Japan Working Holiday Visa For Australian

Recently, I have been looking at the potential of holidaying in Japan. One of the visa options that has caught my eye is the Japan Working Holiday Visa For Australian. It got me wondering if it is possible to gain this type of visa so I went on further research the topic.

If you are looking for the best working holiday visa for Australia, you might be interested to know about the Japan Working Holiday Visa For Australian. It is a great concept that brings people from all over the world together in this country filled with cultural diversity. The Japanese government has been working very hard to let as many people explore their beautiful country as possible by starting these working holiday visas.

The Japan Working Holiday Visa is designed for young people from Australia aged between 18 and 25. It enables those aged 18-30 to enjoy a working holiday in Japan, the country of anime and manga, the maple leaf country of Canada, and gourmet and sushi masters take on all you can eat.

According to the exchange rate of Japanese yen and Australian dollar in 2013, an Australian can earn up to AUD 3050 working one month in Japan. There are many reasons why you should be applying for this visa and work in Japan. This article will help you find out how and where to apply for the visa and what you should do during your stay.

Japan Working Holiday Visa For Australian

Pakistani citizens planning to travel to Japan are currently required to carry a valid visa in order to enter Japan. There are currently multiple types of Japanese visas, depending on the purpose of your trip and the length of your stay. Make sure to apply for the appropriate one according to your specific situation.

Japan Visa Requirements for Pakistani Passport Holders

The requirements for Pakistani nationals wishing to visit TokyoOsaka, or other cities in Japan are quite simple to obtain. Requirements can be organized into the following categories and differ slightly depending on the traveler’s personal situation.

Identification documents required to obtain a Japan visa from Pakistan include:

Please read the following instructions in order to know exactly which documents you will be required to submit as a Pakistani national in order to be able to apply for a Japanese visa.

  • Original current passport with a minimum of 2 blank pages and a remaining validity period of 8 months minimum.
  • All previous passports, even if expired.
  • Original national identification card (CNIC ) with 1 photocopy.
  • B-Form photocopy in case of minors requesting a Japanese visa from Pakistan.

Forms required to obtain a Japan visa from Pakistan include:

  • Signed visa application form for Japan visa from Pakistan. Japanese embassy personnel will provide you with this form upon your request.
  • Minor applicants, visa form and other supporting forms need to be signed by both parents along with signature or thumb print of minor applicant as it appears on the child’s passport.

Photographs required from Pakistani citizens for Japanese visa application:

  • 4 recent 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm, full-color borderless photographs with a white background.
  • The applicant’s face must be clearly visible, and photographs may be no older than 3 months.
  • Pictures may have a matt or semi-matt finish.

Travel documents required to obtain a Japanese visa for Pakistani citizens include:

  • Hotel booking.
  • Hotel reservations generally do not need to be paid beforehand and you may modify them later should you need to change your itinerary.
  • Return air ticket booking.
  • Should you not have a return ticket paid, a temporary reservation that is held for 24-48 hours will do. Make sure to bring a printed copy along.
  • Travel itinerary.
  • Download the itinerary form from the Japanese embassy website and fill it with your day by day plan.
  • Make sure to mention where you will stay and which places you plan on visiting.

Financial documents required for Pakistani nationals to obtain a Japanese visa include:

  • Printed original personal bank account 6-month statement.
  • Bank’s name, bank’s telephone number, applicant’s full name, and account number must be clearly visible on the document, which must be printed on bank letterhead, and duly signed and stamped.

Important note: Visitors traveling to Japan are advised to ensure that the financial records in their bank statements are more than sufficient to cover the ticket prices, hotel bookings, and estimated daily expenses during their stay, considering Tokyo is one of the most expensive destinations in the world.

The minimum closing balance should be around PKR 300,000 per person traveling from Pakistan to Japan. Please consider that suddenly depositing a sum of money to reach the required balance right before application will go against you. Bank statements should be under 7 days old, prior to the submission date.

Travelers financing their own trip to Japan may issue their statement themselves.
Travelers visiting Japan under sponsorship should bring a statement issued by their sponsor.

Employment documents required for Pakistani nationals to obtain a Japanese visa:

Employment documents required for Pakistani nationals to obtain a Japanese visa differ depending on whether the traveler is employed by a third person, a self-employed businessman, retired, or a student.

Employed Pakistani Nationals

If you are currently employed by a third person or company in Pakistan, you will be required to present the following documents when applying for a Japanese visa:

  • Signed letter from employer, verifying your occupation, stating your position, designation, NIC number, salary and how long you have been working there.
  • Signed “No objection” certificate or leave permit letter from your employer stating that your vacation dates have been approved and that they have no issues with you temporarily leaving the country.
  • This document must be printed on the company letterhead and also mention the length and dates your leave is authorized for.
  • Original salary slips from the last 3 months prior to your trip.
  • Personal income tax returns for the last 3 assessment years or tax deduction certificate.
  • Visiting or business card & employee ID card copy.

Self-Employed Pakistani Nationals

If you are currently a self-employed professional or businessman in Pakistan wishing to visit Japan, you will be asked to present the following documents when applying for a visa:

  • Personal income tax returns for the last 3 years.
  • Company income tax returns for the last 3 years in the event that personal and company taxes were filed separately.
  • Aside from personal bank account statement as mentioned above, you will also be required to present the original company bank account statement for the last 6 months.
  • Bank’s name, bank’s telephone number, applicant’s full name and account number must be clearly visible on the document, which must be printed on bank letterhead, and duly signed and stamped.
  • Company Registration Certificate or Certificate of Incorporation, whichever is applicable.
  • If applicant is the business proprietor or a partner: Proof of Proprietorship or Partnership.
  • Chamber of Commerce Certificate, if applicable.

Pakistani Students

Pakistani nationals currently taking part as students in official educational institutions must also present the following, when applying for a Japanese visa:

  • Student ID Card with 1 photocopy.
  • Leave permit letter printed on school or college letterhead, duly stamped and signed by academic authorities.
  • If student is a minor travelling unaccompanied or with only one parent, then they are also required to have either both parents or the non-accompanying parent issue and sign a “No objection” certificate, attested by a public notary accompanied by a photocopy of parent’s ID card or passport.

Retired Pakistani Citizens

In the event that retired Pakistani passport holders were to travel to Japan, they would be required the following additional documents:

  • Photocopy of retirement order or relieving letter.
  • Photocopy of discharge book.
  • Photocopy of pension book, if applicable.

Pakistani Families Traveling Together to Japan

In the event that you are traveling from Pakistan to Japan along with your spouse or relatives, you are likely to be asked to present the following additional documents:

  • Official Family Registration Certificate.
  • Marriage Registration Certificate.

Such a unique country as Japan has very different culture and customs to the rest of the world, perhaps you would like to read more about them prior to your vacation there.

How to Apply for a Japan Visa From Pakistan

Applying for a Japanese Visa in Pakistan requires gathering the documents mentioned above for each particular case, and presenting them at the embassy in Karachi or Islamabad.

  • Gather the appropriate documents for your situation, complete with originals, photocopies, and photographs as listed above.
  • If traveling with your spouse or family, one applicant may present the aforementioned individual documents on behalf of the whole group.
  • Exceptionally, the embassy will require an application interview, although this is unusual.

Japanese Embassies in Pakistan

  • Japanese Embassy in Karachi, Pakistan: 6/2 Civil Lines, Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi, 75530. Phone number 0213-5220800.
  • Japanese Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan: 53-70, Ramna 5/4, Diplomatic Enclave 1, Islamabad 44000. Phone number 051-9072500

Work hours are Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 12 PM and then from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Document submission is only open in the morning, though, so make sure you get there before noon.

Additional Information on Japanese Visa for Pakistani Citizens

Please note that in the event that your Japan visa request is refused, the embassy will generally not disclose a reason for the refusal. If that is the case, you may reapply after a 6-month wait period.

Fortunately, the process to apply for a Japan visa from Pakistan will likely become a lot easier as soon as the Japan eVisa is fully implemented in 2021.

Work visa requirements from Pakistan

The Japanese government is making it easier for skilled Pakistani youth to come and legally work in Japan under its new visa regime system.

Selected Pakistani students are first being allowed to visit Japanese universities under a youth exchange program made with SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) countries.  More information.

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