Leave application for vacation with friends

Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to get out of the house and explore your surroundings.

Whether you’re a city dweller or a country person, summer is an excellent time to indulge in your favorite activities

Vacation leave may or may not be a separate category of leaves as part of a company’s leave policy. This category of leaves may be paid or unpaid, and may range from a couple of days to as long as a whole month.

Let us see some of the leave application samples that you can use to apply for your next vacation leave.

How to write a Leave Letter for vacation

All formal leave letters must be written in a prescribed format. This makes it easier for the management to read and understand your letter. Your Vacation Leave letter will have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, much like these Emergency Leave letter samples. Begin with a short and courteous presentation that gets right to the point.

The body of your letter will contain all relevant details that your employer may be aware of about your departure date, return date, plans upon your return, and everything else you expect your employer to do, address or track while you are away (you may want to break these items into distinct bullet points for the sake of clarity). Your final salutation should be courteous and respectful. You are not obligated to mention your destination. Yet, if you are comfortable, feel free to add the location as well.

Addressing a letter for leave is the right way to apply for a few days’ leave from school/ college/ workplace. To make it easier for one to write a Leave Letter for vacation, we are providing here a format of application for leave. In offices, most companies have a format where the employees can directly apply for sick leave. Learn how to write a Leave Letter for Vacation here.

  1. Greeting or addressing the concerned person
  2. Subject line
  3. Reason for leave
  4. Number of leaves required
  5. Details of your work compensation
  6. Contact information
  7. Name and Signature

Leave Letter for Vacation Format


Institution Name,
Address/ City


Subject: Leave application – One line explanation of why you want to take the leave and when


Dear/ Respected Sir/ Madam – Use what is appropriate


  • Greet
  • Why are you writing the mail
  • Reason for leave
  • Number of days
  • Request to grant leave
  • Attach medical reference

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,


  • For all formal letters, follow block layout only (format given above)
  • Make sure your subject sums up the reason for writing the mail as most head persons do not read letters unless important. The subject of the letter helps them understand that this letter is important and has to be read
  • Do not write the words ‘Date’, ‘Salutation’, and ‘Body’

Leave application for vacation with friends

The Manager,
Green Sapphire Textile Company,
California, United States of America.

Subject: Request of leave due to trip with friends

Respected Sir,

Greetings Sir! As on the occasion of 25th anniversary of The AHYLUN Association, you have gifted us five days off work i.e. holidays. Sir I am really thankful of you for your kindness, considering us worthy. My friends and I have been cut off due to work and other obligations .we have finally decided to use these holidays as in terms for bonding and relaxation thus we have brought tour package of Ireland, couple of kilometers away.
We will be exploring various places and visiting famous landmarks added to this the package it will also include stay at hotels, free food etc. In short all our requirements will be considered, the place we will be staying includes several luxuries .The package has been costly, but there is no charge for happiness.
Sir my friends and I are really looking forward to this tour as it will revive our friendship, make us closer and will be a source of enjoyment.
Sir the package shortly is a ten days trip. I request you to extend my holidays by granting me a leave of a week, my friends and I are really depending on this trip as a source of relaxation, this may be my only chance before the winter project is launched .we have already bought this costly package. Sir I hope you understand my situation. I will join work as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and attention.

Best Regards,

Mr. Andrew Martin,
25 th August, 2018.

Leave Letter to School Principal – By Parent


The Principal,
(School Name),
(Address/ City)


Subject: Leave application of (student name) for (number of days) due to vacation

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am (your name), mother of/ father of (student name) studying in class (class and section) of your school. His/ her role number is (student roll number). We have planned on taking a trip to (location) with the family. My child has attended classes regularly and therefore deserves this break. We will be traveling from (start date) to (end-date). My child will attend classes from the following day. I hereby request you to grant leave to my son/ daughter for the said days. I assure you he/ she will complete all the notes and homework as well.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,
(Name of the parent)

Leave Letter to Principal – By Student


The Principal,
(School/ College Name),
(Address/ City)


Subject: Leave application of (your name) for (number of days) due to vacation

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am (your name), studying in your school/ college in class (class and section). This letter is to inform you that I have to take a leave from my classes for a week as I am going to be traveling with my family for a vacation. I will be traveling from (start date) to (end date). I will submit all due assignments before I leave. My attendance record has been good to date. I hereby request you to grant me leave for a week. 

Thank you

Yours obediently,
(Your name),
(Class & section),
(Roll number)

Leave Letter to HR – By Employee


HR/ Name of the HR,
(Office Name),
(Address/ City)


Subject: Leave application of (your name) for (number of days) due to vacation

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am (your name and employee ID). This letter is to inform you that I have to take a leave from work for a week as I am going to be traveling with my family for a vacation. I will be traveling from (start date) to (end date). I assure to complete all the projects I have started before leaving. Any pending work will be sent by mail. I am sure the team will carry on the work seamlessly in my absence. In case of emergency, I can be reached at (contact information). I will respond back when time and a stable internet connection are available to me. I will join back my work immediately after that.

Thank you

Yours Sincerely,
(Your name),
(Employee ID),
(Phone number)

Tips to write a leave letter

  • Write the application in a polite manner that represents the request for leave and sounds real
  • Mention the purpose specifically for which you are requesting to leave
  • The base of the application should be maintained
  • The application should be concise and to the point
  • Cross-check with grammar mistakes or punctuation
  • The application should state the relationship between the child and the sender of the letter

Parents and students must note that this is a sample leave letter only. You might have to alter the content according to your situation. You will also have to make sure to use the correct address, salutation, and designation. Hope this article has helped you understand how to write a Leave Letter for vacation. We have provided samples for both parents and students to write the letter. We have also provided a sample for employees to apply for leave. Make sure to sign the letter and add proper details for easy identification by the principal or management. Write the letter to the concerned person only. Send this to your friends and family members as well. It might be useful for all those looking for a Leave Letter for vacation. You can get more leave letter formats on our website.

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