Indian Visa For Italian Citizens

It is possible for an Indian national to get an Indian visa. In case you are an Italian citizen residing in or planning to visit India, you should know that there are many types of visas available, depending on your purpose of visit and the duration of stay in India. But getting the visa is not enough; It’s also important that you abide by all the rules and regulations like obtaining a travel document and mandatory health certificates before departing from Italy.

India is one of the most visited countries in the world, as recent figures suggests that more than 10 million foreign tourists visit Indian cities alone each year. Naturally, this increased interest in visiting India means there is a good chance you will have to apply for an Indian visa at some time. However, some people are unaware that not every foreign traveler can obtain an Indian visa. In fact, as a citizen of Italy, you would fall into one category of travelers who is unable to get an Indian visa due to bilateral restrictions between Italy and India imposed on their respective citizenships. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to India and want to know whether you can get an Indian visa or not, read on!

Indian Visa For Italian Citizens

If you are an Italian citizen and planning to visit India, then you must first obtain an Indian visa. The Indian visa is essential to enter India, as a tourist or to do business. Applying for a visa is mandatory and you cannot board your flight without it.

If you are an Indian citizen and planning to travel Italy, then it is compulsory for you to get your Indian Visa stamped on your passport before departure.

Until the mid 1960s, Italy itself was uncharted territory for Indians. The exchange of people between these two countries was minuscule. Nearly fifty years have passed since then, but the landscape has changed dramatically with over hundred thousand Indian nationals residing in Italy today.

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