How To Get Work Permit In Norway From India

To work in Norway, one needs to either be a European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) national, or have a work permit. This page will provide step-to-step guide to help Indian nationals obtain their work permit in Norway.

As an employer, there are certain aspects of hiring employees from abroad including, statutory requirements like need to have corresponding work permit for Norway. Apart from this, there are also requirements that have to be adhered to by the employer and must provide benefits and security as per the norms of law as well. It is important for the employer, especially for those who are planning to hire backpackers from India to hire those backpackers who can take care of the business efficiently after getting employment in Norway.

People who wish to work in Norway, should be as always very careful while applying and all the legal formalities. Norway requires a person who is looking for a Job / Employment to obtain a Work Permit, which is a document issued by the local Norwegian authorities to allow the non-Norwegian citizen to work in Norway. If a person who is from outside the country wishes to reside and work in Norway, he/she must make sure that that person has all the documents required for any kind of regular application.

Norway has the best quality of life in the world, the most beautiful women and men, and is a melting pot of diverse cultures. It’s also a country where you can feel like just another big city-dwelling European on your first visit. If you think that Norway isn’t for you (I’m not judging), then image this: it’s for your parents, grandparents, and siblings. The World Cup is coming to Russia in 2018, which means that thousands of Indian expats are guaranteed to travel abroad during the summer months of June/July 2018. This means they can choose Norway as one of their destinations, as it’s one of the very few countries that would let them enter without a visa or work permit!

How To Get Work Permit In Norway From India

If you come to Norway as a tourist, you need a visa. In some cases, you must get a residence permit. In other cases, it is enough to have a visa in order to work in Norway. The visa that allows you to work in Norway depends on several factors, such as the purpose of your visit, the country that issued your passport, and whether or not you need an invitation.

To get a permament residence permit in Norway, you will require a job offer or employment. As stated on the website of the Directorate of Immigration, “Persons who wish to stay in Norway must in most cases have an offer of employment or other financial means.”

Working in Norway

Norway has topped the UN Human Development Index for a number of years, and is an attractive country to live and work in. Employees enjoy a high degree of gender equality and a good work–life balance.

The Norwegian business sector is technologically advanced and quick to adopt new technology. Norway has long been an innovative country, and has specialist expertise in areas such as oil and gas, energy, the maritime sector and seafood.

Norway is a safe, peaceful country with good welfare systems and a constructive, well-regulated employer–employee relationship. A flat organisational structure with a high degree of transparency and good opportunities for employee participation is typical of Norwegian workplaces. The workforce is highly qualified.

You can find useful tips and information about applying for jobs at In order to receive offers from potential employers and subscribe to job advertisements, you must have a residence permit in Norway.

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