Liberia Visa For Egypt

If you are looking Liberia Visa For Egypt, we have the right solution for you. Here is an explanation of our services.

Despite the civil war in Liberia, the country is opening up to interact with the international community. This means that nationals may now apply for a Liberia visa for Egypt. A visa can be applied for in Cairo at the embassy of Liberia.

I recently booked a trip to Egypt and was looking over the visa requirements. When I went to book my shuttle service, I was blown away that they had their whole process laid out on their website in plain view.

Liberia Visa For Egypt

Entry Requirements for Egypt Visitors to Egypt require a visa in order to enter the country. The visa is available for a stay ranging from 3 days to 6 months. All visitors may apply for a visa at any Egyptian Embassy or Consulate before entering the country, or at Egyptian immigration checkpoints in the El Alamein International Airport, Cairo International Airport and Benito Juarez International Airport in Alexandria upon their arrival in Egypt.

Egypt Visa for Liberians

Facts about Egypt

Egypt is a country which is very rich in history and culture. Egypt is known to have a lot of pyramids with most of them being tombs for the Egyptian pharaohs. The pyramids found at Giza are considered to be the most popular pyramids in Egypt. The largest pyramid is the ‘Pyramid of Khufu’ at Giza, it is the only one of the seven wonders of the world which still exists. Tourists in the country can visit museums to see ancient Egyptian antiquities or take a ride through the safari on a camel’s back or a jeep. Whatever you want to do during your time in Egypt, it definitely is great fun.

The tourism industry in Egypt is a leading aspect to the economic growth in Egypt. In 2010, Egypt played host to 14.7 million tourists and contributed more than 11%of the country’s GDP. From then on, the number of tourist visits in the country has been on the rise and it is expected to keep rising for the foreseeable future.

Travelers into Egypt are not allowed to enter or leave Egypt with more than $10,000 or its equivalent in any currency. People caught in any homosexual act are subject to 10 years imprisonment. Avoid drinking alcohol in public places, you could be arrested if seen doing so. The Egyptian government is not against the practice of Christianity but trying to convert someone to the Christian faith is illegal.

Types of Egypt Visa

Types of VisaProcessing TimeDuration of Stay
Tourist visa5-7 working days30 days
Business visa5-7 working days30 days
Transit visa5-7 working days24 hours

General Requirements for Egypt Visa

  • Passport valid for at least 6 months from the proposed date of departure.
  • One copy of duly completed visa application form which has been signed where necessary.
  • Two recent passport photographs taken with a white background and follows the photo specification for a visa application.
  • Proof of accommodation for the duration of your stay in the country.
  • Bank statement spanning 3 months prior to the period of application. The bank statement should show proof of available funds to cover travel expenses.
  • Valid travel insurance.
  • A detailed travel itinerary.
  • Return and onward tickets.

Egypt Tourist visaEgypt Business visaEgypt Transit visa

Egypt Tourist Visa Eligibility & Requirements

  • Liberians with the intention of sightseeing, recreation, and relaxation are eligible applicants of the Egyptian tourist visa.
  • Egyptians can visit friends and relatives with this visa.
  • Applicants visiting a friend or relation would require a letter of invitation from their host in Egypt.
  • The letter should contain the full contact details of the host and a valid means of identification.
  • Foreigners on this visa cannot take up a course to study in any of the institutions in the country.
  • Applicants passport with a minimum validity of 6 months from the proposed date of travel should be submitted.
  • Employed applicants are required to present a letter from their employer which states their position in the company, the duration of their employment, as well as the duration of their leave.
  • Retired persons should possess a pension statement or documents showing other financial support from the last 6 months.
  • Proof of financial sufficiency that covers the applicant’s duration of stay should be submitted.
  • An incentive that shows that the applicant will be willing to return to Liberia at the expiration of his visa should be submitted.
  • Applicants travel itinerary should be submitted to the embassy.
  • Applicants should tender proof of paid visa application fee.
  • Proof of hotel reservation or accommodation should be submitted.
  • Applicants who are minors would be required to submit a copy of their original birth certificate alongside a letter of consent from one or both parents.
  • Applicants  are advised to be immunized against malaria, typhoid and hepatitis A and B.
  • Applicants are advised to abide by all the rules guiding this visa.

 Apply for visa

Egypt Business Visa Eligibility & Requirements

  • The business visa is issued to Liberians visiting Egypt for business purposes. 
  • Bearers of this visa are permitted to meet up with business partners, sign contracts and agreements.
  • Passport with a validity of 6 months from the proposed date of travel.
  • A duly completed and signed visa application form should be submitted.
  • Applicants are required to submit a business cover letter from their employer stating the purpose and duration of their visit.
  • The host company in Liberia is required to provide a letter stating the awareness of the applicant’s visit, duration and nature of business to be carried out.
  • If the host company will be financially responsible for the applicant’s visit, it should be clearly stated in their letter.
  • Proof of business registration of both companies should be submitted.
  • Proof of previous business dealings should be submitted.
  • Proof of financial sufficiency that covers the applicant’s duration of stay should be submitted.
  • Proof of incentive of returning to Liberia at the expiration of the applicant’s visa should be submitted.
  • Applicants who own their own business should provide a copy of their Income Tax Return for the last six months
  • Receipt of paid visa application fees is required.
  • International Certificate of Vaccination of yellow fever should be provided by the applicant.
  • Applicants are advised not to make the non-refundable expenses until their visa application is granted.
  • Applicants are not allowed to overstay the length of their visa.

 Apply for visa

Egypt Transit Visa Eligibility & Requirements

  • The Egyptian transit visa is  issued to travellers intending to transit through Egypt to their third destination.
  • The visa is valid for 24 hours.
  • If the applicant will not be spending more than 12 hours in Egypt, a transit visa will not be required.
  • Travellers should hold a passport valid for at least six months on entry with one blank visa page.
  • Visa and entry passes to destination country should be submitted.
  • Applicants are expected to show proof of sufficient funds
  • Hold proof of onward/return flights.
  • Confirm with their airline that boarding will be permitted without a visa as these conditions are subject to change
  • Leaving the airport transit area is not permitted.

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