How To Make The Most Of Summer Vacation

No matter our ages, many of us want to get something out of the summer vacation experience. We want an easily memorable experience packed with fun, excitement, and lots of great memories. In this article, I’ll cover how to make the most of summer vacation.

The kids are out of school, your vacation time is here (or at least some people in your life have a 2-week break from work), and you have no idea what to do with all that free time. That’s not surprising, though. You haven’t had a real vacation in years and you don’t even know where to start! How can you make the most of summer vacation? Well, I’ll tell you, but first, let’s lay the groundwork for success.

Summer is nearly upon us which means long days and fun filled vacations. But just because there’s a vacation to be had doesn’t mean you have to waste your time doing nothing productive. This post will give you a list of things you can do to truly make the most of your summer vacation.

If you’re a student, you know what I mean by summer vacation. If you’re not, then that means it’s been so long since your graduation that you can barely remember what the experience was like. Easy, fun and memorable ways to improve your child′s reading and writing skills this summer.

Looking for some inspiration for how to make the most of your summer vacation? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve compiled a list of tips and resources for how to plan, enjoy, and take advantage of summer vacation.

The long summer break from university is finally here and you’re beginning to regret not making any plans. While your more organized friends have nailed down CV-boosting internships, and your adventurous friends have disappeared to the other side of the world, you’ve got nothing better planned than a few months spent on the sofa watching Netflix.

How To Make The Most Of Summer Vacation

This summer doesn’t have to go to waste though. Even if you’ve been astonishingly lazy and not lined up a work placement or amazing holiday, you can still make the most of your time off. Here are some productive ways to spend your summer.

Get literally any summer job

OK, that dream internship won’t happen anymore but any job is better than nothing. You might get lucky and find a temporary position connected to your areas of interest, but you’ll probably have more luck applying to local bars and shops. It may not seem glamorous, but you’ll pick up plenty of transferable skills and earn a bit of extra cash for when term starts up again.

Volunteer and help your local community

Can’t find a summer job? Look up local volunteering opportunities. Charity shops are always after an extra pair of hands, and there are bound to be plenty of community service projects you can get involved with. Not only will it look good on your CV, helping others will make you feel good too.

Start blogging or vlogging

Been meaning to start a blog or vlog for ages, but never got around to it? Now is your chance. Blogging sites like WordPress and YouTube are easy to set up, meaning you can get started straight away. You don’t even need a big topic to blog about, as it can be something that’s already part of your daily lifestyle. If you’re into food, post recipe ideas and show off your culinary creations. Been bitten by the fitness bug? Research healthy meal plans and daily exercise tips, and start documenting your fitness journey. Or, you could start a reviewing site and rate the latest films, books and art exhibitions.

Make a start on your reading lists

University terms fly by, and before you know it deadlines are looming. Use the summer break to make a head-start on your reading list. If you haven’t been sent one already, email your tutors and ask for some suggestions.

Start work on the inevitable dissertation

This may sound super depressing, but the earlier you start thinking about your dissertation or final project, the more successful it is likely to be.

Think about what aspects of your course you have enjoyed the most so far and start brainstorming some potential dissertation topics. Do some further reading on the subjects you are interested in and research the latest academic articles to spark some ideas.

Start planning for next summer

Haven’t been organized enough to fill your summer this year? Don’t make the same mistake again. Research companies you are interested in and start drafting cover letters ready for the next round of applications. Now is also a good time to have a think about further study. Do you think you might want to do another degree? If you want to apply for funding you need to get your application in early, so spend some time this summer researching courses and deciding where you might want to apply.

Or, just carry on with Plan A: stay on the sofa watching Netflix

Obviously, don’t do this all summer but it’s important you relax and make some time for yourself over the summer. Reconnect with old friends, spend time with family, and do things that make you happy.

Amy Durant writes graduate careers advice for Inspiring Interns, a graduate recruitment agency specialising in matching career starters with graduate jobs. For everything from marketing internships to graduate jobs Manchester, click here.

How to Make the Most of Your Summer Vacation (for Teens)

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1Learning New Skills

2Being Productive

3Having Fun with Friends and Family


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Article Summary

Co-authored by Desiree Panlilio

Last Updated: October 19, 2021 References

After a busy school year, there’s nothing wrong with sleeping late and watching TV or playing video games all day—at least for the first week or two of your summer vacation. If vegging out gets boring, it might be time to break out of your comfort zone. From taking on a project to discovering a new part of town, summer is the best time to have loads of fun and prepare yourself for the next school year or the world beyond the classroom.

Method1Learning New SkillsDownload Article

  1. 1Create a website to learn about web publishing. You can learn to create a website from scratch with HTML. Or, you can learn to create a website without computer language skills on a publishing platform like WordPress. Read free tutorials online or watch YouTube videos to learn the basics of setting up a website. Education websites like Udemy and Coursera also offer basic courses that teach you how to create a website.[1]
    • You can also launch a personal blog on a free blogging platform like WordPress, Tumblr or Blogger to share your writings, images and videos.
    • Once your website is up and running, consider publishing your photos, videos and original writings.
    • You can share links to your website on social media to build your personal brand, which looks great on college and job applications.
  2. 2Learn a language to make new friends. There are few things more fun than being able to speak another language. For maximum fun, choose a language you’ve always been interested in learning. Then find learning resources online. If enrolling in a course feels too formal for the summer, consider teaching yourself a new language. You can learn the basics of a language by downloading a language-learning app and completing all the lessons.[2]
    • You might watch music videos and movies in your new language to test your comprehension.
    • You can also look for opportunities to experience your new language in your community. For example, if you’re learning French, browse your local free newspaper to find French cultural activities in your area.
  3. 3Take a cooking course to learn culinary skills. Nothing surprises and delights a family more than a teenager who can cook. Contact community centers in your area to find out about cooking class offerings. During the summer, you may even find cooking courses specifically for teens.[3]
    • You can still learn to cook by yourself even if there aren’t any cooking classes available in your area. Simply browse your family cookbooks, choose a dish that sounds delicious, gather the ingredients and follow the directions.
    • You can also follow along with online cooking shows to pick up cooking skills.

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