Investment Visa In South Africa

South Africa is a country that is rich in natural resources and land. The country offers investment opportunities for a lot of people. One of the key programs which allows foreign investors to acquire money in the country is South African investment visa.   The South African Investment Visa is a multiple entry visa where you are allowed to stay in the country for more than 90 days per year. It takes 15 minutes to process and requires a two step application process, background checks and sends internationally online.

A South African investment visa allows you to become a lawful permanent resident in exchange for making a significant financial contribution to the Republic. The amount you’ll be required to invest will depend on the immigration-within-south-africa-for-foreigners investment residency class. A South African investment visa is one of the most valuable and sought after visas thanks to its high rate of success.

Want to live in South Africa? With an investment visa, ​you can! And with the rand dropping as low as it has recently — a great time for all those looking for a new home.

Investment Visa In South Africa

People often overlook the fact that to start a life in another country, one does not necessarily have to be a citizen of it. This all sounds complicated and involves much paperwork, doesn’t it? But in reality all it takes is a lot of time and little money. Consider getting an investor visa.

The South African Business visa allows entrepreneurs and investors to enter South Africa in order to establish a new business or invest in an existing one. Applicants for this visa must have a minimum of R5 million (approximately £240,000 GBP) available for their application to be considered, with the exception of certain industries (see below).

Length of stay

Required investment

A minimum of R5 million (approximately £240,000 GBP) of available investment funds or assets is required. This can take the form of cash and/or capital: such as equipment, materials, or products.

Applicants will require a certificate from an accountant registered with the South African institute of Chartered Accountants to confirm that they have the required investment funds and/or capital.

Required investment exceptions

Applicants who plan to invest in or establish a business in the following industries are not required to meet the minimum investment requirement:

  • Clothing manufacturing 
  • Textile manufacturing 
  • Information and communication technology; such as software production, web design, and networking 
  • Chemicals/bio-technology 
  • Agroprocessing industries which deal with metals and minerals refining 
  • Automotive manufacturing 
  • Tourism

Eligibility requirements

In addition to the investment requirement outlines above, applicants for the South African Business visa must meet several eligibility criteria for the visa to be granted. Applicants must provide:

  • A completed copy of the South African Temporary Residency Permit Form BI-1738 
  • A valid passport 
  • A signed agreement stating that a minimum of 60% of all employees of the business to be established or invested in will be, or currently are, South African citizens or permanent resident; and will be, or currently are. employed on a full time basis 
  • A signed agreement stating that the applicant will register with the following organisations: 
    • The South African Revenue Service 
    • The Unemployment Insurance Fund 
    • The Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries 
    • The Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (only required for certain industries) 
    • Any appropriate professional organisations, if required for their industry
  • A vaccination certificate if the applicant is planning to travel from or through a Yellow Fever risk area 
  • Police/criminal record certificates from all countries which the applicant has spent more than 12 months in since the age of 18

Further Information, help, and advice has over twenty years of experience helping people immigrate to countries all over the World. Whether you wish to visit, work, or study in South Africa our specialist team of immigration experts can help you with one to one advice, information, and representation when applying for your South Africa

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