How To Transfer Visit Visa To Working Visa In Qatar

Visitors from abroad who want to stay in Qatar for longer duration than the validity of their VISA, they have to turn their visit visa into working visa. This article aims at guiding and informing the expats who are not familiar with the process of transferring their visit visa to working visa.

Moving from tourist to permanent resident in Qatar is similar to other countries, you need to obtain a work permit. In Qatar, the process isn’t as straightforward as many other countries but it’s still relatively simple. If you have visited Qatar using a visit visa, this post will outline the steps you will need to take in order to be successful in obtaining your new work visa.

How to Transfer your Visa Status in Qatar has never been easier. You may know that Qatar has strict immigration regulations, so it is extremely important to be aware of your visa status when residing in Qatar. The best way to make sure that you’re allowed to stay in the country is by obtaining a work permit or residency visa. If you are planning to stay in this country longer than 90 days, you need to obtain a visa from the Ministry of Interior (MoI).

How To Transfer Visit Visa To Working Visa In Qatar

Applying for visit visas is the starting point of any expat’s life in Qatar, but there’s lots of things you should consider before applying (whether you’re applying alone or with your family) — potentially years down the road. Whether you’ve already applied for a visit visa and want to know what to expect next, or you’re still deciding whether to apply or not, the key is reconsidering whether moving to Qatar is actually worth it.

Working in Qatar, especially as a professional, has a lot of perks and benefits that attracts millions of expatriates every year. To get employed, expats will have to secure

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