How To Restore Work Permit In Canada

It’s always a relief to have a Work Permit in Canada. You came here to start a new life, and for that you need a permanent resident visa. But sometimes, things can go wrong. If your work permit has been lost, stolen or damaged, or there was a mistake made during processing of your application; then you should contact the Case Processing Centre (CPC). They will help you restore your work permit in Canada.

Canada’s immigration and immigration rules are often touted as being one of the more ‘straight forward’ immigration systems to navigate. This can be true, but there are still many nuances to Canada’s immigration system that every visa applicant should be aware of. One of the common misconceptions among potential visa applicants is that once they have a work permit, they will never have any issues with Canadian immigration again. There is no such thing as an immigration system free of any issues and the Canadians have proven this in recent years with their changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). As you may be aware, the average waiting time for a work permit, family sponsorship and some other permanent resident categories has continued to rise and even flat lined, resulting in many potential Canadian immigrants being stuck in pending status for extended periods of time. With this situation being poorly communicated by many legal representatives who focus on getting their clients a positive response from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), it is essential that one fully understands what could happen if they were to violate their terms of entry into Canada before applying.

How To Restore Work Permit In Canada

Canada’s Federal Skilled Worker program selects applicants on a points system. One of the criteria is employment experience in Canada. In this article I’ll explain how to count employment experience in Canada towards your work permit.

If you lose your status

You must stop working.

If you want to stay in Canada and start working again, you must apply to restore your status and get a new work permit.

If you need a different type of permit

You can only restore your status and authorization to work in Canada to what you held before it expired. You can’t change your permit until you restore your status and original authorization. After restoration, if you’re eligible, you may also be able to apply for a different permit.

Example: You want to apply for a post-graduation work permit, but your study permit has expired

Example: You want to apply for a different work permit, but your study permit has expired

Who can apply

You can apply to restore your status if you

  • apply within 90 days of losing your status
    • if it’s been more than 90 days
      • you’ll need to leave Canada
      • you’ll need to reapply from outside Canada if you want to work in Canada again
  • met the requirements for your stay (for example, you didn’t work illegally)
  • met all the conditions listed on your expired permit before it expired

There’s no guarantee we’ll approve your application

  • to restore your status, or
  • for a new work permit

If your application is refused, you’ll have to leave Canada.

If your family members also lost their status

How to apply

Before you apply, make sure your employer has completed all the required steps.

In most cases, you must apply online to restore your status and get a work permit.

How applying online helps you

  • No courier fees or mail delivery time—we get your application instantly.
  • You can make sure your application is complete before you submit it.
  • You can quickly submit more documents online (if we ask you to).
  • You get updates on the status of your application directly in your online account.

Step 1: Make sure you have what you need

To apply online, you’ll need

  • a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents, and
  • a valid credit or debit card

Step 2: Read the instruction guide

Even if you apply online, you should read the instruction guide before you complete your application. The guide will explain how to complete each field on the form.

Special steps to take when you fill out your application

  1. On the form IMM 5710, in the first section under question 3, “I am applying for one or more of the following:”, make sure you also choose
    • Restore my status as a worker
  2. On a separate page, give details of your situation and clearly explain why you stayed in Canada longer than allowed.
    • If you apply online, you can upload this page in the “Client information” section under “Optional documents”.

Venezuelan passport holders

You may need to complete extra steps when you fill out your application.

Step 3: Prepare your answers for the online tool

Before you can upload your forms, you must answer some questions. We use your answers to create a personalized document checklist for you.

Step 4: Know the fees you have to pay

We’ll ask you to pay your fees at the end of your application. To restore your status and get a work permit, you can expect to pay these fees:

  • restoration ($200)
  • work permit processing ($155)
  • open work permit holder ($100) if you’re applying for an open work permit

COVID-19: Changes to biometrics requirement for in-Canada temporary residence applicants

As a temporary measure, if you’re in Canada and applying to work, study or stay temporarily in Canada, you do not need to give your biometrics. Learn more about the exemption.

Step 5: Create your online account or sign in

You need an account to apply online. You can use your account to

  • pay your fees
  • submit your application
  • check your status

Create an account or sign in

If you can’t apply online

After you apply

You may stay in Canada while we make a decision on your application. Normally, you aren’t allowed to work until your status has been restored and your new work permit issued.Report a problem or mistake on this page

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