How To Get Work Permit For New Zealand

It’s easy to get a work permit for New Zealand if you have skills and experience in shortage. To check your eligibility, visit the Skilled Migrant Zone website that gives details about job vacancies and the occupations to which they relate. In other cases, it’s possible to obtain a work permit on the basis of being trained to replace a migrant who has left or retired. Dream Job helps overseas students looking for work permit in New Zealand.

If you are born outside NZ and want to live in beautiful New Zealand country, you can get New Zealand Work Permit by applying in right ways. There are many foreign students looking to get unemployed and still live in the New Zealand. As a student who want to stay there longer, students need to get right information as fast as possible. This article will give you partial information about getting a permit for living in the country. The permit is issued by the country government through visa rules.

With the spike of immigration in recent years, attracts a lot of people who are interested in the prospects of migrating to New Zealand. The economy and job market have been steadily improving in NZ over time and chances are you’re wondering if it is possible to buy property or even get a work permit as an expat.

If you want to work in New Zealand and you want to do it legally, then you are going to have a lot of work cut out for you. We will discuss the options available to you if you need a work visa, and the challenges that come with each option.

How To Get Work Permit For New Zealand

New Zealand is a country that is often referred to as free and democratic. You’ll find it very different from others. New Zealand work visa requirements are not at all strict but you must have your nationality citizenship for being allowed to apply for the New Zealand Visa.

Who needs a visa

You can apply for a visa to work here temporarily if you:

  • have a job offer from a New Zealand employer
  • are coming for a specific work-related purpose or event
  • have a partner here, and you want to join them and work
  • are from a country that has a special work scheme, or
  • have been studying here and want work here.

Some work visas can also lead to residence — that is, the right to live, study and work here indefinitely. To apply you need to have skills, experience and qualifications that are needed for the New Zealand workforce.

Work visas that lead to residence

New Zealand residence

Note: If you’re an Australian citizen or permanent resident you can work, live and study in New Zealand — you’ll get a resident visa when you arrive in New Zealand.

Choosing the right visa

There are more than 80 visas that let you work in New Zealand. Before you apply, decide which visa is right for you.

Explore visa options to work

Application fees

Find out how much it costs to apply, where to send your application or your passport, and how long it will take to get your visa.

Fees, decision times and where to apply

Before you apply

You need to gather information about yourself and your plans for your time in New Zealand. What you need to provide depends on the visa you apply for. For all visas, you need to provide proof of your identity and good character. You may also need to provide information about your health.

Tools and information for meeting visa criteria

For many visas you need to find a job in New Zealand first.

Finding and applying for jobs

Job hunting

Note: Check the criteria for the visa you’re applying for. If you do not provide all the documents you’re asked for, your application takes longer to process.

Proving your identity and good character

You have to provide a photo, passport and other identity information.

Acceptable visa photos

Character and identity

Depending on the visa you’re applying for and how long you intend to stay in New Zealand, you have to provide police certificates from countries you’ve lived in for more than 5 years since you turned 17. These help to prove that you’re of good character.

When you need to provide a police certificate

How to obtain a police certificate

Getting medical certificates

Depending on how long you’re staying here and where you’re from, you may have to provide medical certificates or get a chest X-ray from a doctor approved by Immigration New Zealand (INZ).

Health information

Find a radiologist or doctor near you

Healthcare if you’re on a work visa

Translations of documents into English

If you have to provide police or medical certificates and they’re not in English, you need to provide certified translations. INZ can also ask you to provide translations of any other documents that are not in English.

English translations must be done by:

  • the translation service of New Zealand’s Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)
  • an embassy or high commission, or
  • a private or official translation business.

DIA’s translation service — citizenship and immigration

Translations cannot be done by:

  • you — that is, the person applying for the visa
  • a member of your family
  • an immigration adviser helping with your application.

How to apply

You can apply online for most work visas. There are a few visas that you need to fill in a printed application form for, including some country-specific work visas.

Work visa forms and guides

Applying online

For most work visas, you need to set up a New Zealand Government RealMe account before you start your application.

What is RealMe?

You do not need a RealMe account if you’re applying for:

  • a working holiday visa, or
  • a Silver Fern Job Search Visa.

Before you start your online application, have all your supporting documents ready to upload.

Apply for a visa

Getting a tax number

Once you have your visa, apply for an IRD number from Inland Revenue. You give this number to your employer when you start work and use it for all your New Zealand tax matters.

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