How To Talk About Vacation In English

Traveling is a big part of American culture. We want to see all the beautiful sights our country has to show for us and travel abroad as well. This means that vacation’s are no longer a luxury but instead, a much needed time away from our everyday routines. From going on a family trip to treating yourself to some rest and relaxation, vacation’s are an integral part of the American experience. But vacation’s are hard to talk about in English as they have their own unique set of vocabulary to learn before you can properly enjoy what they have to offer – all while you’re in another country! But, before we get into it, let’s make sure we understand the difference between a vacation, a holiday, and an excursion!

Before you travel to a country where English is not commonly spoken, you should learn how to talk about vacation in English. You can talk about your favorite forms of recreation and the places you like to rest and relax.

Vacations can either be fun or tricky experiences for many people. It all depends on who you’re with and how you’re planning to travel. The vacation may involve traveling with your partners, friends, family, or even going solo. Even if you haven’t traveled much before, it’s still possible to book a vacation that is worth remembering and end up having the most incredible time in your life. Getting the best out of an upcoming adventure usually begins by planning well beforehand. You need to be aware of what an adventure involves and how you should go about it. I will discuss some tips today about how to enjoy vacations more fully, even if this means talking about them in English too. Have you recently taken a vacation (or are planning to)? If you’re like most people these days, many of us are busy with work. It seems like there’s never enough time in the day. Schedules have continued to pick up momentum from the high pace of life we’ve all adapted to…

Talking about your last vacation is a good topic to prove how much you have learned about the simple past.

How To Talk About Vacation In English

In this lesson you are going to learn how to talk about your last vacation in English. A basic question and answer about this topic is:

  • where? who with? How long?
  • I went to Hawaii with my family for a couple of weeks
  • where? who with? How long?
  • I went to Spain with my friends for a couple of weeks

As you can see, both of those sentences using verbs in the past.

Table of Contents

Questions about your Last Vacation

Not let’s take a look at some other questions, these questions will help you think about your last vacation.

The first set are basic questions that usually require some basic details to be answered:

  1. Where did you go?
  2. When did you go?
  3. Who did you go with?
  4. How did you get there?
  5. What did you do during the day?
  6. What did you do at nights?
  7. What did you eat?
  8. Did you enjoy your last vacation?
  9. Where did you stay?
  10. How much money did you spend on your last vacation?

These are some questions that require a few more details to be answered

  1. Did you have any bad experiences in your last vacation?
  2. Did you make new friends on your last vacation?
  3. What places did you visit during your stay?
  4. How long were you there?
  5. Did you buy any souvenirs?
  6. Where would you like to go next?
  7. Would you recommend that place that you visited? why or why not?

All of those questions are really helpful when you have an oral test.

My Last Vacation Examples

These are five examples of people describing their last vacations.

Pay Careful attention to verbs in the past form since you will see lots of them. You will also see verbs in the present in some instances.

They verbs in the past forms will be in bold so it is easier for you to remember them.

Don’t think that those examples are hard to create, you just need to create simple sentences and in some instance provide more details.

My Last Vacation Example #1 

Last year, I had the chance the amusement park, Zarcero and  Ciudad Quesada in a day. I went with my daughter, my wife and some friends.

We woke up early that day and our friends drove us to the amusement park, my daughter enjoyed the many rides available, we ate pizza and  we left around three.

Then we headed to San Carlos, on the way to San Carlos we stopped by the catholic church and took some pictures of ourselves in the gardens. 

We got to San Carlos around 5:00 PM , we had dinner there, picked some people up and headed home.

My Last Vacation Example #2

Last year I spent my vacation at the beach. I traveled with some friends of mine. We arrived at the beach at 8:00 AM, we immediately went to swim then we made some sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch, we went to run and we left the beach before 6:00 PM.

We drove back to the hotel and we had dinner there. Around 9, we called our friends and we met outside a dance club because we wanted to dance.

We spent like three hours in the club and we got back to the hotel.

My Last Vacation Example #3

Last year, I went to Cartagena with my family and my best friend Luis. We visited my cousins Mayra and Alejandra. I hadn’t met them before, so I was really excited to meet them.

My first impression of them it was very good, they are friendly and fun. We went to visit many places but my favorite place was Barú island.

That island is amazing, it looks like a paradise, I took many pictures of every single we did.

The food was excellent. We ate shrimp rice and shrimp cocktail. I had a great time with my family. We spent three amazing days in Cartagena.

My Last Vacation Example #4

Hello. I’d like to share with everybody the great time that I had on my last vacations. I went to Conchal Beach with my friends. We stayed at a small hotel right in front of the beach.

The first day we were there we took surfing lessons, my friends and I had so much fun hanging out at the beach.

There was another beach nearby, probably a five-minute walk and you are in Brasilito beach. We watched the sunset and we set a fire at night.

We spent most of three days in the beach and we usually went to club at night located in a place called Tamarindo. There is a beach in Tamarindo too.  It was one of the most special times I’ve had in my life.

My Last Vacation Example #5

My last holiday was a five-day trip to Guatemala I know Guatemala well because I lived there when I was a missionary more than ten years ago.

Instead of staying in a hotel, I stayed with one of my old friends. It was so much fun.

wanted to visit all the places I lived, so I visited Baja Verapaz. It has changed a lot. I also went to the supermarket near my old house. 

We did some touristy things too. We went to Tikal. Nature is amazing up there. We walked across the historic monuments.

Questions about My Last Vacation in English

These are some questions and answers about my last vacation in English

  • Where did you go?
  • I went to Coco Beach
  • When did you go?
  • I went to Samara Last week
  • Who did you go with?
  • I went to a resort with my parents
  • How did you get there?
  • We rented a car
  • What did you do during the day?
  • I went surfing with my friends
  • What did you do at nights?
  • We visited the clubs and the casinos
  • What did you eat?
  • We ate different types of meat

Key Vocabulary

These are some important words that you can use when talking about vacations in English

Long Weekend: Saturday and Sunday with at least one extra day added, either Friday or Monday.

Hang out: to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone

Sightseeing: The activity of visiting interesting places, especially by people on holiday

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