How To Spend Summer Vacation For Students

Those who are just graduating or going to soon must be wondering, “how should I spend my summer vacation?” It is a rite of passage for students, especially college students in the United States, to think about their summer vacation plans for the next few months. Even those of you already long past your college years might have been preoccupied with similar worries. Summer is one of the best times of the year to enjoy vacations, be it family trips or just getaways with your friends.    With summer vacation in full swing, you may find yourself asking “How to spend summer vacation overseas?”.

Summer vacation is on the lips of every student right now. They are all looking forward to it and sharing their ideas of how they might spend summer. But are they really? Is there any relation between what they dream of doing and what they really do to spend the summer vacations?

After two full semesters of reading assignments, essays, study sessions, group projects, all-nighters and exams, it’s at last time for a well-deserved break – a lengthy one, at that.

How To Spend Summer Vacation For Students

How will you spend your months off? Working, reading, traveling, relaxing, learning a new skill or language? No matter what your goals include, summer vacation is the perfect opportunity for college students to explore enriching activities that you don’t always have time to pursue during the school year.

Check out our list of 50 productive & fun ways to spend your summer break for inspiration!

Summer Break Ideas for College Students

1. Learn a new skill to add to your resume. Expand your skill set beyond your major. Interested in coding, website design or other subject that might not be offered in your college? Look for courses relevant to the field or industry you want to enter.


2. Indulge in hobbies or try a new one. Explore your interests and pursue your creativity by signing up for a class, lesson or group in your community. Try a new instrument or hone your skills further, take a class in painting, photography, drawing, sewing, self-defense, or any subject you find intriguing but don’t have time to try during the school year.

3. Get an internship. Take what you learned in the classroom and apply your knowledge! Even if it doesn’t offer a stipend or salary, a summer internship is a great way to learn more about a business or industry and gain practical work experience to add to your résumé. (This is also a great way to build valuable connections and help determine whether a career is right for you.)

Internships and apprenticeships are productive ways to spend your summer vacation

4. Create an internship. Nothing lined up yet? Reach out to potential employers or companies you find inspiring and offer an apprenticeship or internship opportunity for the summer. You might not rake in the cash, but the work experience and job skills you’ll gain are worth their weight in gold!

5. Work a summer job. Working over the summer, whether part-time or full-time, helps students acquire transferable skills, such as communication, organization, time management and administrative skills. Look for part-time or summer opportunities related to your major or career path if possible.

6. Volunteer for a great cause. Find opportunities to do good in your community, or join a volunteer travel program, to apply your skills and education through meaningful, hands-on learning. Volunteer roles are often available through research programs and organizations in need of your help, including charities, festivals, local non-profits, events and community groups.


7. Study abroad. Take your education overseas! Studying abroad helps develop skills that a classroom cannot provide, forcing you to take risks, become more independent, expand your worldview, push your boundaries, and make friends around the world.

8. Plan a budget for the upcoming school year. Learn to manage your money. Before you know, it will be time to enroll in classes and head back to campus. Now’s a great time to help smooth the transition to the fall semester by planning money matters and preparing your budget for the upcoming semester.

9. Turn a weakness into a strength. Struggle with public speaking or writing essays? Take a class or join a group to help cultivate transferable skills that might need work through practice, exercises and helpful feedback.

10. Email your professors. Whether you’re sending a thank you note, asking a question or requesting a letter of recommendation, summer is a great time to check in on your favorite professors and strengthen your connections in your school community.

11. Catch up on summer reading. Get a head start on your fall reading list, if available, or make an effort to read a book in a field you’re interested in studying. Summer is also a great time to pick up a leisurely book just for fun that you might not have time to read during the semester.

12. Explore your city. Have a staycation! If you were a tourist in your town on vacation, what would you do? Try a walking tour of your city and learn about the secret gems and historical landmarks you may not have appreciated before.

13. Opt outside. Enjoy the outdoors? Join a hiking or climbing club, go on fun outdoor adventures or day hiking trips, plan a camping trip with friends, or look into working at a summer camp or national park.

14. Take a summer course.  Get ahead in your schoolwork and avoid summer slide by knocking out some required basics, your foreign language requirement, or ask professors in your department about field placement, independent study or research opportunities available in your area.

15. Take an online summer course. Save money and gain credits needed to graduate without the commute.

16. Join a summer sports league. Love sports and community? See what’s in your area this summer: baseball, beach volleyball, tennis, kayaking, crew, and other recreational sports teams you can join during your summer break.

17. Try a new form of exercise. Interested in trying something different: outdoor yoga, pilates, golf, dance, spinning or rowing? Summer is a great time to explore something new and see if it’s a good fit.

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