Israel Summer Vacation

Israel is among the popular countries for couple beach vacations. The country offers white sanded beaches, sapphire blue waters, excellent shorelines and tranquil environment. Touring to Israel is an exciting and memorable experience for everyone.

Enjoy a beach break in the land of the Bible. Thanks to the Sinai Beach Hotel, your dream of living like a king on an Israeli beach can be easily fulfilled. The Sinai is located at Pori Beach, which features miles and miles of beaches. The beach is surrounded by thick dunes and dotted with majestic palm trees. So what should you do on an Israeli beach?

How about spending a week with your family at a leading beach resort in Israel, enjoying luxurious hotel accommodations in the warm inviting water of the Mediterranean Sea? If so, you shouldn’t miss an opportunity to visit the Sarona Beach Club apartment hotel, recently opened on the western shore of beautiful Caesarea.

Touriangle is replete with all the relevant information you need on when is summer in Israel, summer in Israel 2022, Israel summer weather, school holidays in Israel 2023, and so much more. Take out time to surf through our catalog for more information on related topics.

Israel Summer Vacation

If you have already luxuriated on the sunny beaches of Tunisia, Turkey, Greece and are thinking where to go this time, take a closer look at Israel. The country is a real treasure for travelers who are interested in various types of leisure. The number three is a lucky number here. Israel has excellent resorts on three seas – the Mediterranean, Dead, and Red. Three leading world religions originated in the Holy Land: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. And the most popular holiday destinations are recreation at the Dead Sea, pilgrimage excursions to the shrines of Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem, and beach bliss with diving and trips to national parks. Want more details about legendary Israel? Find out all the fun!

It’s amazing how such a tiny state harmoniously combines all the factors that are important for a great vacation and an eventful trip. It takes only 4 hours to fly from Moscow or Milan to Tel Aviv, you never get tired. Acclimatization is easy. The climate is mild, subtropical. They swim in the Dead and Red Seas all year round. The water temperature in winter does not drop below +23 ° C. But the most ideal time to visit: in spring (March-April) and autumn (September-November), when the scorching summer sun is already cooling down.

Israel is living history. Ancient Jewish cities and places are described in the Bible, the historic center of Jerusalem, and the quarters of the ancient port of Jaffa. Places associated with the image of Jesus Christ attract pilgrims from all over the earth. Monuments of history and architecture of the Promised Land here organically coexist with the cosmopolitan streets of Tel Aviv and the luxurious hotels of the coast.

Best Time To Visit Israel

Israel is an incredible country. It has a rich history and culture, and the food is to die for. But when is the best time to visit Israel?

Figuring out the best time to visit Israel is a tricky question to answer because there is so much to do in this incredible country. Some outdoor, cultural, and historical activities and events can keep you excited for years.

Don’t worry. We will help you figure out the best time to travel to Israel no matter what your goals for the trip are – beautiful beaches, outdoor adventure, fantastic food, or the best deals.

Plus, we will let you know the worst time to visit Israel (if there were such a thing) and give you some tips that will make your trip to Israel perfect. Let us be your guide!

There are many reasons why you should visit Israel. It is a country with a long and rich history, beautiful scenery, and friendly people. There are also many things to do in Israel, making it an excellent destination for a vacation.

Israel has a bit of everything. Biblical ruins, cosmopolitan cities, dramatic landscapes, and many historical sites date back thousands of years. Israel also has incredible beaches where you can soak up the sun while enjoying the Mediterranean sea breeze.

Jerusalem is also one of the top reasons to visit Israel. Christians, Muslims, and Jews consider this city a holy site. Jerusalem is home to many important historical and religious sites.

Some of the other top reasons to visit Israel include:

  • The Dead Sea: The Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth, and the water is very salty. It is also a popular destination for people seeking to experience its healing properties.
  • The Golan Heights: The Golan Heights is a beautiful Israel area with stunning views. There are also many ancient ruins in the Golan Heights.
  • Akko: Akko is an old city with a rich history. It was once the capital of the crusader kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • Ein Gedi: Ein Gedi is a nature reserve home to many different species of plants and animals. You can also go hiking and relax in the Ein Gedi.
  • The Negev Desert: The Negev Desert is a large desert that covers over half of Israel. It is a beautiful and unique landscape that is worth exploring.

There is no doubt that Israel is a world-class tourist destination. One of the most wonderful aspects of visiting Israel is that there is something to do for everyone.

No matter what you are interested in, you can find something fun and exciting to do while visiting this incredible country.

Overall Best Time to Visit Israel

The answer to that question depends on what you want to do while in Israel. If you are looking to enjoy the nightlife and club scene, the best time to visit would be during the summer when the weather is hot, and the clubs are open late.

However, if you are looking to enjoy the beach and outdoor activities, the best time to visit would be spring or fall when the weather is milder.

The busiest time to visit Israel is during the summer when everyone enjoys the warm weather. However, the summer is also the most expensive time to visit as hotel prices and airfare prices are at their peak.

If you are looking to save money, the best time to visit would be during the spring and fall shoulder seasons. During this time of year, there are fewer tourists.

Despite the appeal of visiting during summer, the best time to visit Israel is the shoulder season. The shoulder season occurs in the spring (March to May) and in the fall (September to November). 

The weather during shoulder season is milder, making it more comfortable to enjoy all the outdoor activities that Israel offers. Plus, there are fewer tourists during shoulder season, so you will be able to get better deals on hotels and airfare.

The shoulder season perfectly balances saving money, avoiding crowds, and enjoying the weather. This combination is hard to beat, and I highly recommend you visit Israel during the shoulder season if possible.

In addition to the season, some of the best times to visit Israel are during certain holidays. For example, holidays like Sukkot (in September or October), Purim (in February), and Yom Haatzmaut (in May) are huge celebrations. 

During these celebrations, there are significant cultural displays and massive parties. Israelis know how to throw a good party, and visiting during these holidays can take your vacation to the next level.

Cheapest Time to Visit Israel

The most affordable time to visit Israel is during the winter, from November to March. The weather is cooler, and there are fewer tourists, so prices for hotels and flights are lower. If you are looking to save money, this is the best time to visit Israel.

During the winter, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem take a break from the massive summer tourist crowds. There are fewer tourists, dramatically decreasing lodging, attractions, and food prices. 

Unfortunately, due to the lack of tourism, many shops and businesses also close for the winter. Remember that Israel is in the Mediterranean, and even in the winter months, the days can be pretty warm. Pack your bags accordingly!

Things to Consider

Before your trip to Israel, be sure to keep in mind the following:

  • Before your trip, keep an eye out for upcoming Jewish holidays. Depending on what you want to experience, they can heavily influence your journey.
  • Keep in mind that Israel is a Mediterranean country, and the weather can be quite variable, even in the winter. Pack your bags accordingly!
  • The weather may close some attractions and activities during the winter.
  • Israeli tourist visits allow for a maximum stay of three months.
  • The currency in Israel is the Shekel.
  • Don’t forget to pack modest clothing – this is required to visit some religious sites.
  • Pack an adapter for electrical outlets.

Keep these things in mind before your trip to Israel. These helpful reminders will help you enjoy your vacation to the fullest. 

Summer In Israel 2022

The best beach resorts: Eilat on the Red Sea, where lovers of coral reefs and deep-sea diving go, the Dead Sea in Ein Bokek, as well as Netanya, Herzliya, and Tel Aviv, where the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea with fine sand stretches for as much as 200 kilometers and promises complete freedom.

In addition to leisurely relaxation on the beaches, treatment at the Dead Sea walks in holy places, and parties in the most cheesy clubs in Tel Aviv, there is something else in Israel! There are many natural parks and reserves. Just what are the Martian landscapes of Timna Park and the bizarre forms of the Red Canyon, the Massada National Park with a majestic ancient fortress, and the green oasis of Ein Gedi!

Eilat: beaches and coral reefs of the Red Sea

Eilat beaches and coral reefs of the Red Sea

The popular resort of Eilat is located far from the country’s historical sites, on the Red Sea coast. Even though Eilat is closely sandwiched between Egypt and Jordan, its 12 km of sandy beaches and coastal waters with a coral reef have been declared a nature reserve. Along the reef, the depth is very shallow – about 4 meters, so even a beginner diving in a mask can watch sea urchins, colored fish, octopuses, and flocks of tuna in crystal water. A little further, to a depth of 30 meters, serious divers, accompanied by an instructor, can dive.

The beaches of the resort are neat and civilized, there is everything you need to relax: umbrellas, sun loungers (often free), cafes, and bars with ice cocktails. In the northern part of the resort, there are pebbly and sandy beaches with convenient access to the sea, and for those who like diving with a mask, it is better to go to another part of Eilat, to Coral Beach. Hotels here are also for every taste and budget – from cool five-star chains to modest youth hostels.

In addition to the sea, diving, and active water sports, there are other activities in Eilat. The Maritime Museum with an underwater observatory, a huge cinema, an Old Testament amusement park, an Ice Palace where you can play snowballs and go skiing, a museum of semi-precious stones, many restaurants with world cuisines, and in the summer there are jazz festivals and night concerts. Tourists tired of the sea and entertainment should go to nature. Especially beautiful is the Martian Red Canyon on the border with Egypt and the ascent to the top of Mount Shlomo through a picturesque gorge, from where you can see the whole of Eilat, Jordanian Aqaba, and the vastness of the Red Sea.

Tel Aviv and Old Jaffa: endless beaches and history

Tel Aviv and Old Jaffa

The Mediterranean Sea is an equally intriguing idea for a beach holiday in Israel. Tel Aviv has everything your heart desires! It is the second-largest city in the country – lively, modern, cosmopolitan. Endless sandy beaches stretch along with the entire city, and “Metzitzim” and “Jerusalem” have even been awarded the prestigious “Blue Flag” for the cleanliness of the water area. All beaches here are free, equipped with showers, changing rooms, volleyball courts, medical assistance points, security, and chess and rackets are also distributed free of charge, and in some places, there are even libraries with books for reading under the gentle sun.

Life is in full swing in Tel Aviv all day and night. During the day, you can stroll through art galleries and museums, walk along the long promenade with cafes and restaurants, and then hang out in the clubs on the southern Allenby promenade until dawn. Tel Aviv is the destination for its vibrant nightlife and varied tastes. Try traditional Israeli, Moroccan, Arabic, Indian cuisine. And, of course, the classics – hummus and falafel! Be sure to check out the fish restaurants of old Jaffa. Shrimp, squid, gilthead are cooked here simply amazingly. After tasting the delicacies, it is worth staying longer in the old quarters of Jaffa. It is the oldest port city of old Israel, adjacent to Tel Aviv. Ancient churches and monasteries, colorful Arab streets, museums, galleries, theaters, and vintage flea markets. Jaffa is adored by artists and aesthetes. Every corner of this quarter is covered with legends and history: here Noah built an ark and Perseus freed Andromeda.

Jerusalem: Walking Biblical Sites

Jerusalem Walking Biblical Sites

In just an hour, you can reach the capital from Tel Aviv. Jerusalem is a holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. It was here that biblical events took place, known to each of us from childhood. In the Temple of the Ascension of Christ, Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and then resurrected, along the Via Dolorosa his way of the cross to Calvary passed. In the Garden of Gethsemane, you should walk through the old churches and admire the olives, which are over 2 thousand years old. You should also see the famous Western Wall – the sacred place of the Jewish people and the Islamic sanctuary of the Dome of the Rock. And just 8 km from Jerusalem, in the city of Bethlehem, Jesus Christ was born. These places attract pilgrims from all over the world.

It is best to explore Jerusalem in stages. Its center is in the Old Town. There are 4 most important quarters hiding here: Jewish, Christian, Armenian and Muslim. Walking along the old rocky streets, you can feel the atmosphere of all four cultures. And also see holy places, architectural monuments, noisy bazaars, walk through museums and drink coffee on the bustling Ben Yehuda Boulevard.

The healing power of the Dead Sea

The healing power of the Dead Sea

A trip to Israel may have another goal – to improve health in the healing saltwater of the Dead Sea. Most of the hotels and clinics are located in the town of Ein Bokek. All of them offer a variety of spa programs and therapies based on healing salts and organic mud.

But, of course, swimming in the sea itself delights adults and children all year round! Here you can completely relax, plunge into dense water and, according to a funny tradition, take a photo with a newspaper. The effect of weightlessness is achieved due to the high density of water, it contains salts, minerals, and useful trace elements. Truth and benefit should be in moderation – it is not recommended to swim longer than 20-30 minutes. And do you know what miracles oxygen can do, which, by the way, is contained in the air by 15% more than usual? Just resting on the shores of the Dead Sea, the whole body is saturated with oxygen, blood supply, the work of all internal organs and general well-being improve, the nervous system and immunity are strengthened.

Israeli clinics and spa hotels on the Dead Sea are considered some of the best in the world. They are chosen by Americans, Europeans, and Russians. Thanks to the mild climate, the latest medical technologies, affordable prices, quality service, and unique natural factors, Israel enjoys special love among vacationers.

Winter In Israel

Generally speaking there are two seasons in Israel – the Winter and the Summer. The winter is colder with showers and the summer is hot. There are different mini climates in Israel changing from the more humid areas near the seashore (such as Tel Aviv) to the drier mountain areas (such as Jerusalem). There is of course also the Negev area with desert climate going from Jerusalem down to Eilat in the Southeast part. The low areas such as the Dead Sea and Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) can get very hot.

Winter in Israel starts in October-November and ends in March. For most Western Europeans, the winter will not look too serious with temperatures in Tel Aviv that can move in average between 17-22 C in the day and 10-15 at night (most days and nights – of course – sometimes it gets colder than this). It rains here and there but sunny days are not a rare thing in Israeli winter. In the northern part of Israel (Galil and Golan) it gets colder than that – some mountain peaks also get some minimal snow in winter. Jerusalem also gets quite cold during the winter and usually gets a day or two of snowfall every year.

April-May is regarded as Spring, going into the Summer which is June to September. It should be noted that “spring” in Israel isn’t like spring in, say, Europe – this is when the weather is at its most unpredictable. Spring is usually characterised by heatwaves (“hamsin”) followed by suddenly cold weather or even storms. In terms of weather, April can be hit-or-miss for travelers.

May and June are wonderful for travelling with the best weather and just before the Summer vacation and very hot days of July-August. The summer itself can get very hot and humid near the seashore (Ashkelon to Haifa) with normal temperatures of 28-32 C by day with 80% humidity. In the hills and mountains the summer is more calm and less humid.

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