Job Visa In Uk

As the cost of living increases in the UK many people have been looking at countries abroad to find work. There are a lot of nations which share a border or are close to the United Kingdom which are ideal for job seekers. Whether you’re looking for job visas in Europe or require an Irish Job Visa it might be worth taking a moment to look over this short guide.

The UK has prosperous business environment, which is supported by sophisticated government policies and strong business ethics. A great importance has been placed on the knowledge economy of the UK. The UK is also a gateway for higher education for international students. 

Getting a job visa in the UK can be challenging. To make the process simpler, here’s some information that will help you through the entire process (from preparation, to sponsorship application, and then working in the UK). Please note that I’m not an immigration expert, but based on my own experience (and glancing at countless other blogs and articles), I hope this article helps.

UK jobs are highly demanded all around the world. It is synonymous to Business, prosperity and advancement. There are 4 pathways to come and work in UK:

Aside of being a top tourism and study destination, UK has succeeded in luring a large share of world’s abroad workers. With a highly developed and market-orientated economy, the UK offers to employees not only vacant jobs and high salaries. The good working conditions where worker’s rights are respected, make it even more of an ideal country to work.

Job Visa In Uk

Yet, not everybody can just move to the United Kingdom and get a job. There are a lot of procedures that one needs to complete and conditions to meet in order to be able to work in the UK.

One of the main components of being able to work in the UK is getting the right kind of work visa. There are several work visas for UK, depending on your profession and qualifications.

Following in this article find a list of the main UK work visas, shortly and simply explained.

UK Work Visa Types

The UK Employment Visas are categorized in four main groups, as follows:

  • Short-term work visas.
  • Long-term work visas.
  • Investor, business development and talent visas.
  • Other work visas.

Short-term work visas for the UK

The UK short-term work visas are all part of the Tier 5 Visas, part of the UK Point Based System. The main categories of these visas, also known as the UK Temporary Workers Visas, are as follows:

  • UK Charity Worker visa (Tier 5). Persons who want to do unpaid voluntary work for a charity in the UK can apply for this visa. A certificate of sponsorship from a licensed employer is required.
  • UK Creative and Sporting visa (Tier 5). Persons who have been offered work in the UK as a sports person or creative worker can apply for this visa. The main criteria includes the possession of a certificate of sponsorship from a licensed employer in UK.
  • UK Government Authorized Exchange visa (Tier 5). You can apply for this visa if you want to come to the UK for work experience or to do training, an Overseas Government Language Program, research or a fellowship through an approved government authorized exchange scheme.
  • UK International Agreement visa (Tier 5). This visa is for persons who are contracted to work for a foreign government or as a private servant in a diplomatic household in the UK.
  • UK Religious Worker visa (Tier 5). If you want to move to the UK for a short-term in order to do religious work, such as preaching or working in a religious order, you can apply for this visa.
  • UK Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5). You can apply for a Seasonal work visa is you want to travel to the UK and do farm work for up to 6 months.
  • UK Youth Mobility Scheme visa (Tier 5). A visa for persons who have certain types of British Nationality or are from certain countries, between the age of 18 to 30.

Long-term work visas for the UK

The UK long-term work visas are all part of the Tier 2 Visas, part of the UK Point Based System. The main categories of the UK long-term work visas are as follows:

  • Tier 2 General UK work visa. This visa is for persons from outside the EEA and Switzerland who have gotten a job offer in the UK. The applicant must be employed by a licensed sponsor in order to be able to apply.
  • Tier 2 UK Intra-company Transfer visa. Persons whose overseas employer has offered a role in a UK branch of the organization can apply for this UK work visa.
  • Tier 2 UK Minister of Religion visaA visa for non-EEA and Switzerland nationals who have been offered a job in the UK within a faith community.
  • Tier 2 UK Sportsperson visaElite sportsperson or qualified coach, who has been recognized by their sport’s governing body as being at the highest level of their profession internationally, can apply for this visa.

Investor, business development and talent visas

The UK has established several visa types for foreign investors, business developers and talented persons. There are several UK visa types for these categories, as listed below:

  • UK Innovator visa. This is a visa for foreigners who want to set up or run a business in the UK.
  • UK Start-up visa. This is a visa for persons who want to set up a business in the United Kingdom. Endorsement by an authorized body is a must.
  • UK Global Talent Visa. Persons who work in a qualifying field and have been endorsed as a recognized leader or an emerging leader, can apply for this visa.
  • UK Graduate Entrepreneur visa (Tier 1). Graduates officially endorsed of having a genuine and credible business idea should apply for this UK work visa.
  • UK Investor visa (Tier 1). This is a visa for investors that want to invest £2,000,000 or more in the UK.

Other Types of UK Work Visas

Other United Kingdom work visas are as follows:

  • UK Ancestry visa. You can apply for this visa, which permits you to get a job in the UK, if you are a Commonwealth citizen applying from outside the UK. You must prove that at least one of your grandparents was born in the UK.
  • Domestic Workers in a Private Household UK visa. Domestic worker in a private household that wish to visit the UK with their employer can apply for this visa.
  • Representative of an Overseas Business UK visa. You can apply for this visa if you are the sole representative of an overseas company planning to set up a UK branch or a wholly owned subsidiary for an overseas parent company. Employees of overseas media posted on a long-term assignment to the UK are also eligible.
  • Turkish Businessperson UK visa. This visa is for Turkish nationals who want to move to the UK to start a new business or to help run an already established business.
  • Turkish Worker UK visa. This visa is for Turkish nationals who have worked in the UK for at least one year as the spouse of a Briton or a settled person.

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