi, and I am 10 years of age, this year I have a ton of fun vacation planned.

I have wanted to join the summer camp organized by my school. I have enlisted one week before my classes will be suspended. My parents allowed me to join in camp due to the learning exercises. They trust my school board committee, so they permitted me joins. It’s a fifteen days long camp at my school premises, and best of all, they will give us four trips to a nearby zoo, water park, exhibition hall, and amusement park. I am so eager to visit such fun spots with my school companions.

After the summer camp, I have chosen to finish my homework. I will invest a great deal of energy with my parents. For quite a while, my parents wanted me to join yoga classes. I will go to the yoga classes at night with my mom.

We are going to plan a short outing for my auntie’s place. The best part about visiting my auntie’s place is fun activities with cousins. They are modest and funny kids; they likewise eagerly wait for us to join their vacation. All these pleasant activities will make my summer vacation productive. I want to spend a huge time on recreational moments with my loved ones.

This summer’s super energizing part is one of my preferred films that will be released in May. I have just told my mother; she has promised me that she will allow me to watch this film with my friends.

Most memorable summer vacation essay

My most memorable family vacation took place two years ago. We went to Corsica, a French island situated in the south of France right next to Italy. I remembered waking up early excited to visit this new land. Used to take long flights, I was surprised to arrive to the destination after a one-hour flight. Even though the flight was short for me, it was stressful for my mom, she has never felt secured in a plane, probably due to the fact that she is afraid of height. When finally arrived at the destination, the dry and warm weather was there to welcome us. We all felt relief, and knew that this was the beginning of the summer.

While walking by the shore I was amazed by the soft smooth sand beneath my feet, it seemed like all the worries I had throughout the year were finally erased. There was a rock facing the ocean that it thought was really cool, so I decided to settle there for a moment to appreciate the view, I closed my eyes for a second letting myself comforted by the sounds of the ocean, the sounds the waves were making against the rocks was impressive. Spending a few more minutes on the rock I decided to go back. Tying to help my parents for making breakfast, they sent me and my brother to get bread, and a few croissants at the bakery.

My brother was driving while I was still wondering the landscape, I thought it was interesting how this island contained a mix between mountains, and beaches. At the table, conversations were spontaneous and positives, I forgot how fun breakfast could be when spending with family. That day we had has a plan to go to the beach, my mom could guess what me and my father had in mind. It was scuba diving and hunting with harpoons, but before we had to first buy the necessary equipment, and study the fishes we could hunt, since some were protected, and review the fishes that were edible.

Paragraph 1 (250 Words) – I Spent My Summer Vacation in Learning Guitar


Every year before the final exams get over, I like to plan for the things I would be doing during the summer vacation. Gone summer vacations, I made a couple of commitments to myself and I am more than happy that I stuck to them.

I Spent My Summer Vacation – Learning Guitar

I had always wanted to play guitar. The instrument has always caught my fancy and is something that I had always wanted to own. After the exams, I requested my father for buying me a guitar which he very pleasingly accepted. Next, I joined a music class; fortunately, there was a music teacher in the same locality I live. Every single day of my vacation, I walked to the music class to learn guitar. Not a single class I missed. I must confess that playing guitar professionally isn’t easy; nevertheless, I enjoyed it as it was a passion.

Preparing in Advance

Apart from playing guitar I also prepared for the coming academic session. I had already purchased the books in advance and studied for a couple of hours every day. Though there was no compulsion on when to study, I preferred anytime during the noon as it was mostly quite. I planned it in such a way that I get some time to play after the music class.

Paragraph 2 (400 Words) – I Spent My Summer Vacation Visiting My Native Village


All of us spend summer vacations doing what we love the most. Some like to simply play at home while others prefer stepping out from the confines of their homes. I belong to the second type. I spent my last summer vacation in my native village and am more than happy that I did.

I Spent My Summer Vacation – Visiting My Native Village

My native village is quite a distance from the city. It is a five-hour journey by train through village landscapes. My grandparents stay there and my grandfather takes care of the fields and produces. I was ever excited to visit my village for more than one reason. The air is clean and the whole environment is so much relaxed in the villages that makes you slip immediately into the comfort zone.

I spent most of the time, visiting fields with my grandfather and learning from him about crops and the seasons they are produced in. I also played a lot with my village friends. It was routine every night to listen to a story from my grandmother and sink to sleep.

Meeting Old Friends and Making New Ones

Whenever I am in the village, I spare no time to meet my old friends. After reaching the village, and meeting my grandparents, I immediately set out to gather old friends. They knew about my arrival through word and mouth and were expecting me anytime. It was so good to see them after so long time. The best part was they were also having summer holidays, which meant that we could play for as much long as we want.

It was real fun to play with old friends. As it was the holiday season, some of my friends’ cousins were also there which gave me an opportunity to make new friends. When we got tired of playing, we chatted about our life and school. This conversation that we made helped me a lot in understanding the problems faced by my village friends. I hope that someday I will be able to help them and be a true friend. I also met the parents of my friends and was overwhelmed by the love that I got.


Visiting my village to spend the summer vacation was the best decision that I made and I am glad that I took it. I not only spent my vacation happily but also made new memories. It was a wonderful experience and had me feeling content at last.

Paragraph 3 (600 Words) – I went on a School Trip with Classmates This Summer


I love summer vacations and have lots of plans for it every year. I am also quite sure that every student like me loves summer vacation as I do. I will share in the essay, how I spent my last summer vacation and how it has enriched me personally.

A School Trip with Classmates

Last summer vacation, I had gone on a school trip to a distant historical monument, around 700 Km from the city. We started early as we had an early morning train to catch. It was a complete seven days trip away from home.

I remember that it was six in the morning when the school bus came to pick me up. It seemed that the entire world was still in sleep, but inside the bus, a completely different environment was witnessed. Everyone was fully awake and happy as well as excited. Nothing could beat the feeling of exams getting over and the vacations started. The trip was an additional bonus of happiness for everyone.

All of my classmates were present on the bus as well as a couple of teachers, including my class teacher. The teachers were chatting among themselves and the children were singing, chatting and laughing. All in all, it was a sight to behold and also the happiest moment I have had in months. Soon we reached the railway station and boarded the train.

Learning and Fulfilling Experience

A little before dusk we reached the place. Our teachers have already booked the rooms in a comfortable hotel, so we headed for the hotel as soon as we deboarded the train. The next morning we were off to the sightseeing. It was a big palace built around the 19th century by a King. The design of the palace as viewed from outside was breathtaking. Every part of it was screaming about the craftsmanship that was involved in building such a beautiful piece of art.

On the inside, the architecture was even more beautiful. To this day I very clearly remember every detail of the glass ceiling, the paintings and the large doors and windows. It was in all respect a King’s palace. We hired a guide as soon as we landed there. The guide was very experienced and learned. He told us about every detail, regarding the place and patiently answered all our questions.

After going through the palace I was feeling very happy and contended. It was probably the same feeling that you get when you learn something new. As if I had solved a puzzle or scored well in a test. I guess it was because I learned so much about the history of that place and the people who built it.

Lots of Fun and Enjoyment

The trip was great fun as after the tour of the place we were overwhelmed with good memories. We also played in its exceptionally large garden of the hotel. I love outdoor games and it was a pleasure to play with my classmates on bright sunny days. We played kho-kho and other games. We even had a sprint race and other competitions each day. Though I didn’t score in any game, nevertheless, it was fun to be a part of it.

After the games or the tour every day we sat together for lunch. Everyone was sharing food with everyone and it was a really good experience. We also took care not to dirty the place and dispose of every leftover or garbage in the dustbins. All the seven days of the school trip we visited a new place and enhanced our joy and knowledge.

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