Is A Visa For Australia Free

Independent of your motivation to move to Australia, if you are looking for a visa for Australia you want it to be free. Australian government processing times and costs differ based on the type of visa you are applying for so the goal is to get a free visa for Australia.

A Visa For Australia can be expensive to apply for, but if you don’t follow these three simple steps, you could be saving yourself thousands of dollars.

Australia lays claim to some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. Washed by ocean on one side and desert on the other, you get very agreeable vacation spots. If you are planning a trip to Australia then it is recommended that you apply for an Australian visa at least 2 months in advance. This can be easily done online over the Internet. However, completing this task will require for you to provide several documents.

If you’ve considered moving to Australia, but have been concerned about the cost of a working visa, you’ll be glad to hear there’s a new initiative that eliminates this cost.

To study in Australia, you must meet the basic eligibility requirements and then be placed on the appropriate visa subclass. The following article provides you with a couple of ways to get a visa to legally study in Australia.

Is A Visa For Australia Free

Visas are a big word in Australia’s immigration system. There are many types of visas available for different purposes, e.g. education, visitor, work or business trip.

Visa fees for Australia change according to the type of visa you are applying for, and since there are numerous visa types, it can be difficult to keep up with the specific fees.

For an Australia visa, you have to pay a base application fee and some additional charges, depending on which card you use for the payment.

Below you can find instructions on how to pay Australia visa fees and how much you have to pay.

Australia Visa Installment Charges

When applying for an Australian visa, applicants are required to pay the application fee in two installments. These installments have to be completed at different stages of the application process.

First Installment Visa Fee

The first installment includes four different fees:

  • Base application fee.
  • Additional applicant charge.
  • Subsequent temporary application charge (only specific visas).
  • Non-internet application charge (only specific cases).

The first installment should be completed when the initial visa application is submitted.

Second Installment Visa Fee

For some visa types, if the application is successful, you may have to pay a second installment before you can receive the visa. In cases where your visa is rejected or your application is withdrawn, you don’t have to complete the second installment. This fee varies from visa to visa and for some visa types it can be very high- the Australian authorities will notify you when it’s time to pay this fee.

How Much Does an Australia Visa Cost?

Here are the base application fees you have to pay for an Australia Visa:

Visa TypeFee (in AUD)Fee if you apply from within Australia (in AUD)
Tourist Visa- subclass 600 (Frequent traveller stream not included)145370
Frequent Traveller Stream- subclass 6001,085N/A
Medical Treatment Visa-subclass 602Free of charge320
Transit Visa-subclass 771Free of chargeN/A
Student Visa-subclass 500, 590630630
Training Visa- subclass 407315315
Temporary Graduate Visa- subclass 4851,6801,680
Working Holiday-subclass 417, 462495495
Temporary Work Visas- subclass 400, 408, 403315315
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa- subclass 482 (short-term stream)1,2901,290
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa- subclass 482 (medium-term stream, labour agreement stream)2,6902,690
Skilled Work Visas (sponsored, regional, sponsored-regional) – subclass 491, 494, 189, 1904,1154,115
Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa- subclass 476410410
Skilled Regional Visa-subclass 887425425
Employer Nomination Scheme Visa- subclass 1864,1154,115
Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa- subclass 1874,1154,115
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (significant investor stream)8,9258,925
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (premium investor stream)9,4559,455
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (business innovation stream and investor stream)6,0856,085
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (business innovation extension and significant investor extensions streams)730730
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (entrepreneur stream)4,1154,115
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 8882,9352,935
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 890, 891, 892, 8932,4952,495
Distinguished Talent Visa- subclass 8584,1804,180
Partner Visa- subclass 309, 100, 300, 820, 8017,8507,850
Partner Visa- subclass 820, 801 via Prospective Marriage Visa subclass 3001,3101,310
Dependent Child Visa- subclass 4452,7102,710
Adoption Visa- subclass 1022,710N/A
Orphan Relative- subclass 837, 1171,6601,660
Parent Visa- subclass 103, 8044,4254,425
Aged Dependent Relative Visa- subclass 114, 115, 838, 8354,4254,425
Carer Visa- subclass 116, 8361,8251,825
Contributory Parent Visa- subclass 143*370370
Contributory Parent Visa- subclass 1732,8502,850
Contributory Parent Visa- subclass 864Free of chargeFree of charge
Contributory Parent Visa- subclass 8844,2254,225
New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa- subclass 461370370
Resident Return Visa- subclass 155, 157410410
Protection Visa- subclass 866N/A40
Temporary Protection Visa- subclass 785N/A40
Safe Haven Enterprise Visa- subclass 790N/A40
Bridging Visa A- subclass 010, 030, 040, 050, 051, 060,Free of chargeFree of charge
Bridging Visa B- subclass 020160160
Refugee Visa- subclass 200, 201, 203, 204Free of chargeFree of charge
Global Special Humanitarian Visa- subclass 202Free of chargeFree of charge
Global Special Humanitarian Visa- application made under the Community Support Program in the offshore component of the Humanitarian Program (subclass 202)3,0053,005
Special Category Visa- subclass 444Free of chargeFree of charge
Declaratory Visa 998 (adult)240185
Declaratory Visa 998 (child)185120

*Please note that for holders of a previous visa (contributory parent visa), who apply for any of the other subclasses in this category, the visa fees will change accordingly. Contact the Immigration office to see about the fees you have to pay.

What Is the Additional Applicant Charge for Australia Visa?

The additional applicant visa fee is paid when you are applying for a visa with another applicant. On top of the base application fee (see above), you also have to make this additional payment.

The fee is different depending on your visa type, the age of the applicant, and whether you are in Australia at the time of the application.

These are the additional applicant fees you have to pay for some of the Australian visa types:

Visa typeVisa fee in AUD for additional applicants 18 and over Visa fee in AUD for additional applicants under 18 
From outside AustraliaFrom within AustraliaFrom outside AustraliaFrom within Australia
Medical Treatment Visa-subclass 602N/A160N/A80
Student Visa- subclass 500470470155155
Training Visa- subclass 4073153158080
Temporary Graduate Visa- subclass 485840840425425
Temporary Work Visas- subclass 400, 408, 4033153158080
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa- subclass 482 (short-term stream)1,2901,290325325
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa- subclass 482 (medium-term stream, labour agreement stream)2,6902,690675675
Skilled Work Visas- subclass 491, 492, 190, 489 (invited pathway)2,0602,0601,0301,030
Skilled Regional Visa- subclass 489 (extended pathway)1851859090
Skilled Independent Visa- subclass 1892,0552,0551,0301,030
Skilled Recognized Graduate Visa- subclass 476205205105105
Skilled Regional Visa- subclass 887210210110110
Employer Nomination Scheme Visa- subclass 1862,0602,0601,0301,030
Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa- subclass 1872,0602,0601,0301,030
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (significant investor stream)4,4654,4652,2352,235
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (premium investor stream)4,7254,7252,3652,365
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (business innovation stream and investor stream)3,0453,0451,5201,520
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (business innovation extension and significant investor extensions streams)370370185185
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 188 (entrepreneur stream)2,0602,0601,0301,030
Business Innovation and Investment Visa- subclass 8881,4701,470730730
Business Innovation and Investment Visas- subclass 890, 891, 892, 8931,2451,245625625
Distinguished Talent Visa- subclass 8582,0952,0951,0451,045
Partner Visa- subclass 309, 100, 300, 820, 8013,9303,9301,9651,965
Partner Visa- subclass 820, 801 via Prospective Marriage Visa subclass 300660660325325
Dependent Child Visa- subclass 4451,3551,355680680
Adoption Visa- subclass 1021,355N/A680N/A
Orphan Relative- subclass 837, 117830830415415
Parent Visa- subclass 103, 8042,2152,2151,1101,110
Aged Dependent Relative Visa- subclass 114, 115, 838, 8352,2152,2151,1101,110
Carer Visa- subclass 116, 836915915455455
Contributory Parent Visa- subclass 1431901909090
Contributory Parent Visa- subclass 1731,4251,425715715
Contributory Parent Visa- subclass 8842,1102,1101,0601,060
New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa- subclass 4611901909090

In cases where your visa type doesn’t require a base application fee, the additional applicant charge will be nil.

What Is a Subsequent Temporary Application Fee?

A subsequent temporary application fee is a visa charge that applicants have to pay for certain temporary Australian visas. This visa charge is paid alongside the base application fee when applicants apply for an Australian visa.

Who Has to Pay a Subsequent Temporary Application Fee?

This fee only applies to visa applicants who meet the following conditions:

  • The applicant is in Australia at the time of the application.
  • The applicant is applying for these temporary visas:
    • Tourist Visa- subclass 600.
    • Student Visas- subclass 500, 590.
    • Training Visa- subclass 407.
    • Work and Holiday Visa- subclass 462.
    • Temporary Activity Visa- subclass 408.
    • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa- subclass 482.
  • The applicant is a holder of a previous Australia visa with the exception of bridging visas, criminal justice, or enforcement.

This additional charge is not applicable to visas that lead to permanent residency or long-term residence.

What Is a Non-Internet Application Charge?

A non-internet application charge for Australian visas is an application fee for applicants who fill in a paper application (not through the ImmiAccount). Additionally, applicants who also send their applications by post or courier fax have to pay this fee.

Non-Internet Application Charge Exemptions

Persons who apply for the following visa may be exempt from paying the non-internet application fee:

  • Temporary Graduate Visa- subclass 485.
  • Working Holiday Visa- subclass 417.
  • Skilled- Recognised Graduate Visa- subclass 476.
  • Resident Return Visa- subclass 155, 157.

How Do I Pay the Visa Application Fee for Australia?

You have to pay the visa charge online through the ImmiAccount. You can pay by using a credit card, PayPal, union pay, or Bpay. This is the last step you need to do before you submit your application.

The Immigration Office will accept these cards (with the surcharges) when you submit your payment:

  • VISA- 1.40%.
  • MasterCard (including Debit card)- 1.40%.
  • American Express- 1.40%.
  • Diners Club- 1.99%
  • JCB- 1.40%.

Before you make your payment let your bank know in case they reject your deposit, you may also have to pay additional fees (bank or currency conversion). In addition to this, you can’t use more than one card to pay for the required visa fee, you must complete the payment in one transaction.

How Do I Pay the Visa Fee if I Submitted a Paper Application?

Even if you apply in person for a visa, the Australian Immigration Authorities prefer you submit your payment online through an ImmiAccount. However, if for some reason you can’t lodge an online payment, you have to contact the nearest Australian visa office to see about other methods of payment.

For a paper application, checks and cash payments won’t be accepted.

Will I Get a Refund if My Visa Application Is Rejected?

In cases of visa rejection, you won’t receive a refund of the application fee. However, if your visa is rejected you don’t have to pay the second installment. See what you can do if your visa request is denied.

What if I Paid the Wrong Amount for My Visa Application?

If you paid the wrong amount for the visa application, the Australian authorities cannot process your application until the correct amount of the first installment has been submitted. In case you’re not sure how much you have to pay, you can verify the amount here.

Changes in Visa Charges for Australia

It’s important to remember that the visa charges may increase or decrease depending on your specific circumstances when you apply for a visa. It’s up to the Department of Foreign Affairs to let you know if you have to pay less or more for your visa application.

Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) Visa Fees

Visitors with an Electronic Travel Authority don’t have to pay any visa fees. There is a service charge for the application, which is AUD20.

Important: Please note that these are the current fees, and these fees change annually.

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