Medical Visa For China

Medical Visa For China helps Chinese patients to be examined, treated and diagnosed by the medical professionals in their home country while they are still healthy, thus improving their overall medical level through treatment and diagnosis. Medical Visa For China is a practical service that provides Chinese patients with easy, fast and trouble-free application for visa approval.

China has always had a large number of foreign patients looking to use its medical system, but until recently it was very difficult for foreigners to get the documentation necessary to travel there. Foreigners who can establish that their medical condition cannot be resolved by treatment in their home country may apply for a Medical Visa (including accompanying family members) through state-approved agencies.

Medical Visa For China

China is one of the best countries you can visit for healthcare. However, this could be a slightly daunting prospect, especially for individuals who have never traveled before. Medical tourist visa for China can be really tedious and overwhelming, especially if you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. That’s why I’ve prepared an article full of firsthand experience that will help you feel more confident in your decision to travel to China.

Understanding China’s Visa Medical

People travel from one country to another for various reasons. Some travel for leisure, to visit a country they prefer to explore and experience their culture. Others are attracted to try the abundant natural wonders the country offers. From different tourist spots down to the festivities, they are celebrating, and people are looking for a way to experience them all. In the pursuit of leisure, recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, people are willing to spend their time away from home.

But not all travel for leisure. More and more migrants travel from one country to another to seek a better opportunity for business and trade, employment and advancement in their education. And many countries are open to welcome migrants to their home. And, China is among them. However, before anything else, there are things you need to do to enter their country legally. And China has one of the tedious and strict processes when it comes to applying for a visa.


Same day appointments, as much time as you need with the doctor and instant referrals to our network of Consultant Specialists.

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To understand this process, here is the information you need to follow:

Before going into the details of applying for Visa, it is essential to check the list of China’s visa-free policies. These include exceptions on visa-free policies such as:

  • 24-hour direct transit passengers
  • 53 countries’ passport holders enjoying 72-hour or 144-hour visa-free transit
  • tour groups organized by local travel agencies to specific areas like Hainan and Guangdong
  • and holders of Japanese, Singaporean, Qatari and Bruneian passports
  • Chinese Alien Residence Permit
  • Holders of APEC Business Travel Card
  • Diplomatic, Service or Official Passport Holders

If you are qualified in any of this exception then securing a visa will not be necessary. If not, then choosing the type of visa you need to get is the next thing you want to consider. China has several visa types available depending on the circumstance you are applying, and this includes:

  • Tourist
  • Business
  • Student
  • Work
  • Transit
  • Private visit
  • Family Reunion
  • Non-commercial Visit
  • Talent
  • Crew
  • Resident, and
  • Journalist
  • Prepare all the documents needed.
  • Submit the application

On China Visa Medical, those who intend to work, live, visit and teach in China will have to undergo medical screening. And this requirement is essential in applying for your visa. The medical screening is a tedious process since it is required be it on arrival, pre-departure and in some cases both. Here are the things you may be required to provide to authorities as far as China visa medical checks are concerned:

  • A full medical examination which will be performed by a doctor.
  • Blood tests. These consist of the following: HIV, Syphilis, Liver function tests, Hepatitis B serology, and Blood group. This will be performed at the same time as your medical examination. This may be performed by either a doctor or a nurse.
  • ECG. As with the blood tests, this will be performed at the same time as your medical examination. This may be performed by either a doctor or a nurse.
  • Chest X-ray.


Same day appointments, as much time as you need with the doctor and instant referrals to our network of Consultant Specialists.

If you are experiencing health concerns, you don’t have to wait any longer.


orCall 020 70968853

These pieces of information are your best guide to facilitate your visa application.  China believed and accepts the universally recognized truth that Health is important. Thus, requiring to undergo several medical tests are important to ensure that there is no threat to China’s health and safety standards. After all, we all want to have a safe and healthy environment. All being well, your time spends in China will be smooth and proper. Enjoy!

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