How To Make Summer Vacation Fun

How to make Summer Vacation Fun? It’s a common question parents ask. Let’s be honest, it’s probably more for themselves than for their children. Summer vacation stretches out in front of them like a long, hot road trip without air conditioning. The kids are going to need something entertaining to pass the time.

Summer vacation can be a great way to take a break and decompress after the stress of school. However, summer vacation can also feel like an endless period of time that is spent away from school friends and teachers. If you are looking for ways to make your summer vacation also fun, then check out this list of ten awesome ideas. We all know that summer vacation is near and we’re getting excited. However, our children, who can hardly wait to get out of the dull smell of school and home, don’t really know what they’re in for. Whether you live by the beach, in the country, or in a small apartment in the city, there are ways to make your kids’ summer vacation fun.

Summer vacation is something that every kid looks forward to. After months of being trapped behind desks and in stuffy classrooms, children can’t wait to get out and go play in the sun. Most school districts follow the same summer schedule, which means for students the summer vacation schedule is fairly predictable. This means that parents know their kids are planning not only to be outside from morning till night but also from late May through late August with weekends off.

How To Make Summer Vacation Fun

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104 Things To Do During Summer Break

There are ALWAYS fun things to do during summer break.  Sometimes we just need little prompts or reminders to get those creative juices flowing. I think we get stuck in a rut and forget there’s fun to be had in literally every direction. So here’s a list you can pull from for ideas!

104 Summer Fun Idea List plus Free Printable
104 Summer Fun Idea List plus Free Printable

Things To Do During Summer Break – Over 100 Idea Starters

There are SO MANY more summer fun ideas than what is on this list, but hopefully this will start the brainstorming for you. You can also grab a free printable list that includes some of these ideas. There’s another idea for you, make up your own list and stick it on the fridge so it’s ready at a moment’s notice… boredom busters, here we come!


Floral Art Mini Planters by Jen Goode new

Make hand-drawn art mini clay pot planters

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You’ll find even more creative ideas if check out my list of 107 Ways to Inspire Creativity.

  1. Have a picnic
  2. Go for a walk
  3. Play iSpy
  4. Go on a scavenger hunt
  5. Hunt for bugs
  6. Build a fort
  7. Plant some flowers
  8. Paint a bird house
  9. Go on a bike ride
  10. Go swimming
  11. Make cookies
  12. Set up a lemonade stand
  13. Play a game of Chess
  14. Paint a picture
  15. Make a cake
  16. Invite a friend to come play
  17. Put on a puppet show
  18. Build a fairy garden
  19. Play dodge ball
  20. Learn a new song to sing
  21. Have a backwards walking race
  22. Go roller skating
  23. Make a fairy house
  24. Visit the zoo
  25. Watch a new movie
  26. Read a book
  27. Write a poem
  1. Make salt dough
  2. Take a treat to a neighbor
  3. Make sun catchers
  4. Dance
  5. Play football
  6. Play on a swing
  7. Whistle (or learn to whistle)
  8. Grow carrots in a bucket on the porch
  9. Play in the sprinkler
  10. Make a sign for your door
  11. Decorate your bike with ribbons
  12. Build a house for dolls
  13. Make a cardboard box car
  14. Jump rope
  15. Make chalk art on the driveway
  16. Make tree decorations
  17. Put handmade pinwheels in the yard
  18. Skip
  19. Climb a tree
  20. Play basketball
  21. Create and perform a skit
  22. Make a card for someone special
  23. Play with clay
  24. Blow bubbles
  25. Go bowling
  26. Roll down a hill
  27. Learn to play an instrument
  28. Make apple sauce
  29. Sew
  30. Build with LEGOs
  31. Make a new friend
  32. List 10 things to do to be kind and do them
  33. Write a short story
  34. Make postcards and send them
  35. Make jewelry out of buttons
  36. Build something with recycled material
  37. Have a 3-legged race
  38. Offer to help a neighbor with yard work
  39. Walk the dog
  40. Put on a fashion show
  41. Make pet rocks
  42. Go to the park
  43. Paint faces
  44. Make a scrapbook
  45. Write a letter
  46. Visit a museum
  47. Go fishing
  48. Play baseball
  49. Skip rocks across a pond
  50. Make milkshakes
  51. Fly a kite
  52. Play in the sand
  53. Try a new food
  54. Take a nap in a hammock
  55. Go camping
  56. Ride in a boat
  57. Decorate flip flops
  58. Tie dye a T-shirt (or make this tie tye tote bag)
  59. Host a car wash
  60. Play hopscotch
  61. Make home made ice cream
  62. Play frisbee
  63. Learn to french braid your hair
  64. Decorate your front door
  65. Make a paper mache bowl
  66. Pick berries at a berry farm
  67. Make a treasure map
  68. Go to an amusement park
  69. Build a popsicle stick bridge
  70. Make dinosaur eggs
  71. Play Simon Says
  72. Try a harmonica
  73. Go window shopping
  74. Look for sand crabs
  75. Make a crown with grass and flowers
  76. Follow a grasshopper
  77. Paint a self portrait

Now grab this free download and start having even more fun this summer!

Summer Fun Idea List

1 file(s) 4.05 MB


Copyright © Jen Goode, JGoode Designs. For Personal Use Only.
Contact for commercial use inquires.

What fun ideas can you come up with to do this summer?

If you’re looking for even more summer fun ideas

Grab a coloring page or make projects with a Cricut machine.

Here are some of my favorite crafts to try too

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