Medical Check Up For Work Permit In Singapore

When you sign a work permit, you are agreeing that you are fit to work. That’s why a medical check up for work permit in Singapore is necessary.

A well-rounded medical check up is an important prerequisite in most countries before their citizenship can be given. Singapore is no different. It is mandatory for immigrants to undergo medical screening, if they intend to remain in Singapore after a visit pass or work permit expires. This medical screening is free and has to be done at any GPs, polyclinics or hospitals on behalf of the Health Ministry.

Medical Check Up For Work Permit In Singapore

Our medical check-up for work permit is all inclusive. There are times when your employer, who wants to help you by providing assistance and cover for you, may not be quite sure of what all is required or the format in which it should be done. In that case, we take complete charge and do this for you with absolute care. We have years of experience in doing these medical check-ups and with us we make sure that you get the best medical treatment, one which is prompt and fun at the same time. Our doctors are trained to look for symptoms resulting from chronic diseases but they are also aware of any acute illnesses that need immediate attention. Some of our tests include full blood tests and lab examinations like Urine test and Lipid Profile. The results come with a report and this report is what your employer requires as part of the application of Work Permit done online by them.

Medical examination for migrant worker

You need to send your workers for a medical examination before you can get their Work Permits issued.

Requirements for the check-up

You must send your workers for a medical examination by a Singapore-registered doctor within 2 weeks of their arrival in Singapore or 7 days of completing Stay-Home Notice (SHN). Bring along the medical examination form when the worker goes for the tests.

Newly- arrived Work Permit and S Pass holders in the construction, marine shipyard and process sectors who are entering Singapore from higher-risk countries or regions will complete their SHN, enhanced medical examination and Settling-In Programme at the Migrant Worker Onboarding Centre.

The worker must pass the examination, and you need the completed medical form to get the Work Permit issued. Those who fail the examination will have to be sent home.

The medical examination screens the worker for 4 types of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis and malaria) and checks if they are fit to work.

You can send your workers for more tests if you have specific concerns about their health.


Paying the salary

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