Lesson plan summer vacation

Welcome to summer vacation! We’re so excited to spend some time with you, but we want to make sure you have a great time and get the most out of this break. Here are some tips for making the most of your time off!

  1. Get plenty of sleep! This means no staying up late playing video games, watching Netflix, or scrolling through social media. You need your rest so that you can enjoy all the fun things you want to do during vacation!
  2. Take a break from technology! Don’t look at your phone constantly—you will miss out on so much more if you do this! Instead, go outside and explore nature or play with friends (remember those?)
  3. Be active! Go for walks, run around outside, swim in the pool—anything physical will help keep your mind sharp when it comes back to school again in August

Lesson plan summer vacation

Scrambled Questions

Unscramble the questions, and then ask them to your teacher:

  1. summer your how holidays were?
  2. did where go you?
  3. there you did do what?
  4. it did like you?

Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Questions Words

Complete the questions with a question word:

Where    What (x2)    How (x2)    Who
  1. ___________ was the weather like?
  2. ___________ did you stay?
  3. ___________ did you get there?
  4. ___________ did you go on holiday with?
  5. ___________ long did you go for?
  6. ___________ was the best thing you did there?

Answer Match

Match the questions (1-6) with the answers (a-f)

  1. We went surfing, it was so much fun!
  2. In a nice little hotel next to the beach.
  3. We took a plane to the island and then we rented a car.
  4. We went for 6 days.
  5. It was lovely, it only rained once.
  6. I went with my Mum, Dad and little brother.


Ask the questions to your teacher, then to your partner.

Then write 2 new questions for your partner:

WhereWhoWhenWhatWhyHow  Did  YouVerb in base formDoEatBuySeeEtc.  There?
WhatWasThe best thingYouVerb in past simpleAte?Saw?Bought?Etc.


Scrambled questions

  1. How were your summer holidays?
  2. Where did you go?
  3. What did you do there?
  4. Did you like it?

Question Words

  1. What
  2. Where
  3. How
  4. Who
  5. How
  6. What

Answer Match

  1. E
  2. B
  3. C
  4. F
  5. D
  6. A

Teacher’s Notes


While students are performing the speaking task, be sure to help them with pronunciation of the questions, focusing specifically on weak forms and sentence stress:

Where did you go?

| weə dɪdjə ɡəʊ | – Connected speech and weak form “you”

What was the weather like?

| ˈwɒt wəz ðə ˈweðə ˈlaɪk | – weak forms of “was” and “the”. Sentence stress on “what” “weather” and “like”

Smartphones, photos

If students have photos of their holiday readily available (on a smartphone or tablet) let them show their partner while they describe their holiday.

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