My christmas vacation with my family

It’s Christmas Eve! What are you doing?

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun. But they can also be a stressful time if you’re trying to figure out how to get everything done in the midst of your hectic schedule.

That’s why we’ve come up with a few tips to help you get through this season without burning yourself out!

My christmas vacation with my family

Essay 1

Christmas with My Family

Since I can remember, my family has had a traditional way of celebrating Christmas which gives us our own identity as a family, and I would not change it for anything. Every Christmas morning, our catholic faith makes us wake up with great enthusiasm to go to the church. As usual, my parents wake up early and go to my sisters’ rooms and to mine screaming “Today is the birth of Jesus, wake up, wake up!”.

When we hear their voices, we wake up with energy and good humor because we know the next step in the morning is to go to church. We have gone to the same church for years because we are glad to see and spend time with our dear neighbors in the church. We always sat next to them, as well. Also, I feel exalted when my father begins to pray for the poor, sick people or victims of wars. Clearly, during the morning we can feel a peaceful atmosphere and great gratitude to God in our hearts.

After a peaceful morning, we spend a very active afternoon preparing all the things that we will need for the big celebration at night. As customary, we go to buy some gifts that we had not previously purchased. For example, my little sister´s present is not bought until the last minute because she is too picky and she cannot decide what things she wants easily, so we have to go many places to get her present.

Also, we prepare our traditional dishes which consist of mashed potatoes, honey ham, tasty turkey and green beans. I never would change our dishes because they not only represent our traditions but also are delicious. In short, the afternoon is the moment when we are busy getting ready for the night celebration.

Finally, the Christmas tree lights show us that the night is here. We start our celebrations eating our delicious dishes. According to our beliefs, the Christmas dinner is the perfect moment to talk and share some stories of things that have happened during the year. While we are eating, the varied sound and wonderful designs of fireworks announce that it is 12:00, so we hug each other and exchange our presents.

One of the rules is that the presents have to be made by hand. For example my mother always gives us original and creative pajamas which she had started making in November. I love the scene when we are hugging, laughing, and showing love because if anyone would film it, I am sure we would win the Oscar for the best family movie.

In conclusion, the dinner, the fireworks, and the presents indicate how we celebrate our typical and hilarious Christmas.

Essay 2

When it comes to Christmas, what more can we say…Of course if it is the most be loved holiday of the year, a celebration of hope, understanding, sharing and the list remains open. Let’s forget about the “materialist” face of Christmas, about worries concerning the presents and think only of the pure joy of spending the short time with the dearest one. In my family, the Christmas “fever” starts a week before. The first days are reserved for buying the gifts, carefully chosen for each member of the family.

The next days, my mother is busy with preparing the Christmas dinner. The main kind of meat served during this meal is pork. A Romanian tradition is to sacrifice the pig on Saint Ignat’s day, and we respect it, than we make sausages and put some pieces to smoke. Before Christmas Eve, my mother cooks pork aspic, cabbage rolls, we call them “sarmale” and puts the sausages and steaks into the oven. After these come the sweets: sponge cakes with wall nuts, Turkish delights, raisins and the Christmas pie with sweetened cheese and raisins.

All this time my father and I choose the “right” fire-tree and beautify the house with lights, artificial snow and other decorations. During the Christmas Eve afternoon, all the family adorn the Christmas tree and we go to church. In the evening we return home and wait for “Santa” listening Christmas songs (some of them sung by carol singers who wander from one house to another).

We love Stefan Hrusca, the most famous Romanian carol singer, and Dean Martin, Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby. In the Christmas morning we open the gifts and we are always surprised and happy. After all this comes the Christmas meal when the entire family gathers round the table enjoying that we are together and celebrating the birth of baby Jesus.

Essay 3

Christmas with My Family

Since I can remember, my family has had a traditional way of celebrating Christmas which gives us our own identity as a family, and I would not change it for anything. Every Christmas morning, our catholic faith makes us wake up with great enthusiasm to go to the church. As usual, my parents wake up early and go to my sisters’ rooms and to mine screaming “Today is the birth of Jesus, wake up, wake up!”.

When we hear their voices, we wake up with energy and good humor because we know the next step in the morning is to go to church. We have gone to the same church for years because we are glad to see and spend time with our dear neighbors in the church. We always sat next to them, as well. Also, I feel exalted when my father begins to pray for the poor, sick people or victims of wars. Clearly, during the morning we can feel a peaceful atmosphere and great gratitude to God in our hearts.

After a peaceful morning, we spend a very active afternoon preparing all the things that we will need for the big celebration at night. As customary, we go to buy some gifts that we had not previously purchased. For example, my little sister´s present is not bought until the last minute because she is too picky and she cannot decide what things she wants easily, so we have to go many places to get her present.

Also, we prepare our traditional dishes which consist of mashed potatoes, honey ham, tasty turkey and green beans. I never would change our dishes because they not only represent our traditions but also are delicious. In short, the afternoon is the moment when we are busy getting ready for the night celebration. Finally, the Christmas tree lights show us that the night is here.

We start our celebrations eating our delicious dishes. According to our beliefs, the Christmas dinner is the perfect moment to talk and share some stories of things that have happened during the year. While we are eating, the varied sound and wonderful designs of fireworks announce that it is 12:00, so we hug each other and exchange our presents.

One of the rules is that the presents have to be made by hand. For example my mother always gives us original and creative pajamas which she had started making in November. I love the scene when we are hugging, laughing, and showing love because if anyone would film it, I am sure we would win the Oscar for the best family movie.

In conclusion, the dinner, the fireworks, and the presents indicate how we celebrate our typical and hilarious Christmas.

Essay 4

My Christmas Today we are surrounded by many people from distinct cultures and backgrounds. Aside from what the years have changed in society, most cultures still celebrate their heritage culture. I, for one of many, fall into that category. Being Hispanic we are very familiar with having big families, meaning that during the holidays there is something always going on.

Therefore Christmas time is my personal favorite time of the year. We celebrate it with all the family gathering, food, Posada, and “El Dia de Los Reyes”. We celebrate Christmas by what is called the “Mexican Christmas”, which I’m sure many Hispanics are familiar with as well since it is a huge part of our culture and heritage. We start off Christmas on December 16th with an event leading up to Christmas Eve called “Posada”. Posada is Spanish for “Lodging” meaning a place where someone lives or stays.

We usually get together with a few neighbors, friends, and relatives to go door to door asking for lodging. This goes back to our culture and religion background to when Joseph and the Virgin Mary were out to look for a place to stay the night of Christmas Eve to have baby Jesus.

What we do during this time is we go from neighbor to neighbor (of course all planned out) asking for a place to stay but most would reject because there would be no more room in their living space. After finding a place to stay we go inside and say a prayer giving thanks for the place. At the end of the night we celebrate with music, food, and piñata.

This goes on for nine days and ends with an even bigger celebration. The night of Christmas Eve is my favorite after the celebration is done with the Posada. All my family gets together, usually always at my aunt’s house, and we wait for it to be midnight. As we wait for it to be midnight we say prayers and put baby Jesus back to sleep. We make our wishes and light sparklers to celebrate the night of Jesus being born. We do believe that Christmas should be celebrated

Essay 4

One of my favorite Christmas memories is when I got to spend time with my family, and it was all because of a trip to the beach.

We had been talking about going to the beach for some time, but we had never really done anything about it. We were always busy with something else, so we would just talk about maybe going some day. Finally, one year at Thanksgiving dinner, we decided that we were going to do it—we were going to go to the beach and spend some time together as a family.

We made plans for who would drive and what car we would take. We decided that my dad would drive our SUV because he has more experience driving on highways than my mom does (she gets nervous). My sister and I could take turns riding shotgun in case either of us needed help navigating or wanted someone else’s opinion on where we should stop for lunch or dinner on our way back home again afterwards too!

Essay 5

My Christmas vacation with my family

My family and I went to the beach for our Christmas vacation. It was an amazing experience. We had a great time and we were able to relax. When we first arrived, we had a lot of fun exploring the beach and collecting shells. The kids loved picking up shells and looking at them under their magnifying glass because they could see all of the details on them. Then, we went for a walk on the beach together and collected more shells.

We had lunch at a restaurant near the water and then we went into town for some shopping. For dinner that night, my dad cooked us spaghetti with meatballs because he was feeling like making something Italian for Christmas (it was also his favorite dish). After dinner, we played board games together as a family and watched movies before going to bed early so that we would be rested up for the next day’s activities!

In the morning on Christmas Day, we woke up early so that we could open presents before breakfast! My brother got some new clothes from Santa Claus and even got an Xbox One game console which was exactly what he wanted this year (he loves playing video games).

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