Investor Visa In Thailand

The Thailand Immigration Bureau has recently changed the terms of their regulations on how to qualify for their Investor Visa, based on the applicant’s nationality. Here I have provided a breakdown of the countries who are now allowed on this scheme. 

If you have a lot of money to invest in Thailand, then the best way for you to get an investor visa is by using a bank trust. Investor visas in Thailand are very difficult for most people to get. In order to qualify under the new law, your investment should be at least 10 million. However, you will have better chances if it is more than 20 million dollar.

An investor visa is one of the most sought-after visas in Southeast Asia. This type of visa allows investors to invest funds in Thailand and get a residence permit in return. However, not every applicant qualifies for an investor visa, so keep reading to find out whether or not you qualify for an investor…

An investment visa is a type of residence visa granted to foreign national who invests in or own business in Thailand. This article goes over the various types of investment visas available and what they mean to you.

Investor Visa In Thailand

Looking to live in Thailand or perhaps considering giving up your green card? You’re in luck. I have a special visa category available through my Thai immigration lawfirm, TIS Immigration, that can help you stay as a long-term resident and even obtain a Thai passport if you wish. I apply for Investor Visas for my clients all the time, so if you are interested in discussing the topic further please email [email protected] with your name and number.

In the past couple of years, the number of foreign investors and entrepreneurs coming to Thailand has increased significantly. This is due to Thailand’s policy changes that encourage foreign investment in certain industries.

The creation of a new category of investment visas has been approved by Thailand’s Cabinet. The program will run for five years, during which time the government plans to issue 90,000 visas to investors and attract more than a million specialists. If the initiative proves to be in demand, it will be extended.

90,000 visas

10-year visas to Thailand are planned to be issued to investors over five years

Thailand is seeking to attract more investors and specialists in various fields to help the country recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The government estimates that investors will add 800 billion baht, or $23.7 billion, to Thailand’s budget over five years.

Who can get a visa to Thailand for 10 years

Cosmopolitan investors who travel frequently and have assets in different countries. To obtain a visa, an investor needs to invest at least $500,000, or 16.5 million Thai Baht. Investments are allowed in Thai government bonds in a foreign direct investment format and Thai real estate.


minimum investment amount for investors

The investor’s annual income and the value of the assets in their possession are taken into account:

  • from $80,000 – annual income for the last two years before the visa application;
  • from $1 million – total value of assets in the investor’s possession.

The applicant also takes out medical insurance with coverage from $100,000.

Pensioners over the age of 50 also invest in Thai government bonds or real estate. But the amount invested for pensioners is half that of cosmopolitans – $250,000.


minimum investment amount for pensioners

The annual income of the applicant, e.g. in the form of pension payments, must be from $40,000 health insurance with coverage of $100,000 or more is compulsory.

Remote employees who want to move to live in Thailand. Such applicants are expected to continue working for an overseas company while living in Thailand. Remote employees do not need to invest in government bonds or real estate.

Highly qualified professionals who move to Thailand to work in priority sectors of the economy. This also includes university professors who teach subjects in the target industries.

Specialists must have at least five years of experience in their industry and an annual income of $40,000 or more. They also take out health insurance with coverage of $100,000 or more.

Family members of the main applicant. Together with an investor, pensioner or specialist, their spouse and minor children can be granted a long-term visa to Thailand.

Conditions for obtaining a visa to Thailand for 10 years

Category of applicantsWhat to invest inAmount of investmentAnnual income and assetsHealth insurance
Investors CosmopolitanState bonds;
real estate
From $500,000From $80,000
annual income

From $1,000,000
owned assets
From $100,000
insurance cover
Retired people aged 50 and overState bonds;
real estate
From $250,000From $40,000
annual income
From $100,000
insurance cover
Qualified specialists with at least 5 years’ experienceFrom $40,000
annual income
From $100,000
insurance cover
Remote employees of foreign companies

What a Thai long-stay visa provides

Free entry to Thailand. Russians can travel to Thailand without a visa if the stay is up to 30 days. A visa is required for longer stays.

In September 2021, only four provinces of Thailand are open to entry from abroad: Phuket, Krabi, Surat Thani and Phang Nga. But direct flights between Russia and Thailand have not yet been re-established: it is possible to reach Thailand with connections, for example in Singapore.

Holders of long-term visas to Thailand will be able to enter and leave any province without restrictions. However, coronavirus restrictions, such as PCR tests, will still have to be complied with.

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