How To Get Spouse Visa In Dubai

How to get spouse visa in Dubai – If you want to come to Dubai as a businessman, you need a work visa. But if you want to come here with family, then you need a different visa – the spouse visa. If you are from the US, Canada, UK, Europe or Japan and have a spouse living in Dubai, then this is the most appropriate visa for you. The spouse Visa is intended for married people who hold foreign passport and whose wives or husbands are working in the UAE on different visas or are not working at all. This article will give you detailed information about getting spouse visa in Dubai.

The UAE is a great nation for living and working, but it can’t be denied that one of the greatest benefits of living in the United Arab Emirates is because it has attracted millions of expatriates from regions around the world. The Dubai in particular, is a popular destination for most expats and skilled professionals from neighboring countries and beyond. While many expats come to the city with their wives and families, a special visa known as “Spouse visa” or “Residence Visa for Family members or relatives” is available in Dubai so that people can bring their spouse and kids to live with them in Dubai.

Right here on Touriangle you can rest easy to obtain top-notch information on can wife work on husband visa in UAE, minimum salary to sponsor husband in UAE, Dubai dependent visa for wife requirements, and so much more. Be sure to visit our catalog for more information on related topics. You don’t want to miss this!

How To Get Spouse Visa In Dubai

This article provides detailed information about spouse visa in Dubai and covers all the requirements to get spouse visa in Dubai. The processing of spouse visa takes more 6 to 8 weeks.

If you are a resident of the UAE and want to bring your spouse to the country, one of the most common questions that pop up would be this: how do I get my spousal visa? In this article, we will try and explain this process in as simple terms as possible so that any reader can understand. The process is difficult but doable, so don’t give up.

The Spouse Visa is one of the easiest visa to obtain in UAE. However, due to the large amount of applications the visa is subject to processing times which can last for several months. It’s imparative that you apply early and allow plenty of time in order to avoid any problems with your application such as having your passport expire while you’re waiting for your visa.

The spouse visa is for the non-UAE national who wishes to visit, reside and work in the country. The UAE Immigration law and Federal Law No. (4) of 2012. Both states that any spouses of UAE nationals, who have married in accordance with all the legal formalities and procedures, can apply for a spouse visa to live in the UAE as sponsor free of charge.

UAE Family Visa Rules 2022

A considerable number of Indian working population in the UAE lives away from their family, leaving behind their husband or wife and children in India. Getting a residence visa for your spouse in the UAE is an easy and inexpensive procedure as long as you adhere to the country’s requirements. While some employers sponsor the residence visa for your spouse and children, you can also sponsor a residence visa for your wife or husband.

Here is a Guide on How to Get a Residence Visa for your Spouse in UAE

Now that you’ve decided to begin the process of getting a residence visa for your spouse, you need to understand the eligibility for a residence visa for your spouse in the UAE.

Husband Sponsoring Residence Visa For Wife:

Expatriate residents with a monthly salary of Dh4,000 or Dh3,000 plus accommodation are eligible to apply for a residence visa for their wife.

Wife Sponsoring Residence Visa For Husband:

In case the wife is sponsoring husband for a residence visa, she has to be employed as a teacher, doctor, engineer, nurse or in any medical sector role and her monthly salary should not be less than AED 10,000 or AED 8,000 plus accommodation (in Abu Dhabi). While in Dubai the minimum salary should not be less than AED 10,000 with special permission from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners (GDRFA).

Documents Required:

  • Online application or through a registered typing office in UAE.
  • Passports (both original and copies) of husband, wife and children.
  • Passport size photograph of spouse and children.
  • Salary certificate (for government employees) or attested work contract (for other employees).
  • Medical clearance certificate for the spouse and children above 18.
  • Legalized marriage certificate attested by the UAE authorities (either married in UAE or in India).
  • Attested tenancy contract.
  • Copy of spouse’s employment certificate or company contract.
  • Latest utility bill (electricity, water, etc.).

Dubai Dependent Visa For Wife Requirements

Process for Getting Residence Visa for your Spouse in The UAE:

An expatriate resident has 30 days to apply for a residence visa for their spouse after they enter the UAE through an entry permit. After your spouse enters the UAE, you need to apply for a spouse residence visa in the UAE. With all the required documents in place, below is the process of applying for a residence visa in the UAE.

  1. Ensure your spouse and children take and pass the medical fitness test to obtain a medical certificate from a government approved health center in the UAE.
  2. Go to any authorized typing centers with copies of above required documents and get a typed application form and pay the required fees.
  3. Submit the typed residence visa application for your spouse along with the entry permit, medical certificate and all the documents required for the residence visa at the GDRFA to get it approved.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Spouse Visa In Dubai

Validity and Renewal of Residence Visa:

The validity of the residence visa is generally two years, while renewal is subject to conditions similar to fresh residence visa. The sponsoring expatriate employee visa is linked to the residence visa of the spouse, and if sponsoring member’s visa is cancelled, then the visas of the dependents will be cancelled as well.

A grace period of 30 days is granted from the date of expiry or cancellation of their visa to get a new residence visa. If the sponsoring family member does not renew or cancel their spouse’s residence visa within the stipulated time, then the dependents would be deemed illegal residents with a possibility of a fine being imposed.

To conclude, make sure you have all the documents ready ahead of the process of getting a residence visa for your spouse, this will ensure a seamless experience.

Sponsoring your Spouse visa in Dubai you must have valid residency permit and also required minimum salary of AED 4,000 AED or3,000 plus accommodation, The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (GDRFA),can give you the complete guidelines on sponsoring your spouse in the Dubai,UAE.

How To Apply Wife Visa In Dubai


Before you apply for your spouse visa, you must meet the eligibility criteria for sponsoring your Spouse.

  • Male expatriates should have a minimum salary of AED 3000 to AED 4000 per month plus accommodation
  • Female expatriates need to have a minimum salary of AED 8000 or AED 10000 plus accommodation.
  • If the female expatriate is a teacher, doctor or engineer, she must have a minimum salary of AED 5000.
  • Everyone above the age of 18 must have passed the medical fitness test where they will also be tested for HIV and Tuberculosis.

Required Documents For Spouse Visa

  • A complete application form with attested copy (from free zone authorities if person works in free zone) of your salary certificate. This certificate must be in English / Arabic language.
  • A marriage certificate attested in home country and by MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • Passport copy & visa page of sponsor, passport copy of wife
  • Bank statement of last 3 months (with salary transaction)
  • Visa application form
  • Passport size pictures (minimum 1, the forehead and ears visible with white background, studio photo required)
  • Medical clearance certificate
  • The tenancy contract.

It takes a minimum of 2 weeks.

Cancellation of Spouse Visa Dubai

However, if you wish to cancel the spouse visa, that could only be done at an authorized typing centre or an immigration office. If you choose a typing centre for the cancellation, you would be given a cancellation copy printout only upon approval. Alternatively, you can contact us and we will take care of the entire cancellation process for you.

Generally, cancellation approval arrives within an hour. Although you will not receive a cancellation stamp on your visa. However, if you wish to get the cancellation stamp on your visa, there are only two ways.

Either you can go directly to the immigration office or bring your cancellation copy and the applicant’s original passport to get it done. The only document required is the original passport of the applicant, the original ID, and an e-vision form.

Dubai Spouse Visa Renewal

If the sponsor wishes to renew the spouse visa Dubai, there are some easy to follow steps put together by our expert visa team to understand the visa application process. To save you the hassle & stress, we will take care of all the paperwork and deliver your spouse visa to your home.

If you wish to renew your spouse visa, you need to provide the following details.

  • Valid passport copy & residence visa of the sponsor.
  • Tenancy contract
  • Marriage certificate
  • Old Emirates ID card
  • Bank statement (salary account)
  • Salary certificate of sponsor
  • Passport size photo from studio, white background

Additionally, there are certain charges that are associated with the renewal of spouse visa Dubai that must be paid so that your spouse could continue living in the UAE. In case your spouse overstays without the visa renewal, you will incur fines. The details of the fines are given below.

  • For the first six months (180 days), 25 dirhams per day are charged
  • For the second six months (180 days), the authorities charge 50 dirhams
  • Also, as the threshold of a year is crossed, the spouse or sponsor needs to pay 100 dirhams a day to keep the spouse visa Dubai valid.

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