Investor Visa For Canada From India

Canada is one of the sought-after immigration destinations. The country grants visas to investors, who are willing to make big investments in Canada. This means, those qualified and willing individuals who are looking for a safe and profitable immigration destination can look at Investor visa Canada. The investor immigration program under Canadian immigration law invites applicant to permanently settle in the country. Basically, foreign investors who meet the prescribed eligibility criteria are eligible to apply for investor visa for Canada from India or other countries.

Are you an immigrant investor spending your life in low interest savings account or you might be a business owner looking for investment options? If your answer is yes, then this blog post would keep you up-to-date with the latest news on Investment Immigration Program in Canada. It will give you detailed information about what are the best permanent residency programs in 2014. It also aims at helping you with Focusing the potential of Indian applicants.

Canada is one of the most preferred country for immigration by Indians. Recently Canada has launched a new program which encourages investors to invest in their country with fast track residency and citizenship programs.

Investor Visa For Canada From India

Canada has a range of programs for people from outside the country who want to move to Canada and live in that country on a permanent basis.


Countries across the globe have created attractive permanent residency programs for entrepreneurs, businesspersons and HNIs. With a favourable immigration climate now is a great time for you to explore your options of settling abroad with your family and setting up business operations. Y-Axis can help you identify the right residency option based on your preferences and future plans.

Many countries offer an Investment or Business Visa to encourage immigrants who have proven experience in running a business and are interested in establishing a business overseas or invest in another country. They could be interested in opening either a new business venture or buying an existing business located overseas.

Residence through investment programs are also commonly referred to as the golden visa programs. Recently, an increasing number of individuals, with the talent as well as means, have come to explore overseas options, deciding not to limit their business interests to a particular country alone.

Invest overseas allows High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) to relocate abroad, acquiring the right to work and live in their new country of residence.

Many also explore invest overseas options for multiple residences towards their international planning.

Australia and Canada have an Immigrant Investor Program which offers migrants the option of having an alternate residency status while continuing to manage already existing businesses in their home country.

These investor programs seek to attract potential overseas investors who have enough personal net worth and managerial experience.

Every country that offers an investment program has its own set of requirements and eligibility criteria. 


The permanent residency programs for investors and entrepreneurs are typically designed to offer individual as well as business benefits. The best such immigration programs offer benefits like:

  • Access to high standard of living
  • Access to healthcare and education
  • Settle with your dependants
  • Access to international opportunities
  • Favourable investment policies (varies by country)
  • Travel benefits allowing you to conduct business globally
  • Fast track to citizenship


Eligibility For Entrepreneurs, Investors visas

Different countries have different criteria to assess applicant eligibility. Broadly, the assessment criteria are:

  • Availability of funds to invest overseas
  • Prior business profile
  • Proficiency in English or local languages
  • Business credentials & banking history
  • Health & conduct evaluation

Why invest overseas?

The top motivations that make an individual select a country for invest overseas include – the likelihood of getting citizenship, the quality of life offered, as well as the overall business environment.

Permanent residency programs for investors and entrepreneurs are typically designed to offer individuals as well as businesses a wide range of benefits.

Top countries for invest overseas

Countries across the globe offer attractive permanent residency options for HNIs, entrepreneurs, and businesspersons.

Many countries offer investment or business visas to encourage immigrants that have proven experience in running a business and are interested in establishing a business overseas or invest in another country. Such individuals could be interested in opening either a new business venture or buying an existing business located overseas.

The leading countries offering residence through investment are, among others –

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • UK
  • US

The specific requirements vary, and will be as per the country looking to settle in as well as the program applying under.

Top options for invest overseas

There are many residency by investment options available for businesspersons and entrepreneurs.

The most sought-after invest overseas options include –


For entrepreneurs that have the skills and potential to build up businesses in Canada that are – (1) innovative, (2) can create jobs for Canadians, and can compete on an international scale.

Individuals with innovative business ideas might be able to immigrate to Canada through the Start-Up Visa Program. Provided, however, that they are able to get support for their business idea from any of the designated organizations (can be angel investor groups, business incubators, or venture capital funds).

Minimum investment required – $200,000 (if coming from a designate venture capital fund in Canada); $75,000 (in case of a designated angel investor group in Canada).

Those planning to invest in Quebec will have to go through Quebec immigration programs.

If the application is approved, a Canadian permanent residence visa will be issued. This will include the Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR), along with an entry visa.

Under Canada’s startup visa program, candidates can come to Canada on a work permit which is sponsored by their Canada based investor and then apply for a PR visa once their business is established in the country.

This program encourages immigrant entrepreneurs to develop their startups in Canada. Successful applicants can tie-up with private sector investors in Canada to receive help on funding and guidance on running their business. The three types of private sector investors they can approach are:

  1. Venture capital fund
  2. Business incubator
  3. Angel investor

 Eligibility requirements for visa applicants are:

  • Have proof that the business has the required support from a designated entity in the form of a Commitment Certificate and Letter of Support
  • Have a qualifying business
  • Have the required proficiency in English or French
  • Have completed at least one year of post-secondary education
  • Have enough funds to settle in Canada and support dependent family members
  • Must clear the medical tests and security requirements

Australia Business Innovation & Investment

Many options are available for individuals that intend to either start a business or invest in Australia and live as Australian permanent residents.

Business innovation and investment pathways are for you if you – already own a business, want to start a business, or are planning to invest in Australia.

Invest overseas pathways for Australia include –

  • Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132), allowing you to either establish a new business or develop an already existing business in Australia.
  • Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888), targeted at business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs that want to continue their activity in Australia.
  • Business Owner visa (subclass 890), for individuals that can own or manage a business in Australia.
  • State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner visa (subclass 892), for individuals that own and manage a business in Australia, allowing them to stay in Australia indefinitely.

The Entrepreneur stream under Australia’s Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa category allows you to own and manage a business in Australia or conduct a business or investment activity entrepreneurial activity in Australia.

Eligibility requirements

  • Have a proposal for entrepreneurial activity in Australia
  • Have at least AUD200,000 funding agreement to undertake business in Australia
  • Have a business plan for a startup
  • Have competent skills in the English language

The provisional visa program has seven categories:

1.Business Innovation Stream- This provisional visa allows you to operate a new or existing business in Australia.  You must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade.

2.Investor stream- For this you will require at least AUD 1.5 million in an Australian state or territory and maintain your business and investment activity in Australia.

3.Significant investor stream- People willing to invest at least AUD 5 million in Australian investments can apply for this visa. They must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade. 

4.Business innovation extension stream- With this visa holders of the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa can extend their stay in Australia for 2 more years. For this extension applicants must have had Business Innovation stream visa for at least 3 years and must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade.

5.Significant investor extension stream- With this visa holders of the Significant Investor stream can extend their stay in Australia for up to 4 more years. For this extension applicants must have had Significant Investor stream for at least 3 years and must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade.

6.Premium Investor stream-This visa requires nomination by Austrade and an investment of at least AUD 15 million in Australian enterprises or in philanthropic contribution.

7.Entrepreneur stream-With this visa you can carry out entrepreneurial activities in Australia.

Steps to apply for a provisional business visa

You must submit an expression of interest through the Department of home affairs

Wait for a nomination from a state or territory or from Austrade by waiting for an intimation from them or you can contact them directly

Once you receive an invitation you can apply for a visa

The business of the visa holder must do any one of the following activities

Build business links with international markets

Generate employment in Australia

Use Australian goods and services

Produce goods or provide services that would alternatively have to be imported

Create new and improved technology

The Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa, also known as Subclass 188, can help you gain permanent residency. If you have been on a Subclass 188 visa for at least one year and meet the financial conditions, you can apply for your PR visa. Aside from that, you’ll have to show that you have a long-term commercial interest by making frequent investments and hiring local staff.

  Advantages of the visa

  • You can stay in Australia permanently
  • You can promote your business and investment activity in Australia
  • You can apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

Australia Golden Visa

This visa was introduced in 2012. With this visa High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) can get a PR visa to Australia through investment immigration. Applicants must be willing to invest AUD 5 million in a specific structure to qualify for this visa. Although the investment is high, it is regulated and restricted.

Commonly called the Australia Golden Visa, the Significant Investor Visa for Australia offers a streamlined Australian immigration pathway to High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) through investment.

There is no age limit for the Golden Visa for Australia.

Path to permanent residency

Residency by investment is for wealth foreign nationals that want to take up permanent residence in a country on the basis of investing a substantial amount of money or through purchasing a property therein.

Those successful in acquiring residency by investment will get – along with their spouse and children – residence permits for the country in which the investment is made. These residence permits can be renewed indefinitely, provided the investment is duly maintained.

There is often little or no requirement of actually being physically present in the country to be issued a golden visa. However, most countries require actual residency in that country for a certain period of time, to be granted permanent residence or citizenship by investment.


Y-Axis guides entrepreneurs and investors, helping them take the most ideally-suited invest overseas path for themselves. We analyse your profile and suggest the best solution that meets your personal and business goals.

Explore your options of settling abroad with your family while setting up business operations overseas. Y-Axis can help you identify the right residency option based on your preferences and future plans.

With an impeccable financial and institutional credibility, Y-Axis can advise you on your overseas investments.

Offering qualified advice and dedicated support, Y-Axis can help you make the most of your international investment, settling overseas as an entrepreneur with your family.

Generally, you can get permanent residence by investment in a country part of the European Union (EU) after living in that country for five years.

EU countries that offer invest Golden Visas include – Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Bulgaria, Austria, Belgium, and Malta.

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