Lawyer For G1 Visa In Korea

Korean work visa policy is getting stricter and more complicated in recent years. This has made it increasingly difficult for foreign employees who want to settle down in Korea for a long period of time without proper knowledge of the situation. There are many points you should look out for, which are related to your eligibility and your employer’s business reliability. First of all, let us see what is G1 Visa or F-2 Visa (Korean Visa Type) and how different they are from each other.

With one of the fastest growing economies in Europe, Latvia is a destination of choice for many expatriates and international companies. If your company is planning a Latvian expansion, a team of talented workers can go a long way toward ensuring a smooth transition. That said, recruiting employees is just one step of the process. You’ll also need to ensure that all of your employees have the visas and permits they need to live and work in Latvia legally.

Touriangle is replete with al the relevant information you need on g1 visa Korea penalty, how to apply refugee visa in South Korea, g1 visa South Korea benefits, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on related topics. You don’t want to miss this!

Lawyer For G1 Visa In Korea

A G1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa issued by the United States Consulate or Embassy to a foreign national for business or tourist/visitor purposes. It is an important and official type of visa in business travel related matters.

If you are looking for a lawyer to handle your G1 Visa in Korea then this article is for you. Korean Immigration Law is about a lot more than just visa issues, but also run-ins with customs, police and other government entities that can make life difficult for expats. It’s not always possible to work around issues you face, especially if they’re illegal or cause misunderstandings between you and the authorities — and these circumstances can get tricky if not handled properly.

New Rules For G1 Visa In Korea

Types of Work Visas in Latvia

All foreigners will need one of the following visas based on their intended stay length:

  • Type A, or airport transit visa: This visa is issued to foreign nationals who need to pass through the airport transit zone in Latvia as they travel to another destination.
  • Schengen Type C, or short-term visa: This visa is also called a unified visa. It allows a foreign national to stay within the territory of the Schengen Area.
  • Type D, or long-stay visa: A long-stay visa is granted to foreign nationals who are entering Latvia and need to stay for more than 90 days within a period of six months. This visa also allows the holder to travel throughout other countries in the Schengen Area during this time.

All three of these visas are available as single-entry, double-entry, and multiple-entry within the time the visa is valid. A long-stay visa is necessary for any foreign employees who plan to obtain a residence permit and work in Latvia.

G1 Visa Korea Requirements

To live and work in Latvia, foreign nationals will need to obtain three documents: a residence permit, a Type D visa, and a work permit.

Lawyer For G1 Visa In Korea

The required documents to support a residence permit application vary by the applicant’s country of residence. Details are available online from the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA).

The documents to support a Type D visa application include:

  • A passport that has at least two blank pages and three months of validity
  • A completed visa application form
  • One passport photo, which should be in color
  • Documentation of residence permit approval from OCMA
  • Proof of travel medical insurance
  • A copy of the applicant’s flight information for the trip to Latvia
  • Proof of payment for the visa fee

The requirements for a Latvian work permit include:

  • A passport
  • Proof of accommodations in Latvia
  • Documents supporting the employee’s job qualifications, such as a diploma and CV
  • A copy of the applicant’s residence permit, if available
  • A letter from the employer
  • Employees should reach out to the Latvian embassy for a full list of required documents to support each application

How To Apply Refugee Visa In South Korea

While a long-stay visa is required for foreign employees, this visa alone does not allow the holder to stay for 90 days. A residence permit is also necessary and should be obtained before application for a visa.

Residence permits are issued by the OCMA, which is a division of the Ministry of Interior. To apply, employees should complete the application form, print it, and sign it. They should submit the completed form along with the required supporting documents, all of which should be notarized and legalized, to the Latvian embassy or diplomatic mission in their country. An appointment is necessary, as applicants will also need to be interviewed. Applicants should receive a decision within 30 days.

After the officials at OCMA have approved the residence permit, applicants can move on to the next step: applying for a long-stay visa. This application should also be submitted at the Latvian embassy. Visa processing typically takes about five business days. Upon approval, the applicant should return to the embassy to pick up their visa.

Before they can begin working, foreign employees will also need a Latvian work permit. To obtain this permit, employees will need to demonstrate proof of employment with a company based in Latvia. In many cases, the residence visa is also a prerequisite. Work permits are issued by OCMA. Processing for work permits may take a month, so it’s recommended that employees apply at their local embassy before traveling to Latvia.

After obtaining the appropriate visa, employees may travel to Latvia. Upon arrival, they should visit OCMA to pick up their residence permit and work permit.

Lawyers For Foreigners In Korea

◆ Application Eligibility

ㅇ In accordance with Jeju special act -article 229, Who owns a recreation facility in developed
    area with development enforcement approval from the governor of Jeju province,
    accompanied spouse and unmarried minor sons and daughters.
    – Those who invests USD200,000 or more and owns. 
    – If the recreation facility is belonging to more than 2 people, the share of who apply for the
       visa issuance  must be USD200,000 or more.  
       ※ Even though the total amount of investment including the amount of joint owner is more 
           than USD200,000, if the applicant’s investment amount is   less than USD200,000, it is not
           available to apply it.
    – It’s available to apply when the applicant stays at the facility and use it on purpose of
       recreation. When the applicant doesn’t stay at the facility, and let the others use it, it is not 
       available to apply. 
       ※ The others includes the joint owner and members of the recreation facility.
           But applicant’s spouse and unmarried minor sons and daughters are not included
           to the others. 
    – The Object of investment must be a facility on purpose of recreation as a recreational
       condominium. The facility only for tourism as a hotel or a motel is not applicable.

ㅇ Those that do not fall under any of the other categories of visa, seeking stay for more
     than 91 days in Korea, and applies to the following:
     – Those that are placed under medical care
     – Those involved in legal proceedings

ㅇ Those who want to be invited to receive medical treatment at medical institution in Korea
     by the hospital or inviter with permission of the Medical Services Law

◆ How to apply

ㅇ Applicant : the person himself/herself

ㅇ Where to apply: The embassy or the consulate of the Republic of Korea

ㅇ Required Documents: refer to the required documents listed below
     – If applicants already have a certificate of visa issuance or certification No. of visa
        issuance, they only need to submit the passport, application of visa issuance, 
        and a certificate of visa issuance or certification No. of visa issuance.

◆ The process to apply for a certificate of recognition of visa issuance

ㅇ The Applicant: the person himself/herself or the inviting party

ㅇ Where to apply: local immigration office or branch office

ㅇ Required Documents: refer to the required documents listed below

ㅇApplication for the visa can be made to the embassy or the consulate of the Republic of 
    Korea after the  applicants get a certificate of recognition of visa issuance or certification
     No. of visa issuance.

ㅇThe process to apply for a certificate of recognition of visa issuance
    ※ Except : In accordance with Jeju special act -article 229, Who owns a recreation
        facility in developed area with development enforcement approval from the governor 
        of Jeju province, accompanied spouse and unmarried minor sons and daughters.

◆ Allowed Activities

ㅇ Recreation, travel, nonprofit cultural and art activities, taking Korean language course in
     a language institute attached to a university, academic activities, attending meeting, 
     and other non profit activities are allowed.

ㅇ If a Miscellaneous(G-1) status holder wants to be a employed worker,  to issue another
    working visa or to change to working status is necessary.

◆ Required Documents

※ Items subject to change depending on individual circumstances

ㅇ Those that are placed under medical care or those involved in legal proceedings
    – Passport(A photocopy of passport if applying a certificate of recognition of Visa Issuance)
    – Application for Visa Issuance or Application for Recognition of Visa Issuance
    – Material that prove the purpose of visiting Korea(a summons of the court or a written
       opinion of doctor in charge 
    – Documents that prove the financial ability to cover the court costs or medical fee
    – Fee (single-entry visa: $50 (USD), multiple-entry visa: $80 (USD))

    ※ Charges not applicable if applying a certificate of recognition of visa issuance. 

ㅇ In accordance with Jeju special act -article 229, Who owns a recreation facility in
    developed area with development enforcement approval from the governor of Jeju 
    province, accompanied spouse and unmarried minor sons and daughters.
    – Passport
    – Application for Visa Issuance
    – Contract of transaction
    – A certified copy of real estate
    – Documents that proves the financial ability of the person himself and his family
    – A certificate of foreign exchange buying 
    – A family certificate (only for owner’s spouse or unmarried minor sons and daughters)
    – Fee (single-entry visa: $50 (USD), multiple-entry visa: $80 (USD))

ㅇ Those who want to be invited to receive medical treatment at medical institution in Korea 
     by the hospital or inviter with permission of the Medical Services Law
    – Copy of passport 
    – Application for Visa Issuance
    – One photo(3*4 size)
    – Medical treatment documentary evidence by medical institution
    – Financial document to prove affordability to bear the expenses
    – Copy of medical institution registration or inviter permit certificate
    – Certification of immigration education (as of November 1, 2009)

ㅇ 1 color photo 
    – size : 3.5㎝ x 4.5㎝
     – Photos must have been taken within the past 6 months. 
     – Printed photographs are not accepted 
     – Bright background is preferred over a dark one.

Other Important Considerations

Latvia is a member of the European Union (EU), which means citizens of other EU member states are exempt from the requirement to obtain a visa or residence permit. However, they will need to register with OCMA if they plan to remain in Latvia for more than 90 days.

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