How To Get Work Permit In Canada Without Lmia

Looking For How to get work permit in Canada without Lmia? You have come to the right place. Getting a Permanent Residence or PR Card Canada has always been challenging because of all the requirements one needs to fulfil. But with our complete and detailed work permit guide, we can make it easier for you.

In order to get a work permit in Canada you must fulfill some requirements. This is for employers, who would like to hire a foreign employee for their company, as well as this is for an immigrant person, who would like to come to Canada and work there. So, in this article I’m going to tell you about how to get Canadian work permit without LMIA.

The process of getting a work permit in Canada is not entirely straightforward, but we have outlined the steps here so you can apply for your permit with ease. Canada has always been an attractive place to live and work over the years. Majority of migrants head towards Toronto and Vancouver, which is understandable since they are cities where people can settle down perfectly. Though there are scores of young professionals who look towards Calgary each year while applying for the permit, it is not an easy task by any means.

How To Get Work Permit In Canada Without Lmia

Canada has become a hot destination for skilled workers. Many people from all over the world who have decided to make Canada their home, have decided to do so because of its friendly environment, high standard of living and peaceful social life. However, getting a work permit in Canada is not easy for everyone. In fact, some may find it difficult to justify the reason why they should be granted a permit in the first place.

You’re probably wondering why you should even get a work permit in Canada if you can get a job without one. The reality is that working without a permit is at your own risk. While there are many places around the world desperate to fill their skills gaps, they won’t do so illegally. A work permit gives you an edge; not only will it help protect you from being exploited by your employer, but it may also open up some opportunities for down the road with permanent residency.

Having a work permit is an essential part of living and working in Canada.However, many foreigners are still confused about their work permits and hence they should know more details about their working visas to prevent any issues with the law.

Canadian Work Permit Types

There are two types of work permit programs in Canada:

  • Temporary Foreign Worker Program: A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is required for a foreign national to obtain a work permit
  • International Mobility Program: An LMIA is not required for a foreign national to obtain a work permit

The purpose of the LMIA is for employers to demonstrate to the Canadian government that the hiring of a foreign worker will not have a negative impact on Canada’s existing workforce. The federal department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) wants to ensure that the hiring of foreign workers will not displace existing workers in Canada nor place downward pressures on their wages. Workers that need an LMIA fall under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).

Although the LMIA process is the rule, there are many different LMIA-exempt work permits, resulting from free trade agreements, such as the former North American Free Trade Agreement, now known as the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. These free trade agreements enable foreign workers to apply for a work permit without their employer having to obtain an LMIA. In addition to these employer sponsored work permits, there are a number of work permit options available to foreign workers who do not yet have a job offer, including working holidays, post-graduate work permits, and open spousal work permits. Workers who do not need an LMIA fall under the International Mobility Program (IMP).

These are among the common scenarios under which one can work in Canada:

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