Letter to grandparents inviting them to spend summer vacation

Summer is the best time of the year. It is the time of the year when you can plan a getaway from your daily life, it is the ideal time to bond with family and friends, a time when you can have the much-needed break you have been wishing for all through the year.

This article will give you samples of letters you can write to your grandparents inviting them to spend summer vacation with you.

Letter to grandparents inviting them to spend summer vacation

Example 1


Green Boulevard


June 1, 2017

Dear Grandmother and Grandfather:

I hope this letter finds both of you in vibrant health and cheerfulness. I am writing to both of you to invite you to come over to Mysore. My summer vacation has commenced and will last till July 3, 2017. It has been a long time since you last spent time with us! Father has made many plans; we will go to Ooty together; going to Rishikesh and Haridwar is also on the cards.  Both of you love Rishikesh; imagine how much fun we will have together on the banks of the great Ganges.

Do you remember how much fun last time we had at Ooty? I want to have the same fun again; and without you it is not possible. I miss both of you so much. I want to eat the delicious food cooked by grandmother; I wish to play with grandfather; I want to bathe under the shower of your blessings. The moment you finish reading the letter, do start packing. I am so excited to see both of you. Warmest regards to both of you!

Yours affectionately,

Example 2




Dear Rakib,

My school is going to be closed on 7th September this year due to summer vacation. Your school will also be closed on the same day.
I invite you to come to Patna on my grandmother house. We will have a good time here.
Patna is the old city of kings. It has many historical places. I have a good camera and so we can take many memorable pictures.
And by using this camera we can make a knowledgeable documentary which can help a lot of people to know about this place. So, we can utilize all our time of this summer vacation by visiting our city Patna.
It would be great if you accept my invitation. give my parents my respect.

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