Job Visa For New Zealand

Are you planning to do a job in New Zealand? In case yes, you need to obtain a visa. Here are some steps you will have to choose from.

Are you looking for a job visa for New Zealand? If so, you might want to look at the Skilled Migrant Category. It’s the main visa for skilled workers to get a job in New Zealand.

You can apply for Visa to New Zealand and try your luck in the job market of New Zealand. There are uncountable job opportunities available in New Zealand. Working in New Zealand anyone can experience the most stunning scenery of nature, enjoy clean and fresh environment and the freedom of not being confined within four walls. One can take pleasure in the various tours and sports proposed by the companies and by doing all this he/she can stay in contact with people over here. This article will help you to understand how a new entrant is supposed to get visa and migrate to New Zealand.

Job Visa For New Zealand

  It is no secret that New Zealand is one of the most desirable places to be as a foreigner. Even though its still not really a popular destination for western expats its constant position in the top 10 list of best countries to live in has made it an obvious choice for many job seeking migrants. The reason why it went from being a country which was almost exclusively visited by Australian, European and Pacific Island nationals to a desirable place for expats to move to is mainly due to the recent global financial crises.

Family stream

The Family stream enables partners of visa holders to undertake temporary employment in New Zealand:

  1. partners of New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders, and partners of Long Term Business Visa holders, whose ultimate intention is likely to be to apply for residence; and
  2. partners of holders of work visas.

International/Humanitarian stream

The International and Humanitarian stream consists of:

  1. working holiday schemes to allow people from other countries to be granted permission to work on a reciprocal basis; and
  2. provisions to enable New Zealand to meet its humanitarian and international obligations.

Special work policies stream

The special work stream consists of:

  1. horticulture and viticulture seasonal work visas
  2. foreign crew of fishing vessels visas
  3. religious worker visas

The horticulture and viticulture seasonal work instructions facilitate the entry of seasonal workers to support the horticulture and viticulture industries

The foreign crew of fishing vessels instructions provide for the grant of work visas to foreign crew employed on fishing vessels in New Zealand’s fisheries waters

The religious worker instructions enable the entry of workers to undertake genuine religious work in New Zealand, providing New Zealand communities with the opportunity to practice, maintain and advance their religious beliefs.

Requirements for work visa applicants

Unless specifically stated otherwise all applicants for work visas must:

  1. be bona fide applicants and
  2. be of good health and character.

In their work visa application they must produce evidence to show that:

  1. they are suitably qualified by training and experience to do the job they have been offered; and
  2. they can meet any of the necessary requirements to obtain full or provisional New Zealand registration; or
  3. they have an offer of employment and evidence from the New Zealand Medical or Dental Council that they are eligible for registration subject only to attending a personal interview with a Council representative within one month of their arrival in New Zealand

Duty of New Zealand Employers to comply

All employers wishing to employ non-New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holders have a duty to only employ people who are entitled to work in New Zealand.

This duty includes employing people only in accordance with the employment-related conditions of their visas, if such conditions are imposed (such as a specific employer, a specific position, or remuneration above the threshold required for the holder’s Essential Skills skill-band).

All offers of employment must be genuine and sustainable.

An employer who supports a visa application, provides an offer of employment in support of a visa application, or applies for employer status must have a history of compliance with employment law.

Let us know if you are an employer, wishing to employ a migrant. We can help you with all formalities required with this process.

Read more: New Zealand employers who want to employ migrants will need to become accredited with Immigration New Zealand.

We invite all New Zealand employers to attend our webinar on Employer Accreditation Policy Changes, held by our Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser Dr. Carsten Hallwass. Register your interest in attending.

Do you need a work visa?

If you are thinking of migrating to New Zealand and interested in finding employment, take a look at the work visa options and let us know which policy might suit your plans.

To get in touch, just complete our Free Assessment form and tell us more about your plans for New Zealand.

Our Licensed Immigration Advisers will assess your personal and professional background and let you know their professional opinion on the right visa type for you.

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