Limerick poems about summer vacation

School’s out at last! Time for that much needed vacation. Whether this is your first summer vacation or fiftieth, it’s still exciting. Sure, you might be going to the same destination that you always go to but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun!

What is a Limerick?

A limerick is a short and fun five-line poem with a distinctive rhythm. The first, second and fifth lines are longer than the third and fourth lines. The rhyming pattern is AABBA. The longer A lines rhyme with each other and the shorter B lines rhyme with each other.

  • Line 1: 7-10 syllables A
  • Line 2: 7-10 syllables A
  • Line 3: 5-7 syllables B
  • Line 4: 5-7 syllables B
  • Line 5: 7-10 syllables A

Limerick poems about summer vacation

      There’s a painter who came from the Low Lands
      Whose sunflowers fill tell-and-show stands
              His ear got the hatchet
              But nothing can match it
      The opus produced by Van Gogh hands

      There’s a village in France that they call Salon
      The home of a star-struck phenomenon
                  And old Nostradamus
                  Wrote verses to warn us
      But never foresaw Mr. Q-anon

      Measuring stars on the Memphis meridian
      Under Anubis unearthing obsidian
              Pyramid structures
              Where reasoning ruptures
      The afterlife swiftly supplants the quotidian

Egyptian Memphis Limerick

      On the Indian sea near Djibouti
      The sailors grow lonesome and moody
              And night after night
              They imagine the sight
      Of a baby beluga’s big booty

      There’s an atom that can’t be repaired
      When the nuclear energy’s shared
              But beware of the boost
              From the power produced
      It’s the mass times the speed of light squared

      My friend from the seventh dimension
      Arrived with a recent invention
              He’s foreign and stateless
              And loves feeling weightless
      His body is held in suspension

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