Latest News About Psw Visa In Uk

Psw visa in uk is the best way to get British nationality. You can get many benefits from this program. If you want to know more about this program then you have to follow these instructions.

In our last news post, we offered news about the latest UK Visa Positin. Now, in this one, we are going to highlight the news regarding the visa requirements for the people of Pakistan who would want to travel to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has always been a very attractive place for many people around the world. The weather has made sure that anyone can enjoy the best on seasonal basis. The country is rich with archaeology and boasts some of the world’s most famous architecture.

Latest News About Psw Visa In Uk

Are you one of those people who wait until they have enough money to go on a shopping spree? If so, then you know the stress of saving. The little things here and there start to add up quickly and can feel like a lot if you are not careful.

What is a Graduate route?

The Graduate route is designed in such a way that international students who have earned their degree from a recognised university in the UK to stay there and look for work for at least two years. Graduates need not have a job offer to apply for a post-study work visa. Also, there are no minimum salary caps on numbers that allow students to work flexibly and build their careers in the UK.

From 1st-July 2021, international students who completed either an undergraduate or a master’s degree will be able to stay and work in UK for two years through the newly announced Graduate Route. Also, PhD students can stay up to three years through the Graduate Route visa.

Candidates who began their education in autumn 2020 or in spring 2021 will need to be in the UK on a student visa by September 27, 2021. Also, students who are going to start their studies later this year or early next year need to be in the UK by April 6, 2022.

In order to apply under the new Graduate route, international students must have completed their course (undergraduate or higher level) from a recognised UK higher education institute. Graduates who will apply through the new route will be eligible to work or look for work for a maximum period of two years after completing their degree. Doctoral Ph.D. students will be eligible for three years stay back.

The UK has always been an attractive study destination for Indian students, but staying in the UK after you finish your course can be difficult. In view of the recent developments, students who are to enroll for courses starting 2020/21 can stay back for two years after course completion.

Previously, bachelor or master’s degree holders can stay for only four months in the UK to look for a job. With the new rules, international students can stay for two years. This is an extension of visa rule changes that allowed PhDs to stay in the UK after graduation. The UK administration wants to grow and make its STEM-related fields.

Read: UK post-study work visa rights of international students are safe amid COVID-19 pandemic

Now international students who enroll from 2020/21 can stay up to two years before they are required to change their visa or leave the country. International students are required to find a job with a minimum salary of £20,800 with a Tier 2 sponsor license. Also, students pursuing Ph.D. are allowed to stay up to 12 months after completing their degree.

In statements issued by the UK Govt., they have stressed that “the brightest and best of students should not come here and do menial jobs”.

Read about UK Post-Study Work Visa Rules Relaxed for International Students here.

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UK post-study work visa for graduates

The UK post-study work visa allows international students to stay back in the UK to search for work for a period of 2 years after completing their graduate studies.

The new visa rules will come into effect from September/autumn 2020 or later. During the first year after graduation, PSW visa holders can work in any job until they find work to move towards a general work visa.

This rule of staying in the UK after graduation will again makes the UK a topmost choice for international students. International students who were looking for other countries in Europe will again seek to study in the UK.

Who are eligible for a UK post-study work visa?

Any international student having a Tier-4 visa and is enrolled in a recognized UK higher education from September 2020 is eligible for stay back period after their graduation.

Post-study work visa for graduates in the UK?

The new visa rules that will be applicable from September 2020 or later that allow international students to stay in the United Kingdom after graduation for up to two years.

Are students allowed to work in the UK after graduation?

The new post-study work visa rules allow international students to work in the UK after graduation. This rule will be applicable to a bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. graduates.

From September 2020, any international student enrolling in a UK university can stay there for up to two years.

What to do after the post-study work visa ends?

The post-study work visa allows graduates to work to stay up to two years and look for work. During this period, students are allowed to do any work other than their area of study.

Once the PSW visa expires, those who are looking to stay longer in the UK need to apply to a skilled work visa or general work visa (Tier 2 visa). However, in order to get a Tier 2 visa, the general work visa, the candidate must be getting at least £30,000 per year. For some jobs, this can be higher or lower.

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