How To Process Residence Visa In Dubai

Due to the economical trend around the world, Huge number of people from other countries are coming to Dubai for various purposes. Passport and residence visa are the most important requirement of them. So it creates a lot of confusion about how to apply for these and how much time it will take for admission if their request is approved. Also people have many questions on what documents are needed for applying for residence visa in Dubai.

Over the past years, the topic of residence visa in Dubai has gained a lot of traction. It is indeed true that more and more expatriates are looking forward to explore the opportunities in Dubai. However, when it comes to doing business in Dubai or taking up residence, it becomes an entirely different ballgame altogether. It takes a lot of effort on the part of various departments namely the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Interior and many others who work together as a unit to make it happen.

Nearly two years ago, I moved to Dubai. If you’ve followed my website, you know that I moved from the US to live there and have experienced a lot of ups and downs from living in the UAE. I’ve published over 18 posts on this blog about my experience in Dubai as an American expat so far. But I’m guessing you’re reading this post because you’re looking for more detail about doing a residence visa for your family in Dubai. So let’s get started…

How To Process Residence Visa In Dubai

The United Arab Emirates is a very popular destination for those planning to obtain their residence visa. The country offers a favorable tax climate and its residents receive free education and free medical treatment, which they would otherwise have to pay for in many other countries. Currently, there are more than 35 countries from which you can obtain a residence visa.

The UAE residence visa is a mandatory requirement for expatriates intending to work in the UAE. This is the most common visa under which most expats have to apply before being granted a work permit. Simply, if you are working or planning to work in the UAE, you will have to obtain a visa first.

Want to relocate to Dubai? Maybe you have a lucrative job and don’t want to lose it. If you’re lucky enough to have a job in the UAE, or anywhere else in the Middle East, Visa regulations can feel like they were intentionally designed with the intention of getting in your way.

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